
Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. Based on the simple songwriting and the nauseating lyrical content, This Addiction is sad, and to the die-hard Alkaline Trio fans such as myself, it will greatly disappoint.
  2. Aging punks flog a rapidly expiring horse.
  3. The album is a pointedly minimal production, though -- most tracks are simple guitar-bass-drum affairs with a few tasteful harmonies that put the surprisingly durable hooks up front.
  4. It’s hardly the best of their Asian Man days, but This Addiction is a solid mix of their old and new sounds that is well worth a listen.
  5. Their 2008 major-label bid, Agony & Irony, got bogged down in power-ballad overreach, so with its seventh disc, the group is back to its bleak-Blink-182 roots.
  6. With its return to a more straight-forward approach, ‘This Addiction’ does hark back to the likes of ‘Goddamnit’ and ‘Maybe I’ll Catch Fire’. Unfortunately, while not being a bad album, it is not a patch on those seminal earlier releases…. Simply a solid recycling of their much-loved sound.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 17 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 17
  2. Negative: 1 out of 17
  1. Mar 31, 2022
    A really great album...period. Glad to hear them going back to there old roots but with a fresh sound. Matt sounds great and Dorathy andA really great album...period. Glad to hear them going back to there old roots but with a fresh sound. Matt sounds great and Dorathy and PIss and Vinager are the stand tracks for me. Great job guys! Full Review »
  2. Jan 2, 2014
    This Addiction offers something newer for Alkaline Trio. They've dropped the gritty punk sound that they developed in their early albums andThis Addiction offers something newer for Alkaline Trio. They've dropped the gritty punk sound that they developed in their early albums and got rid of the over-production that they had on Agony and Irony. It's a solid album but it still feels like a sound yet to be mastered. Some songs are instant classics, while others fall as flat as half of all the other pop-punk messes out there. The album as a whole holds up and is genuinely enjoyable. An album that should definitely be a part of any ak3 fan's music library. Full Review »