
Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
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  1. May 13, 2016
    In some ways, this feels like the album Susanna's career has been building toward; her music has always united the heart and mind, and she does so with striking creativity on Triangle.
  2. The Wire
    May 9, 2016
    Susanna's lucid singing shines through the thematic murk, and her instrumental settings are well-defined and ingenious. [Apr 2016, p.58]
  3. Uncut
    Apr 27, 2016
    It's a little hard to digest in one sitting, recalling the more outre moments from Linda Perhacs, the Cocteau Twins, or Kate Bush's Aerial. But individual moments are quietly compelling. [Jun 2016, p.81]
  4. Apr 27, 2016
    Overall, Triangle is a pretty enjoyable album. It might take a while to get into, but it’s a worthwhile experience if you take the time to get to know the music.
  5. Apr 27, 2016
    A little more editing and pacing might have made the whole album like this, but given enough time, Triangle has moments of clarity to be found.
  6. Apr 26, 2016
    The short, melodically complex songs cohere into an often stunningly moving suite.
  7. Apr 26, 2016
    It's a sparse, isolated and overlong affair that's more difficult to love than previous solo outings like the lush The Forester or the sweet Wild Dog. However, for an artist with the vision to take such on such a huge subject as the three-pronged relationship between one woman, her gods and her planet, even managing to squeeze it down to a mere 22 songs is achievement enough. That the album is spectacular, introspective and terrifying all in equal measures is just a bonus.
  8. Apr 26, 2016
    The more you let yourself bathe in this unsettling aural shower, though, the more its weird beauty will captivate you--the sort of album you’ll keep coming back to without quite knowing why. If you’re willing to invest the time, this is the most beautifully strange journey you’ll take all year.
  9. Apr 26, 2016
    The contrasting movements, the peaks and troughs, the brightness and darkness and the intensity and calmness allow you room to think and to breathe. Triangle is truly massive and mesmerising.

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