
Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Filter
    The best element... isn't the driving guitars or relentless percussion, it's the ability to step up and actually better their sound. [#5, p.91]
  2. Spin
    Trail of Dead temper their thrash with welcome doses of art rock. [Jun 2003, p.109]
  3. While The Secret of Elena's Tomb is over in less than 20 minutes, it's more impressive than what most bands do in an hour.
  4. Alternative Press
    These five songs show the band branching off into some surprising directions. [Jun 2003, p.103]
  5. Almost as solid as their last full-length, even as it makes a couple slight departures from their sound.
  6. As a whole, The Secret of Elena's Tomb is a compendium of many of the things Trail of Dead have been to date: provocative lyricists, well-honed musicians, and now film directors.
  7. The record is experimental in the truest sense, each of its tracks signifying a possible point of departure.
  8. While Source Tags & Codes might be a more cohesive listen and feature slightly stronger songwriting, Secret of Elena's Tomb suggests some promising directions for the band's next album.
  9. Only vaguely hints at what the future holds, relying mostly on its tried and true formula of layered, epic rock and raw, pounding emotion.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 4 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. yonmac
    Jan 19, 2005
    i greatly enjoyed this EP. being a musician myself, i felt so much genuin emotion in everysong. my least favorite song being number five.