
Mixed or average reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 9
  2. Negative: 1 out of 9
  1. Entertainment Weekly
    This round goes down like a cheap well drink. [18 Aug 2006, p.139]
  2. Vibe
    Eminem complements [Trice's] sinister outlook with equally gloomy production. [Aug 2006, p.140]
  3. Blender
    The anti-sentimentality gets a bit relentless over 18 songs. [Aug 2006, p.118]
  4. Spin
    Dreary production from hometown benefactor Eminem does little to liven things up. [Aug 2006, p.82]
  5. Only the faux-reggae of "Jamaican Girl" lets some much needed light in between the blinds.
  6. Ill-advised collaborations and uncharacteristic subject matter mar proceedings, particularly the record’s dragging second half.
  7. Second Round’s on Me just emphasizes everything that’s wrong with gangsta rap.
  8. The Second Round isn't much different from the first.
  9. Rolling Stone
    Second Round is wholly lacking in the playfulness that made his debut, Cheers, a varied delight. [21 Sep 2006, p.88]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 25 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 25
  2. Negative: 1 out of 25
  1. Mar 11, 2012
    I feel like obie didnt try. This album has a couple songs that stood out but the rest were terrible his new album "Bottoms Up" is coming outI feel like obie didnt try. This album has a couple songs that stood out but the rest were terrible his new album "Bottoms Up" is coming out soon and it need's to be better than this album or Obie is History Full Review »
  2. Dec 1, 2018
    In late 2005, Obie Trice was shot at and a bullet was lodged in his head. You'd think that this would worsen Obie's ability to rap due toIn late 2005, Obie Trice was shot at and a bullet was lodged in his head. You'd think that this would worsen Obie's ability to rap due to potential brain damage; and honestly, that statement isn't incorrect. While Cheers was a great album with a ton of energetic tracks, great production, great flows and rhymes, Second Round's on Me feels like a lot slower of an album, despite it's shorter overall length.

    The production on this album, mostly being handled by Eminem (the executive producer of the album), is definitely not as great as the previous album, but still includes some great beats on tracks like Cry Now, Jamaican Girl, Everywhere I Go, Snitch, and Obie Story. One large detriment to the production on this album is the fact that there's absolutely no Dr. Dre beats at all, which was a huge strength of Cheers.

    In terms of the actual songs themselves, the songs definitely have a lot less energy than Cheers. There are some energetic songs of course, such as There They Go, 24's, and Out Of State, but these tracks are few and far between. Some energetic or exciting beats get completely tarnished by Obie's flows on this album, and compared to the great flows in Cheers they come off as boring and slow. Tracks like Jamaican Girl and Cry Now could've easily been classic tracks had the beats fallen into Obie's hands on Cheers, but Obie's new flows completely ruin these beats and make the songs much harder to listen to.

    Obie's rhyme schemes seemed to have improved for the most part on this album, with multiple-syllable rhymes being seemingly more common on this album, though there are low spots for Obie's rhymes such as the first verse of Out Of State. However, the rhyme schemes don't really matter when the lyrics themselves aren't very great.

    For fans of Obie who love Obie's good storytelling ability from Cheers, you will be very disappointed in this album as there are very few examples of actual storytelling in this album. Tracks like Snitch and Obie Story still show Obie's storytelling ability to its fullest, but other than these tracks there's very minimal storytelling, which heavily impacts the appeal of Obie's Trice's music in the first place.

    In terms of lyrical content, this album is lacking. Cheers had tracks about celebrating the lives of dead friends, talking about his past, apologizing to people he hurt, and of course the tracks about being a good rapper, **** **** and shooting people. Second Round's on Me basically only has tracks about being a good rapper, **** **** and shooting people, with a few songs talking about his past and that's it. This makes the album feel very generic compared to Cheers, and while Cheers could easily pull off all the topics of Second Round's on Me, the latter album has those songs ruined by the flows.

    That's my review of Second Round's on Me; overall, this album is a far drop from Cheers, but not too bad. While a good amount of the album is boring and not worth listening to, most of the tracks are still good tracks and definitely deserve a listen. This album could've been a lot better if Obie refined his flows and added a ton more storytelling, but that's far too late and since Obie left Shady Records, there's a very small chance Obie can ever fix his career.

    Snitch, All Of My Life, Obie Story, Everywhere I Go, There They Go
    Ballad Of Obie Trice, Ghetto, Cry Now, Jamaican Girl, Wanna Know
    Full Review »
  3. RalphI.
    Jun 28, 2008
    Real street rap. No gimmicks.