
Generally favorable reviews - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 23
  2. Negative: 0 out of 23
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  1. Aug 10, 2016
    Summer 08 is good work from Mount, and an album with its fair share of corking tracks.
  2. Jul 28, 2016
    This is Metronomy's first album since their debut recorded solely by Mount. It might also be their best.
  3. Jul 11, 2016
    The instrumental Summer Jam also seems a bit throwaway, and being the closing track also ensures that the album ends on a bit of a damp squib rather than a flourish. Overall though, there is more than enough on Summer 08 to reconfirm Metronomy’s position as one of this country’s wittiest, most original and purely enjoyable pop acts.
  4. Jul 11, 2016
    In anyone else’s hands, Summer 08 might seem strange and cold. But from Mount, as ornery as it is, it feels like a gesture of trust.
  5. Jul 8, 2016
    Turning moments into music is the next best thing, and something that Mount excelled at in the years after Nights Out as he became a more eclectic, emotive artist. Summer 08's exuberance and sophistication are a testament to those skills, as well as to music's power to define and evoke a period in time--and one of Metronomy's most enjoyable albums yet.
  6. 80
    He knows how to fill a dance floor. But his music comes with the sharp awareness of how it feels to stand, alienated and feigning aloofness, on the sidelines.
  7. Jul 5, 2016
    Mount remains an exceptional musical craftsman, who continues to shift and change and toy with his formula, which is proven to result in fun listens like Summer 08.
  8. Jul 5, 2016
    Summer 08 is the banger-filled record Mount has always wanted to make, for fun, and we’re very much glad that he did.
  9. 80
    Summer Jam is as aimless as the name suggests--but overall this is almost a match for 2011’s wonderful English Riviera.
  10. Jul 1, 2016
    Even at its moodiest, this is a deliriously inventive and often whimsical dance record.
  11. Jun 30, 2016
    Nodding strongly towards everything from Hall & Oates, to Justice, and Patrice Rushen, and flaunting all of Mount’s influences without a hint of irony, Summer ‘08’ is from start to finish, a back to basics, pure-pop odyssey.
  12. Jun 29, 2016
    Summer 08 may not have been designed to build on the success of Love Letters and The English Riviera, but it still very well may; it's every bit as resourceful, offbeat and pleasing as anything Mount has done to date.
  13. Jun 29, 2016
    The two sides of the group, both new and old, combine gloriously in Summer, creating a pure pop climax some of the supposed greats of the genre would be proud of.
  14. 80
    Downsides? There really aren’t any. Mount has done it again. He could write music about the impact of Brexit on the UK’s trade with China and make it sound amazing.
  15. Uncut
    Jun 28, 2016
    Although a few tracks lack bite, Mount keeps the senses stimulated with diversity and detail. [Aug 2016, p.78]
  16. 75
    While it might lack the chaotic charm of Nights Out, or the lush, well-rounded sound of The English Riviera, it makes up for that by simply being fun.
  17. Jun 28, 2016
    Lyrics are as simple and as witty as ever, focusing around sexual desire, jealousy and life in the pre-hipster East End in 2008.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 28 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 28
  2. Negative: 1 out of 28
  1. Dec 29, 2016
    While a few of the tracks are definitely worth listening to, Summer 08 is what happens when you give an architect their old tools back, onlyWhile a few of the tracks are definitely worth listening to, Summer 08 is what happens when you give an architect their old tools back, only to find out they've forgotten how to use them. The nostalgic sounds of Metronomy from days past are there, but feel almost forced together to make songs that feel soulless and are straight up unpleasant. Full Review »
  2. Aug 19, 2016
    Summer 08 is somewhat of a sharp turn conceptually for Joseph Mount, the mastermind behind London-based act Metronomy. Originally started as aSummer 08 is somewhat of a sharp turn conceptually for Joseph Mount, the mastermind behind London-based act Metronomy. Originally started as a one-man bedroom project, Metronomy had gradually transitioned to being a live band, with matching clothes and band members appearing in music videos. However, eight years of touring since the release of 2008’s Nights Out have taken their toll on Mount; having recently become father, he decided to sidestep this career for a period of time. Instead, he locked himself up in a studio near Paris and recorded an entire album alone. An obsessively self-referential album, Summer 08 not only serves as a goodie to Metronomy’s fans during his live hiatus, but also seems to have brought out a pronounced sentiment of nostalgia in his work.

    Revolving around his last summer of ferocious nights of partying and cultivating short-lived flings and romances, Summer 08 is a transitional record in that it not only hangs in an awkward spot in the career of Metronomy, but also revisits tropes and motifs that were previously elaborated on in Mount’s past work, notably afromentioned Nights Out and 2011’s The English Riviera: Tracks like “Mick Slow” and “Summer Jam” feature Mount’s brassyy warbling synthesizers. Elsewhere, the bobbling bass lines that made The English Riviera so unbelievably groovy resurface on the more upbeat cuts from this album. The parallels go down to very specific production decisions, as in “My House”, where a funky chorus bass directly references a very similar line from “She Wants”. As skillfully as Mount employs his vast repertoire of trademark sounds, it is bound to attract unfavourable comparisons from long-time fans, who will rightfully claim that Metronomy, at this point, are stagnating sonically and creatively.

    In a way, Summer 08 explores two distinct sentiments that coincide with different phases in Mount’s life. One part of the album indulges in a blithe goofiness, as in opener “Back Together”, where Mount – perhaps jokingly – duets with himself in a dialogue about scheduling a date with a new-found love interest. He manages to impersonate quite a bit of variety in tones, both lyrically and in terms of singing: weepiness (“Miami Logic”), mockery (“I’ve got silver and signet ring / From night climbing and fine dining” , “Old Skool”), infatuation (”The way you taunt me / Must be wet softly” , ”16 Beat”). However, around centerpiece “Hang Me out to Dry”, a duet with Swedish singer Robyn, the album takes a turn and the atmosphere shifts noticeably, introducing a much more bitter-sweet and introspective note. Robyn and Mount shed light on the more mundane and unpleasant aspects of adolescent love – “Monday night, running late, getting you from your parents' place / In and out, to the show, trying to fix the radio”. When Mount sings “I remember first night out, let the dance now / Flower shaking in my hands now / Trying to give you something more than / The other ones who came before me” , the feelings of juvenile self-doubt he evokes not only contrast with the careless banter in the earlier tracks; for the first time, the sincerity in his voice seems genuine.
    Full Review »
  3. Aug 14, 2016
    Summer 08 feels like Metronomy's most darkly complete, and complex album. The simplistic 80s sound and coy lyricism allow for more fascinationSummer 08 feels like Metronomy's most darkly complete, and complex album. The simplistic 80s sound and coy lyricism allow for more fascination to shine through as the music takes you to dim, melancholic atmospheres. It's their most well intentioned and convincing album yet. Full Review »