
Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Tambourine is a remarkably mature, confident, and commanding release that defines then rides its groove with no low points.
  2. Tambourine may not quite live up to the Dusty in Memphis comparisons, but it may very well wind up the album of Tift Merritt's career.
  3. Finds her pushing her already considerable talents to new heights.
  4. Entertainment Weekly
    Merritt's voice is a magical combination of cool reserve and effortless warmth. [20/27 Aug 2004, p.123]
  5. Mojo
    This [album] finds her with a steelier determination in her country soul and an inclination to rock out that she's only previously hinted at. [Nov 2004, p.116]
  6. Merritt has a long way to go before she runs the risk of being mistaken for A-league stars like Emmylou Harris and Dusty Springfield. But that we can speculate about her one day achieving that status is itself a tremendous compliment.
  7. Merritt is all over the place on this album, but the songs cohere into a single artistic statement marked by consistent craftsmanship and passionate performance.
  8. Rolling Stone
    There's not a dud among the dozen tracks. [16 Sep 2004, p.81]
  9. Spin
    She can sound brand-new and busted-down in the same verse, and she sings like a guitar player. [Oct 2004, p.120]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 8 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 8
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 8
  3. Negative: 1 out of 8
  1. Bob
    Mar 8, 2005
    After reading top reviews in USA Today and Time, thought I woud check what all the praise was about. What a wonderful voice and vocal After reading top reviews in USA Today and Time, thought I woud check what all the praise was about. What a wonderful voice and vocal selections. No surprise that she was up for album of the year and would have been deserving of the award. Full Review »
  2. AndyS
    Feb 21, 2005
    As good as this album is, it doesn't capture how good she is live. An outstanding voice, Tift shows her breadth on this one. Buy it and As good as this album is, it doesn't capture how good she is live. An outstanding voice, Tift shows her breadth on this one. Buy it and you'll be telling your friends about her too. Full Review »
  3. ChrisK
    Feb 7, 2005
    I love the way she puts her all into the songs. I never heard of her until they played her video (good hearted man) on CMT I love that song I love the way she puts her all into the songs. I never heard of her until they played her video (good hearted man) on CMT I love that song so much that i have my cd on repeat all the time, i thought she was country and checked with rcord shops to stores and they couldn't even find her, so i looked up her bio on CMT and found out that she's not country, but i say her songs are in every catagory, i did find her in the R&B section of walmart, her sight is not compatible with webtv so i searched and found this sight, i'll have to get her other albums, have heard them yet. Full Review »