• Record Label: Geffen
  • Release Date: Oct 9, 2007

Mixed or average reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 9
  2. Negative: 2 out of 9
  1. While a few songs put the "meh" back in melodramatic ('Walking Away,' 'This Is the End'), This Is Forever is full of catchy songs that improve on the band's first album.
  2. 40
    Begging can be sexy, too, but for SWR it’s just another joyless act by a hateful species.
  3. Band leaders Justin Warfield and Adam Bravin write songs that are well-constructed and generally catchy. Then again, that's not such a marvel when so much of it--the drums on 'True Romance,' the stinging guitar riff on 'Pretend the World Has Ended,' the synth-heavy hooks of 'She Will Always Be a Broken Girl'--comes from a template some other band crafted
  4. On a disc that ultimately exhausts itself with boredom and clichés, it's just not worth it.
  5. This is Forever simply cannot get past its own self-imposed lack of evolution.
  6. Spin
    If singer Justin Warfield had a sense of humor about himself, that wouldn't be such a bummer; as is, Forever seems to go on for about that long. [Nov 2007, p.124]
  7. Of course, nothing on This is Forever is really new territory; the 80’s influenced synthesizers, the electronic drums, the monotone vocalist, it’s all been heard before. It’s all been done so much better.
  8. This is She Wants Revenge's "The Black Parade:" a lot dumber, but a huge improvement.
  9. 10
    Yes, you said it best, pretentious-as-hell front-man, Warfield, this album is a train wreck.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 25 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 25
  2. Negative: 7 out of 25
  1. Mar 31, 2016
    The influence is obvious, but the passion is lacking in this muddled and unappealing album. Repetitive and dull are the first two words thatThe influence is obvious, but the passion is lacking in this muddled and unappealing album. Repetitive and dull are the first two words that come to mind when listening to this, but I can also see how someone may in fact enjoy it. Some songs can be catchy after a couple listens but the band itself can rub anyone the wrong way. For starters the name of the band is pretty much the concept of the album. I'm not kidding the album is filled with the angsty breakup cheese one can expect, but it never really satisfies the listener. About 10 minutes into the album I was thinking about Walking Away, which is never a good sign. What I Want is a band that has a unique but also can provide meaningful, thought provoking lyrics, but apparently that is too much ask. Especially for this band who has neither characteristic. In terms of She Wants Revenges's career It's Just Begun, and the band has some promise. The singer, Justin Warfield has a very unique voice, so they got that going for them. I just expected a lot more from a band that has Barak Obama's personal DJ. Thanks Obama. Full Review »
  2. Jul 18, 2012
    This album is heavily influenced by an early 80s cold wave sound, but I wouldn't say that its going for nostalgia or ripping of anybody. TheThis album is heavily influenced by an early 80s cold wave sound, but I wouldn't say that its going for nostalgia or ripping of anybody. The production is clearly heavily inspired by that of bands like Bauhaus, but make no mistake, this is not redoing what has been done, and it actually breathes new life into a genre that has been devoid of anything interesting for about 25 years.The album goes in well as a whole, with the standout tracks, apart from the singles, being the excellent "She Will Always Be a Broken Girl", "This is the End", and "Rachel". Full Review »
  3. ErikH
    Nov 5, 2007
    Ben H., never favorably compare shit like She Wants Revenge to legends like Joy Division again... ever. There's no comparison in quality at all.