• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Jun 9, 2017
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  1. Apr 19, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Una pieza maestra, Roulette, Tsunami y Chained To The Rhythm son canciones adelantadas a la época, la gente entiende esas canciones ahora, el mensaje se hace más fuerte mientras pasa el tiempo. Es un álbum infravalorado, la gente boicoteó el trabajo de Katy y los haters hicieron pensar a la gente que era un mal álbum o que era un fracaso, cuando estaban totalmente equivocados, en Spotify tiene más de mil millones de streams eso no es un fracaso en lo absoluto. Escuchen el álbum, nunca es tarde para descubrir un diamante en bruto. Expand
  2. Apr 13, 2023
    Katy PerryKaty PerryKaty PerryKaty PerryKaty PerryKaty PerryKaty PerryKaty PerryKaty PerryKaty PerryKaty Perry
  3. Apr 7, 2023
    Entrega conceito, música boa, sucessos. Esse álbum é a frente do seu tempo, infelizmente as pessoas não viram isso no passado
  4. Mar 16, 2023
    Katy reinvented herself with a completely new look, new sound. I believe this is Katy's best produced album, and she clearly shows her versatility in the music she can make.
  5. Jan 21, 2023
    Witness sin lugar a dudas es un álbum adelantado a su época, Perry nos muestra un sonido, y una composición muy alejada a lo que había echo antes, sale de su sona de confort, ya no es la muchacha veinteañera que nos habla de romances adolescentes, nos da su perspectiva más madura del amor, desamor, política, sexo con un sonido muy electrónico que para su época está muy adelantado
  6. Nov 24, 2022
    just incredible, feels like a dream while driving. all the tracks are really good, and it's one of my favourite albums of all time
  7. Nov 5, 2022
    El cuarto álbum de estudio de Katy Perry parece correr por la misma senda que "ARTPOP" e incluso "BIONIC" de Lady Gaga y Christina Aguilera consecutivamente. Trabajos de estudio solidos que por alguna razón acabaron con los años dorados de estas grandes aristas. Trabajos que sin dudas se adelantan a su tiempo y que poco a poco han ido teniendo la justicia que realmente merecen. "Witness"El cuarto álbum de estudio de Katy Perry parece correr por la misma senda que "ARTPOP" e incluso "BIONIC" de Lady Gaga y Christina Aguilera consecutivamente. Trabajos de estudio solidos que por alguna razón acabaron con los años dorados de estas grandes aristas. Trabajos que sin dudas se adelantan a su tiempo y que poco a poco han ido teniendo la justicia que realmente merecen. "Witness" es notoriamente el mejor y más elaborado proyecto de Katy desde sus inicios. Un disco cuyos géneros se mueven entre el dance pop y el electro pop con algunos toques de disco, y cuyas pistas no son creadas, por primera vez en su carrera, para ser éxitos de radio, sino para aportar un lado artístico e innovador, con letras y tópicos complejos y bien elaborados. Estos aspectos resaltan en primera instancia su necesidad de hacer algo más maduro y que lo desligue del pop comercial que ha llevado a Perry a conquistar una cima que todas las pop stars quieren saborear. Si bien el tracklist carece de coherencia pues tiene un orden cuestionable, los matices entre baladas como "save as draft" o "into me you see" (con una lirica que escapa de lo convencional) y fuertes pistas electropop como "Bigger than me" o "Deja vu" dan una coherencia notoria por cierto uso de sonidos relacionables. "Witness" en casi una hora de trayecto, busca como hilo conductor ser testigo y encontrar un testigo en un camino de amor y desamor, de empoderamiento y sentimiento de pequeñez, y finalmente de identidad. Lastimosamente las erróneas elecciones de singles (salvo el primero que supuso el fuerte comeback de Katy) junto con videos musicales no tan bien recibidos, además de ciertas criticas externas al álbum hacia la cantante, hicieron de la era, uno de los desperdicios más grandes de la década pasada. Expand
  8. Oct 23, 2022
    Changing her sound and giving us something new, Witness is the album that Katy Perry shines her versatility, not needing to have full blow-out records to make an incredible piece of work.
    It’s ahead of its time and I’m convinced people in the future will recognize how good this album is.
    That being said, I give it a 9 only because of the similar structure to the songs (even though they are
    Changing her sound and giving us something new, Witness is the album that Katy Perry shines her versatility, not needing to have full blow-out records to make an incredible piece of work.
    It’s ahead of its time and I’m convinced people in the future will recognize how good this album is.
    That being said, I give it a 9 only because of the similar structure to the songs (even though they are quite different in sound).
  9. Oct 22, 2022
    This is just sooooooooooooooooooooooooo goooooooooooooooooooooood This is just sooooooooooooooooooooooooo goooooooooooooooooooooood This is just sooooooooooooooooooooooooo goooooooooooooooooooooood This is just sooooooooooooooooooooooooo This is just sooooooooooooooooooooooooo goooooooooooooooooooooood goooooooooooooooooooooood
  10. Oct 14, 2022
    Such an experimental album. The title track is honestly one of her best openers for her albums. I think it’s her most cohesive album ever!
  11. Sep 3, 2022
    This is the unfortunately masterpiece who no one appreciates, hope someday this album will receive all the love it deserves..
  12. Aug 21, 2022
    I am not sure if you are aware of this but I am interested in the job you re of this
  13. Aug 21, 2022
    Anything from Katy Perry just screams cheap and basic af. The only good song from this record was the lead but everything else was a literal dumpster fire.
  14. Aug 21, 2022
    HER BEST ALBUM SO FAR, full of bops, so different of anything she have ever done, my favorite album! don't exist any song so good like power
  15. Oct 30, 2020
    Most underrated album in the music industry. The fact that she starts it all with "if i lost it all today would you stay?" shows she knew this album was experimental, that she was risking it but did not care, stayed true to herself. Her fans should be thankful instead of dragging it all over stan twitter like rats. Her best album I said what i said.
  16. Aug 20, 2022
    the production is perfect, lyrics show more maturity compared to her previous work, and the concept is completely original. underrated and overhated for no reason. excluiding swish swish this album is full of meaning that was misunderstood the time it came out.
  17. Aug 19, 2022
    Um ótimo álbum, coeso, com músicas dançantes, com mensagens sociais e a frente do seu tempo, toda estética anos 80 e 90 em 2017 quando nenhum artista estava fazendo ainda, mas como era a Katy Perry fazendo virou alvo de "hate" depois de três anos, Dua Lipa, The Weeked, Doja Cat e etc fazeram sucesso justamente por trazer essa estética e sonoridade.
  18. Jul 16, 2022
    Melhor álbum que ela já fez e quem discorda tá errado. Era totalmente injustiçada. Sou viciado nesse álbum
  19. Mar 14, 2022
    So I know Katy Perry for making a very commercial type of pop, and what we're used to get from her is very different to what she did with this album. You can definitely tell she was experiencing with new sounds, and in my opinion, she experienced a lot. The moment the first song started playing I didn't like the way it sounded. It was weird, with a weird production that also was just tooSo I know Katy Perry for making a very commercial type of pop, and what we're used to get from her is very different to what she did with this album. You can definitely tell she was experiencing with new sounds, and in my opinion, she experienced a lot. The moment the first song started playing I didn't like the way it sounded. It was weird, with a weird production that also was just too much, and this was the case for most of the songs: weird sounds and overproduced tracks. And the thing is that the songs that stand out the most are precisely the singles, so it's like she made those songs on purpose to make the people think "Witness" is a good record when, in my opinion, isn't the case. I'd like to know where she was trying to get with this album. Expand
  20. Feb 27, 2022
    Interesting album by Katy Perry, with this album she tell us "I'm more than a Blue wig and candys on the stage". She use her voice to tell us her message, she is very brave to speak about Politics and talk against Trump. All the songs are very amazing, but the MIGOS' duet is very weird, she doesn't need migos to be a great song like Bon Appetit.
  21. Jan 3, 2022
    Listening to Witness in 2021, you realize it was a record ahead of its time and a damn good electronic record - icy, dark, experimental, and fantastically-produced. Teenage Dream may forever be Katy's landmark album, but Witness will stand as her most interesting musical offering since her 2001 Christian debut (which it serves as an effective companion piece to, given the same underlyingListening to Witness in 2021, you realize it was a record ahead of its time and a damn good electronic record - icy, dark, experimental, and fantastically-produced. Teenage Dream may forever be Katy's landmark album, but Witness will stand as her most interesting musical offering since her 2001 Christian debut (which it serves as an effective companion piece to, given the same underlying philosophical questions and anxieties it touches on). The critics saying that Katy Perry’s “Never Really Over” (which I do agree is her best song in years) is a drastic step away from Witness didn’t listen to Witness in its entirety. I know this is a largely unpopular opinion, however I believe Witness will age very well in the years to come. It found Katy delving into her most interesting and artistically-adventurous work to date — the vocals were stronger, the beats were deeper, the sounds were more mature and sophisticated (“Tsunami” and “Pendulum” standout examples). Instead of playing it safe, Witness was a dark-electro concept album that addressed some heavy societal concepts head-on: Perry’s disillusionment not only with the Trump era (the brilliant “Chained to the Rhythm”) but also with the coldness of modern life (“Witness”) her own celebrity and isolation (“Miss You More”), and her conservative Christian upbringing (the song “Power” is one of her best tracks ever delivered). “Never Really Over” takes the best of Witness — Perry’s personal growth and enlightenment, more confident vocals, and a maturer pop sound — but strangely has been seen as Witness’ antithesis (if you listen to the masterpiece that is “Pendulum” with “Never Really Over” you realize they exist on the same wavelength). Witness failed because people only liked Katy when she wasn’t being serious or contemplative or angry—and that’s a real shame. Expand
  22. Nov 30, 2021
    Amoooo esse álbum é perfeitoooooo, Amoooo esse álbum é perfeitoooooo, Amoooo esse álbum é perfeitoooooo
  23. Nov 25, 2021
    Only good thing about it is the production but other than that its an absolutely trash album that has imo MAYBE 1 good song if that.
  24. Nov 25, 2021
    One of the worst albums of all time, she cemented her grave with this piece of crap!!!
  25. Nov 25, 2021
    Esse álbum é um lixo total, Katy Perry se perdeu há muitos anos e provavelmente não vai voltar a ter hits novamente !!!
  26. Nov 25, 2021
    Pior álbum que já ouvi na vida. Essa fracassada morreu quando separou daquele produtor bandido!
  27. Nov 25, 2021
    This album doesn't go anywhere. A festival of bad taste, a homophobia show with prejudiced partnerships. It was on this album that she went off the rails to never come back.
  28. Nov 24, 2021
    Terrible. No passion, no soul. Worst album of the year. I need something really good to clean up my ears right now.
  29. Nov 24, 2021
    One of the worst albums ever released on this planet. Pure trash, Katy’s over.
  30. Nov 23, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. "Witness is an album full of bizarre choices--both the DJ Mustard and Hot Chip-produced tracks are, for some reason, ballads--that has the inherent appeal of a spectacular failure, but that’s about it." ... Expand

Mixed or average reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 20
  2. Negative: 2 out of 20
  1. 75
    While it's certainly missing any form of coherency, Witness does feel like you're growing with Perry - going on this journey that's helped her find new ground and a reinvigorated appreciation for all walks of the pop music spectrum.
  2. Jul 6, 2017
    While she may have slipped down the pecking order, Witness proves she’s still a more interesting pop star than she’s often given credit for.
  3. Jun 28, 2017
    It’s a real shame Witness has come out as a bit of a disjointed mess, as there’s a decent record somewhere in there, but it gets lost in the fog of endless guest productions and co-writes that miss the point entirely.