
Generally favorable reviews - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 26
  2. Negative: 1 out of 26
  1. Occasionally veering into rakish skiffle in an annoying hat, it’s not quite the righteous sword-slash of vindication prayed for by fans; still, it’s a relief to see Doherty’s muse in surprisingly rude health.
  2. There are a few instances where the songs manage to make the listener forget about the court appearances and remember Doherty's uniquely skewered way around a guitar line and lyric.
  3. Sadly, there’s little to add to that post-Bracket mixtape here; aside from the single and 'UnBiloTitled'--a track that first appeared on internet forums years ago. Sedated by Street's production, the band lose the wild, rubbish quality that Mick Jones' incompetence presented them with just as they're learning how to write focused songs.
  4. Mojo
    In the end you're left with a creeping sense of missed chances, made more painful by the fact the Babyshambles have so obviously raised their game. [Oct 2007, p.88]
  5. Shotter's Nation has no stand-out moments. Delivery is about the best of the bunch, but it's no rival to anything The Libertines ever did.
  6. Nation is saved from being a total failure at its close, with 'Deft Left Hand.'
  7. Q Magazine
    One shouldn't underestimate the achievements of this sturdy, confident record. [Nov 2007, p.131]
  8. On Shotter's Nation, the Brit-punk rogue sounds light-hearted, strumming through an assortment of Clash-and-Kinks-style hooks.
  9. Spin
    Shotter's Nation is still clotted with half-realized melodies and gutter-poet grime. [Nov 2007, p.117]
  10. Doherty is no mad genius--he's just mad, and it shows in Nation's slipshod execution and undernourished songcraft.
  11. While Street may have tidied up the sound, there's no disguising the other shortcomings. Almost half of Shotter's Nation is deeply ordinary indie rock, its highlights padded out with spark-free songs ('You Talk,' 'Side of the Road') and irritatingly half-formed ideas.
  12. Under The Radar
    Doherty's presence, which is monumental, overpowers the rest of Babyshambles: Drew McConnell, Mick Whitnall, and Adam Ficek. [Fall 2007, p.72]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 42 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 36 out of 42
  2. Negative: 2 out of 42
  1. jyotirmayaD
    Feb 19, 2008
    I like this CD...esp. with all the hype around Pete Doherty and his endless antics with drugs, models and what not... He has a lot to say, I like this CD...esp. with all the hype around Pete Doherty and his endless antics with drugs, models and what not... He has a lot to say, even though it isn't the best of what is good in life. Anyway, I don't understand all the "10s" he's getting here from the fans, but I respect there opinions. I reserve my 10s for uncompromising genius and entertainment: "Nirvana" anybody? Full Review »
  2. AlejandroI.
    Oct 23, 2007
    Pete is a fucking genius.
  3. Oct 21, 2011
    A much more coherent follow up than their debut Down in Albion. Unfortunately the songs here are the tamest and blandest Doherty has written.A much more coherent follow up than their debut Down in Albion. Unfortunately the songs here are the tamest and blandest Doherty has written. Stephen Street deserves credit on production duties. He's gotten the most out of a collection of very average songs. It's a pity he wasn't around for their debut when the songs had much more potential but ultimately butchered in studio. Where this sounds like a band actually concentrating, the material is week and it's hard to get away from that fact. Delivery is a highlight but apart from that not much worth writing about on it. If your a big Libertines fan you'll enjoy aspects of it but overall it lacks bite. Full Review »