
Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
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  1. Sep 21, 2018
    The songs are definitely there, Phillipps' wonderfully light vocals are as strong as ever, and the sound is a perfect example of how to make a record that sounds as big as a stadium while still being driven by real emotion.
  2. 80
    For a de facto second bite of the comeback cherry, Snow Bound has plenty to warrant continued active-veteran status for The Chills.
  3. Mojo
    Sep 21, 2018
    Always a unique voice, Phillipps is as refreshingly conciliatory as he is arrow straight. It may be nothing particularly new, but it's the way he tells 'em. [Oct 2018, p.90]
  4. Sep 24, 2018
    Snow Bound is the Dunedin native’s most winning album since 1990’s Submarine Bells--brash, tensile, and enormously confident.
  5. Oct 25, 2018
    Snow Bound musically captures the band's depth and versatility while demonstrating their creativity and willingness to embrace new directions. Snow Bound impeccably captures the pathways leading to emotional growth and awareness. The optimism suits the Chills and makes for an invigorating album.
  6. Dec 21, 2018
    None of his problems has robbed Phillipps of his facility, and Snow Bound drips with his trademarks: the melancholy lyrics paired with joyous melodies; the surging, oddly maritime cast of the music; the interaction of guitar and organ; the open-heartedness of it all (even at his most cynical, the tone of Phillipps’ voice and the major-chord bounce of the music makes him sound in love with the world).
  7. The Wire
    Sep 21, 2018
    Snow Bound adheres to the template he has been carefully fine tuning over the years, a series of thoughtful, occasionally joyful, barbed pop rockers with masked sociopolitical references attached, all artfully designed to hook themselves into your memory and hold fast. [Oct 2018, p.64]
  8. Jan 17, 2019
    It's an inconsistent album, with some songs slipping by in a swirl of sameness but there is enough here from a heartfelt and unique creative mind to keep interested in the band at a renewed and deserved high.

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