User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 162 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 90 out of 162
  2. Negative: 41 out of 162

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  1. Dec 14, 2016
    Clunky and overproduced. Fergie sounds out of tune on most tracks (the abysmal 'Meet Me Half Way'), and yet autotune is overused on most tracks?
    'Boom Boom Pow' and 'Rock That Body' are two storming tracks and just about save the album from being a total disaster.
  2. Nov 19, 2012
    Nothing inspiring, nothing is new. Nothing from the lyrics they spew. The BEP has ruined yesterday, but here I'm afraid that they will stay. With insidious loops and horrible catches, soon the world they had in their snatches. But with the whole mix of this terrible thing, I'm afraid that it's production that gives them the sling. With repeating chords and even worse verses, one cannotNothing inspiring, nothing is new. Nothing from the lyrics they spew. The BEP has ruined yesterday, but here I'm afraid that they will stay. With insidious loops and horrible catches, soon the world they had in their snatches. But with the whole mix of this terrible thing, I'm afraid that it's production that gives them the sling. With repeating chords and even worse verses, one cannot wonder why they bring such curses. Don't be a fool, for this is THE E.N.D. You won't want to see this album ever again. Expand
  3. Aug 5, 2011
    An album that prooves "moving with the times" can be taken to the extreme, not by changing your sound or genre but by suddenly loosing all manor of talent. Bad rapping, bad lyrics and bad auto tuning do not make for a good purchase. Save your money and just buy 'Rock Your Body' and 'Boom Boom Pow', the best of a simply awful collection.
  4. Jun 26, 2011
    All the critics who gave this album a good score were paid by Interscope. Professional reviewers provide scores based on how much the label is paying them. The actual quality of the music does not matter. The Black Eyed Peas are a good example of this. They are a manufactured pop band chosen by the RIAA to succeed. The only reason they are success is because of the massive amount ofAll the critics who gave this album a good score were paid by Interscope. Professional reviewers provide scores based on how much the label is paying them. The actual quality of the music does not matter. The Black Eyed Peas are a good example of this. They are a manufactured pop band chosen by the RIAA to succeed. The only reason they are success is because of the massive amount of brainwashing done by their label and MTV. The E.N.D. is their worst album yet. It's just collection of mainstream music's "hottest" trends(like autotune, and dancy techno beats) in one album. Expand
  5. Mar 4, 2011
    POSITIVE - Not many to choose from. If anything i don't have any positive overall comments, just 2 songs that i believe save the album from a 0. 'Rock That Body' and 'Boom Boom Pow', not fantastic songs, but better than the rest.
    NEGATIVE - The lyrics - lets begin with those. Without selecting certain tracks (I Gotta Feeling *cough* *cough*) i feel they thought ''lets just write lyrics
    POSITIVE - Not many to choose from. If anything i don't have any positive overall comments, just 2 songs that i believe save the album from a 0. 'Rock That Body' and 'Boom Boom Pow', not fantastic songs, but better than the rest.
    NEGATIVE - The lyrics - lets begin with those. Without selecting certain tracks (I Gotta Feeling *cough* *cough*) i feel they thought ''lets just write lyrics that even the slowest of people will remember'', i mean honestly it's like rap for children, to me they have lost all respect within the hip hop genre and have converted totally to pop, and not in a good way. Another problem i have with this album is the vocals, i know people complain about auto-tuning, but sometimes it's an essential. Fergie has a good voice, there is no question about that, so why did they decide not to use it ? And lastly - who let them get their hands on whatever god awful equipment they decided to use to mix ? It's like they went insane, like a day out to try out new sounds.
    OVERALL - An overstep. Trying to hard. All went wrong. The Energy Never Dies ? Yes it does, or did...a long time ago.
  6. ixatS
    Oct 11, 2009
    You know, I'm a live and let live kind of guy, and I would happily ignore the BEP as they stormed the charts and gave 11-year-olds orgasms across the globe, but the radio is always on at my workplace. I have therefore had to hear their songs MANY MANY TIMES. And just like Nickelback, what seems merely mediocre on first listen, on the 50th starts seeming VERY VERY BAD. Aggressively You know, I'm a live and let live kind of guy, and I would happily ignore the BEP as they stormed the charts and gave 11-year-olds orgasms across the globe, but the radio is always on at my workplace. I have therefore had to hear their songs MANY MANY TIMES. And just like Nickelback, what seems merely mediocre on first listen, on the 50th starts seeming VERY VERY BAD. Aggressively bad. Deliberately stupid. Stultifying by design. Listen, I don't care how funky your beats are, but I am incapable of enjoying a song that contains the lyrics "tonight's gonna be a good good night" repeated 24 times! (This is true.) And not when they're delivered by an auto-tuned, genderless pop mannequin! Do all you fans mean to tell me that you can actually detect a smidgen of real joy or excitement in this delivery? Any inspiration whatsoever in the production? Listen, if you like cute pop music, then get the latest Royksopp album, and stop poisoning yourselves with this shit! Expand
  7. DZ
    Sep 12, 2009
    Boom Boom Pow steals its lyrics from the Flight of the Conchords' song (she's so hot) Boom, which was making fun of this kind of crap.
  8. MichaelK.
    Aug 7, 2009
    This album can hardly be described as music.
  9. Alan
    Jul 24, 2009
    I hate this band so much. I hate them. That said, the two singles are catchy as hell.
  10. Will-I-Wasdisappointed
    Jul 22, 2009
    I have just bought the END and I think that it does not stand for "Energy Never Dies" ,but instead just the simple and plain end of a group that was delivering music extasy. Its like waiking up one day to find out that your favorite dish was transformed into something you would have never liked in the first place. For the first time in my life I REGRET that i did not downloaded this album I have just bought the END and I think that it does not stand for "Energy Never Dies" ,but instead just the simple and plain end of a group that was delivering music extasy. Its like waiking up one day to find out that your favorite dish was transformed into something you would have never liked in the first place. For the first time in my life I REGRET that i did not downloaded this album (illegally) so I can erase it as easily as I got it. The END ended in my trash can, I should have donated the money. Expand
  11. Milesh
    Jul 5, 2009
    The only reason it gets a 1 is because of Boom Boom Pow. The rest of the songs are pure crap. Why did the Peas sell out?
  12. LaurieB
    Jul 3, 2009
    Only a couple of stand out songs, and those would have fit just as well on a Fergie album. This album feels unimaginative and tired.
  13. awever
    Jun 22, 2009
    Poor effort. Stay solo!!
  14. QuayT
    Jun 17, 2009
    Black Eyed Peas has fallen victim to the Auto-Tune craze that's destroying hip-hop. I can only hope snaps out of his own egoism and remembers the fun but socially aware style that put him on the map.
  15. TmanH
    Jun 13, 2009
    Anyone who listened beyond 'Bridging the Gap', and 'Behind The Front' would be bitterly disappointed unless mere 'pop' music is something you enjoy. Rhythmically and lyrically disingenuous is the most concise I could be about this album.
  16. yasinm
    Jun 11, 2009
    I have been a black eyed peas fan since everything that came after que dices, and i can say that this is the worst album ever. I was anticipating this album for a while and it really dissapointed me, a lot of the funk and rap is just gone and there has been waaay too much computer voice stuff added to it. I couldn't listen to anysong except boom boom pow for more than 10 seconds.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 15
  2. Negative: 2 out of 15
  1. The E.N.D. (Energy Never Dies) is a mess of pop/dance/rap crossover.
  2. Group mastermind's attempt at social commentary on 'Now Generation' comes off more like an ''I just got DSL!'' laundry list. But when the group's glitchy future-funk beats sync up with Fergie's unabashedly feminine melodies, as on the sweetly insidious 'Meet Me Halfway,' they find pure Top 40 nirvana.
  3. Most of The E.N.D. doesn't ask too much from those fans. Its more substantive musical and thematic statements are interrupted by many others showing the Peas' deep, deep commitment to a good party.