
Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
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  1. Jan 27, 2016
    His most cohesive effort yet.
  2. Dec 22, 2015
    Check the great "Extradite" ("Man, I stay on point like icicles") for instant gratification or "Basketball Wives" for an abstract take on the Miguel-flavored bedroom number, then appreciate how this album goes 17 tracks deep and never runs out of inspiration or ideas.
  3. Dec 2, 2015
    There are a few moments in the middle of the record where more basic beats and themes—like “Lately” and “Basketball Wives”—deliver good when there could be great. But overall Gibbs has another great set on his hands, and he holds his own with some great guests, including solid turns by E-40 and Black Thought.
  4. Nov 26, 2015
    When he ends the album with “Cold Ass Nigga,” the most demonstrably aggressive verse on the album, you realize Shadow of a Doubt isn’t Gibbs flipping to go pop, but a man secure enough in the foundation he has laid to take a leap of faith.
  5. 70
    At the end of the day, Gibbs is too talented of a rapper to put out a lackluster album, so while Shadow of a Doubt might not go down as one of his classics, it features more than enough quotables and street-smart truisms to be worth a few spins.
  6. Nov 20, 2015
    Suffice to say, this new album’s darker, tougher production fits him like a snug pair of fingerprint-concealing gloves.
  7. Nov 20, 2015
    While the final result is less cohesive, and could benefit from trimming two or three songs, there’s no denying Gibbs’ versatility.
  8. Nov 19, 2015
    Every song here features cascades of syllables, careful integration of repetition, and narrative momentum.
  9. Nov 19, 2015
    While some may miss the soul and jazz chops of last year's collaborative Piñata, it's safe to say his solo risks have largely paid off.
  10. 80
    The resulting album is a total knockout.
  11. Nov 19, 2015
    Shadow of a Doubt is a wholly modern affair, featuring beats from Blair Norf and Jay Z’s go-to guy, Mike Dean, and on which Gibbs’s dextrous delivery is encased in minor-chord synths.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 59 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 54 out of 59
  2. Negative: 2 out of 59
  1. Nov 21, 2015
    freddie gibbs is the man, he holds his own ground, he does his own **** he kills the game, he might not get as many listeners on this asfreddie gibbs is the man, he holds his own ground, he does his own **** he kills the game, he might not get as many listeners on this as pinata (for obvious reasons) but the quality is STILL there, i wouldnt rate it a 10 though probs a bit above 8. (only gave it a 10 cos freddie is a fkn boss and deserves it still) Full Review »
  2. Nov 22, 2015
    This review contains spoilers, click full review link to view. Favourite Songs: Narcos, **** Up the Count, Rearview, Careless, Forever and a Day
    Least Favourite Songs: Basketball Wives, Lately, Packages
    After the 'Pronto' EP came out in February I became extremely excited for this album; by October I'd pretty much given up hope on hearing it before 2016 but thankfully he finished it and here it is. Although it's not as good as I'd hoped I still like a good portion of it. His flow, in my opinion, is perfect on every single song here- that's probably the reason I could never dislike a Freddie Gibbs project- and he portrays a pretty good image of growing up in the hood with his lyrics but I've heard most of it before so it's not really the main reason I return to the album. I'm not discrediting it but as a white middle class English male I find it completely unrelatable and that applies to a lot of hip hop releases, I'm only mentioning it here because I've seen more of an emphasise put on it by critics. **** Up the Count' has a great beat based off, I think, Nine Inch Nails' 'Right Where It Belongs' ending piano notes which makes me love it even more because NINE INCH NAILS and 'With Teeth' is one of my favourite albums of the 21st century so any samples of it are gonna be appealing to me. Anyway back to the song I should be talking about **** Up the Count', it made me kind of worried when it was released as the first single because there was a bit of auto-tune at the end and I didn't know if the rest of the album would be heavily auto tuned but there was really only 2 bits on the album from what I can remember. One was the hook on 'Mexico' and that was actually a pretty good hook (future level) and the other was on 'Packages' which I didn't like so much because the guy on it just sounded like a bad future rip-off. The album is not as good in terms of production as 'Piñata' because it's not done by Madlib the legendary hip hop producer but a lot of the trap beats from the first half of the album really got me pumped.
    Better Than Previous Project?: No
    Try This If You Like: 90059 by Jay Rock
    Full Review »
  3. Jun 3, 2016
    Freddie Gibbs gives us a dark record with Shadow of a Doubt, illustrating the rough pursuit of glory in the streets. As usual, Gibbs deliversFreddie Gibbs gives us a dark record with Shadow of a Doubt, illustrating the rough pursuit of glory in the streets. As usual, Gibbs delivers with hard-hitting and fast paced lyrics. Rapping about drugs and bloodshed, he makes it clear that his ambition is unbreakable. His lyricism doesn't disappoint, but my main issue with the album is the production. Shadow of a Doubt has many producers, which takes away from the cohesiveness of the project. It's less cohesive and organized than Pinata, but the varying production doesn't take too much away from this record since the production is still mostly great. Overall I enjoyed this album. Gangsta Gibbs has always been consistent Full Review »