
Universal acclaim - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 18
  2. Negative: 0 out of 18
  1. The result is a bit jarring, but there's a fervent originality at work here, despite all of the referencing of the halcyon past.
  2. Alternative Press
    The Coral blow through genres like Top 40 radio does flavors of the week. [Apr 2003, p.74]
  3. There are hints of everyone from Pink Floyd to the Animals here, but somehow the Coral feels remarkably now.
  4. A more disparate and yet strangely coherent collection of moods and styles you will not hear this year outside a supremely eclectic compilation.
  5. Entertainment Weekly
    A record that's as hard to ignore as it is to pin down. [14 Mar 2003, p.66]
  6. Mojo
    Fantastic! [Aug 2002, p.112]
  7. The funniest, most refreshing British debut in years.
  8. There's definitely a lot to like throughout this disc; the band has boatloads of talent, and the eclectic spread gels much better than you'd expect.
  9. Might be one of the most original albums you'll ever hear.
  10. Q Magazine
    It's clever, zesty and kaleidoscopic and sometimes... quite brilliant. [Aug 2002, p.121]
  11. Spin
    Rich in minor-key melancholia, twangy reverb, and retro keyboards. [Apr 2003, p.108]
  12. Part Banana Splits, part The Wicker Man, part genius, The Coral may just have produced the most intriguing, tuneful, humorous and enjoyable debut album of the year, and then some.
  13. Had the band not approached it with such skill and obvious joy, it might run the risk of sounding indulgent, but The Coral sounds happy to let its old 45s melt together in a glorious puddle.
  14. Jaunty, rambunctious, and youthful.
  15. Uncut
    An eclectic, often crazed debut album.... They have all the hallmarks of an excellent, innovative band that won't be undone by their own hype. [Sep 2002, p.105]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 29 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 29
  2. Negative: 2 out of 29
  1. Apr 10, 2013
    The album is lots of fun, among the best British debuts of the decade. The occasional beefheart guitar work is nice. Nothing to inventive, butThe album is lots of fun, among the best British debuts of the decade. The occasional beefheart guitar work is nice. Nothing to inventive, but its ambitious for a debut, especially considering the average age of the band when they made this. Full Review »
  2. SteveH
    Feb 20, 2008
    A great album that gets even better with repeat listening
  3. SophieM
    Oct 18, 2007
    I like it a lot.