• Record Label: Lookout
  • Release Date: Oct 19, 2004

Generally favorable reviews - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 24
  2. Negative: 0 out of 24
  1. If Shake the Sheets lacks the subtle, nuanced excursions of its predecessor, it's redeemed by an urgent, unrelenting focus.
  2. Using only guitars and drums, the Pharmacists whip up a powerful mix of wild abandon and subtlety that is a perfect backing for Leo's vocal dexterity and clanging guitar heroics.
  3. It's the first truly inessential album he's made.
  4. Blender
    Much of [Sheets] sounds like a pop-punk update on Springsteen. [Nov 2004, p.137]
  5. Easily Leo's best album since The Tyranny of Distance.
  6. Leo exploits rock dynamics with the timing of a veteran stand-up comic. He bounces vocals across half-riffs, drops the drums in and out, and invariably holds back a little for the big finish.
  7. Leo manages to weave his messages into some of the tightest, most energetic rock you're likely to hear this year.
  8. The most Chisel-sounding record he's released as a solo artist, returning to stripped-down arrangements and, on "The Angel's Share" and "Little Dawn", his fascination with repetition.
  9. 100
    A strong contender for album of the year, Shaking the Sheets is a masterpiece of fucked-up mod pop: political but not preachy, insistent yet never twitchy, respectful but never blatant.
  10. Leo proves himself emotionally enervating throughout, so it’s really a shame that Shake the Sheets isn’t half so sonically invigorating.
  11. Entertainment Weekly
    Practically every song is a near-perfect amalgam of straight-up melodies and pogoing beats. [5 Nov 2004, p.80]
  12. Filter
    Has everything we've come to expect from Leo: it's clever, earnest, wry and literate, all delivered with his trademark falsetto flourishes. [#13, p.100]
  13. Crackles with sparkling guitar work and [is] simply a great, fun, rock n' roll album.
  14. The songs on his latest, often about political ambivalence and soul-searching alienation, are still catchy as V.D. But they lack the fiery complexity of past efforts.
  15. Alternative Press
    Arguably the best record of Leo's career. [Feb 2005, p.84]
  16. Under The Radar
    Leo has proven himself a songwriter of intricacy and experiment, but what he's created with Shake the Sheets are not just songs. They are mantras. [#8, p.110]
  17. An album that sounds vital and immediate.
  18. Leo’s vision has crystallized. The songs are shorter and tighter than anything he’s seared onto tape, and his complex melodic phrasing arrives pitch perfect.
  19. New Musical Express (NME)
    Firecracker mod-punk and allegorical political cut-and-thrust. [5 Mar 2005, p.51]
  20. Leo's singing (showing a few traces of a soul side) has never been more confident or convincing.

Awards & Rankings

User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 19 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 19
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 19
  3. Negative: 2 out of 19
  1. MichaelS
    Oct 14, 2006
    9.6 I cannot wait for his next one.
  2. Kingofthecosmos
    Nov 27, 2005
    Great stuff. He is a lyrical guy with a cause. I saw him in concert and i was blown by the energy he puts in his work. great guitar player Great stuff. He is a lyrical guy with a cause. I saw him in concert and i was blown by the energy he puts in his work. great guitar player and great lyricist/singer....i have to get his older stuff now! Full Review »
  3. LelandR
    Oct 12, 2005
    Great album, some amazing stuff on here