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Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews What's this?

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  • Summary: This is the debut full-length release for the Toronto-based trio of Craig Fahner, Jesse Locke, and Matt Learoyd.
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  • Record Label: Bobo Integral
  • Genre(s): Pop/Rock, Alternative/Indie Rock, Indie Pop, Noise Pop, Punk Revival
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 4
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 4
  3. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Sep 15, 2021
    Surrounded is so overflowing with life that it demands repeated spins to truly take it all in. With songs this strong, however, repeat listening is hardly a problem.
  2. Sep 15, 2021
    instead of songs about past lovers and immaturity, Motorists are using philosophical ideas as fuel for their jangly indie rock.
  3. Sep 15, 2021
    Overall, it seems that Motorists are the most compelling when infusing elements of krautrock and motorik into their work.
  4. 70
    Dissonances and a more careful mixing of the vocals would definitely help propel the band higher up, but what we have right now is a mature trio which you would definitely appreciate beer-in-hand while carefully tapping your foot on a sticky floor.