
Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
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  1. Nov 30, 2017
    It’s an honest record, one that puts Iqbal’s own deftly balanced sound and influences to the forefront, while also having some piercing yet thoughtful insights into contemporary society. As a first step under her own name, it’s a hugely confident stride forward.
  2. Jan 5, 2018
    The LP examines the traps of routine and the possibilities that dreaming and music offer to escape from them--and however distanced Iqbal might seem in her performance, as a listener you’ll quickly find both real connections to the album’s themes, and the variety of gorgeous sounds that she uses to express them.
  3. Mojo
    Nov 30, 2017
    It's got real presence. [Jan 2018, p.88]
  4. Dec 11, 2017
    The record manages to sound venturous and recklessly current. Iqbal’s use of chiming guitars, serendipitous synths and scurrying beats results in a record that is opulent in its warmth and sparklingly neat.
  5. Dec 6, 2017
    With Weighing of the Heart, Iqbal adds another couple of strings to her bow, emerging as a pop auteur and songwriter of impressive emotional heft.
  6. Q Magazine
    Dec 20, 2017
    She's created an album that discovers an uncanny balance all of its own. [Feb 2018, p.109]
  7. Dec 19, 2017
    With enough listens, you'll even catch yourself humming its melodies, but the ideas come close to feeling generic.
  8. Nov 30, 2017
    It’s all done with a precision and neatness that betrays Iqbal’s dance music roots, with each moment providing an aesthetic delight, from the medley of drumbeats that opens Eternal Passion to the liquid gold guitars that frequently surface.
  9. 80
    An album that improves with each listen, with an accomplished, ornate warmth.
  10. Uncut
    Dec 21, 2017
    At its blissed-out best, as on "Saw You Twice" and "Feel So Right," her new direction conjures the kind of streetwise reverie rarely heard since the days of AR Kane and One Dove. [Feb 2018, p.28]

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