
Generally favorable reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 19
  2. Negative: 1 out of 19
  1. Smoke never sounds dated or rehashed--instead, it's a fresh, consistently creative, and consistently listenable debut.
  2. As with most other first releases, though, it's a a bit inconsistent in places, but all in all, Smoke is a fun and sometimes great debut from a young artist.
  3. Alternative Press
    Smoke is a pleasant pastiche of David Bowie's "Berlin" period--with a lab-coated synth freakout at disc's end for all those Morton Subotnick fans out there. [Dec 2007, p.188]
  4. There’s wit and meticulous posturing in the hills: we’ll be waiting right here for tomorrow. After all, there are enough immediately delectable grooves in his eleven tracks today.
  5. Smoke pulls off the neat trick of seeming weightless and disassociated but never slight, playful, yet neither inconsequential nor silly.
  6. Williams finds himself on the respected electronic label Tigerbeat6, raising expectations even higher. He more than meets them, navigating ably through sugary tracks tempered with a dark streak.
  7. Williams' ostensible depthlessness, like that of his forebears, is itself only a façade, and Smoke offers plenty to discover across repeated listens--particularly the way in which he tweaks his own voice, melting and reshaping it like the models' Technicolor "tears" on the album cover.
  8. The world probably doesn't need a new Beck, but Smoke proves there's one floating around, just in case.
  9. On Smoke, his blog-buzzed debut, he offers a tuneful, mellow bedroom pastiche of trebly early-’80s punk funk, spirited, rhythm-rich worldbeat, and post-Beck white-guy R&B.
  10. Under The Radar
    Smoke is his first off-center classic. [Fall 2007, p.77]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 4 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 4
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 4
  3. Negative: 1 out of 4
  1. JoeH.
    Dec 11, 2007
    A fascinating, captivating record. Highlights are New Violence, Headlines, and The Shadow. The track Lice in the Rainbow is totally A fascinating, captivating record. Highlights are New Violence, Headlines, and The Shadow. The track Lice in the Rainbow is totally unnecessary, though. Full Review »