• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Jun 9, 2017
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  1. Jun 9, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. excelentes ritmos y letras inspiradoras , un cambio total para katy perry es toda una obra de la musica y un cambio total de su discografia hasta ahora para ella Expand
  2. Jun 9, 2017
    its an amazing album, she's better than ever. Witness makes me feel so good and im so proud of this girl, her job is amazing and her dedicate is so admirable. GREAT JOB
  3. Jun 9, 2017
    Overall this album is lackluster. It's definitely pop, but her attempt to make it purposeful falls short. Due to the entirety of the album suffering from underwhelming writing I can't find a pulse. Although, the production for her lead single "Chained to the Rhythm" strikes a groove for a split second but dissipates as her guest drudges through. Other than that, the rest of the tracks areOverall this album is lackluster. It's definitely pop, but her attempt to make it purposeful falls short. Due to the entirety of the album suffering from underwhelming writing I can't find a pulse. Although, the production for her lead single "Chained to the Rhythm" strikes a groove for a split second but dissipates as her guest drudges through. Other than that, the rest of the tracks are quite unpleasant and unambitious. It needs some of her old flair from the previous albums, or at least a concept that will work in her favor. In a sentence, this album is too dense and dreary to accomplish what should be the best pop album this year. Expand
  4. Jun 9, 2017
    This album marks the best of songwriting with clever lines, even if lacks of clever rhymes. Great songs and great production. This is another step on a career that shall long and last.
  5. Jun 9, 2017
    full of bopss!!!!! i love this album so creative and sounds different straight into my heart. makes me feel comfort with the melody. all i had to say is katy perry u're not dissapointed me and maybe us! keep write a good song my love,queen,motivation and role model. love from katycat
  6. Jun 9, 2017
    I'm in love with the way Witness brings different sensations, it has a dark vibe but it also has dancing songs and there are songs that convey emotion as well. It's a real pop album and mature as people asked for
  7. Jun 9, 2017
    This album is basic. I did not find anything special. Probably these good notes of the users here are of Katycats accustomed with the basic one. I found Prism slightly better, but nothing very surprising. What to expect from a basic artist like Katy Perry? In that Era, Katy is lost. Poor girl.
  8. Jun 9, 2017
    A powerful album, if not a masterpiece. The kind of album you listen from START to FINISH. Its filled with emotions trust me you're in for quite of a ride.
    Apart from the singles my faves are : Witness, Miss you more, Roulette and Bigger than Me.
    DONT MISS THIS, great album by Katy !!!
  9. Jun 9, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Katy decepcionó con éste álbum, ella dice ser "una nueva Katy", pero veo lo mismo de siempre, el álbum tiene muchos samples y se notan mucho, los ritmos no son tan buenos y su Auto-tune se diferencia mucho. Uno de los peores álbumes de Katy Perry. Expand
  10. Jun 9, 2017
    me encanto el album es una lastima que los haters no lo puedan apreciar porque les ciega el fanatismo y es por eso que la musica pop esta muriendo una verdadea lastima, bien por katy al fin cambio su estilo de musica espero siga asi,
  11. Jun 9, 2017
    Awesome album! Witness sounds mature and very well produced.. PERFECT SONGS!! EVERYTHING IS INCREDIBLE. I love this woman. Congratulations and thank you Katy Perry for releasing the album of 2017!!
  12. Jun 9, 2017
    If you thought her previous singles were not worth it, DEFINITELY have to listen to the entire album. YOU WILL NOT REGRET!
    Just like an orgasm for your ears. Promise.
  13. Jun 9, 2017
    This is the album of the year, I loved it. It has songs for every occasion, it is very varied. The lyrics are spectacular, you can see the progress of Katy.
  14. Jun 9, 2017
    I've been a fan of Katy since 2011 and this is my favorite album of hers. She grew as a singer, as a person and as a performer. It was worth the almost 4 years that we waited.
  15. Jun 9, 2017
    I do love this album. Shows a more concerned Perry searching for a witness who can understand her through one of the most hard moments of her life. 10/10
  16. Jun 9, 2017
    Katy Perry has FINALLY returned with a great, but not fantastic album. While the music on the whole is very well produced and written, it never fully reaches the heights of her record-breaking "Teenage Dream". The songs are extremely unique from anything she's ever done before, but that's both a positive and negative. While the songs are perfect by themselves, they don't fully mesh well toKaty Perry has FINALLY returned with a great, but not fantastic album. While the music on the whole is very well produced and written, it never fully reaches the heights of her record-breaking "Teenage Dream". The songs are extremely unique from anything she's ever done before, but that's both a positive and negative. While the songs are perfect by themselves, they don't fully mesh well to form a cohesive album. It's as if Katy wrote 3 different albums and combined them to form one. The content of the album is still supreme though. Deja Vu and Power are definitely two of the strongest songs she has ever released. While they are well written, the production of pushes the songs to unreached heights. Deja Vu sounds like a 90's dance club jam cranked up in intensity, while Power is a powerful, feminist song that suprisingly meshes psychedelic rock with EDM vibes to create the best song on the entire album. Meanwhile, songs such as Witness, Pendulum, Into Me You See, and Swish Swish, stand out among the rest of the field. Despite a few misfires (Bon Appetit, Roulette), the album on the whole is a worthy successor to her previous work. While it may not be her best album, WITNESS stands out as Katy's most diverse work yet and I personally can't wait to see what she does with it. Expand
  17. Jun 9, 2017
    Te inspiraste muchísimo en este álbum y se nota el empeño. ¡Felicidad total! . Los cambios de ritmo que has decidido en tu discografía ha sido magnifica , ojalá continúes con dichos ritmos
  18. Jun 9, 2017
    Worst change of style. This era is so messed up. Generic songs & bad sounds. Bad lyrics and also she did not succeed with this new style. I cannot recommend you this album, sorry! It is a waste of time.
  19. Jun 9, 2017
    This album is Amazing, Katy is back, the queen is back, Brazil and outhers countries loves you Katy and you New Album, I've been waiting for this album a long time and here it is, Katy did not disappoint us.
  20. Jun 9, 2017
    Doesnt' care what the 'experts' say when the people love the album. For me Witness is the revelation of Katy Perry as an artist and musician, she's giving us another part that no one knows yet.
  21. Jun 9, 2017
    It is amazing, it forms part of her life and her career as an artist, is not better than the other albums, neither worse, ALL OF THEM are amazing, they are part of her, and all of them show her perspective and how it is changing through time once again THIS ALBUM IS AMAZING as the past ones. SHE have done a great, amazing job.
  22. Jun 9, 2017
    Didn´t really like the album it was lacking sounds, it sounds the same.
    really boring and not fun to listen to at all.
    i was hopping better from her this time but failed
  23. Jun 9, 2017
    Once again Katy Perry surprises us, the album sounds so good, it's liberating, music to spend all day or better all year long listening to the best album of 2017. Parabens Katy you're amazing, send this "expert critique" if **** You have power
  24. Jun 9, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Esto es arte en su máxima expresión, Katy nunca me ah decepcionado, todas las canciones son demasiados perfectas, son dignas de una reina como Katy Perry. Expand
  25. Jun 9, 2017
    The mix of great songs made the album like a "GIRLPOWER" and the inspiration of our hearts.Great singer and the most special composer of the last 10 years.
  26. Jun 9, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This is so far her better album. I didn't really like Swish Swish or Bon Appétit, but Pendulum can save any record. ''Stay classic'' girl. I also loved Power, and the final version of ''Witness'' the song is amazing Expand
  27. Jun 9, 2017
    Este álbum não vai precisar de uma nota verde pra ser considerado bom , é um álbum maravilhoso, e um grande avanço da carreira da Katy, é uma evolução, a revolução da Katy começou
    Cada faixa é maravilhosa, principalmente Roulette e Pendulum. QUE HINOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.gif
  28. Jun 9, 2017
    The most crazy, risky and ambiental album of Katy, honestly she has grown up like artist. This album is amazing, full of great and interesting moments.
  29. Jun 9, 2017
    Um álbum inovador! Maravilhoso com musicas maravilhosas. Não entendo o porque de tanta negatividade pra cima de "Witness"! AS MUSICAS SÃO MUITOS BOAS! Um dos meus álbuns preferidos! Katy Perry sempre surpreendendo. Uma artista maravilhosa!
  30. Jun 9, 2017
    Probablemente, su mejor trabajo discográfico, vemos una verdadera evolución en Katy, tanto personal como musicalmente, con canciones reivindicativas, algo que nadie esperaría de alguien como Perry, esto marca un antes y un después en su carrera.
  31. Jun 9, 2017
    Katy Perry really is the kind of artist who does not disappoint in the lyrical production of her albums. The album 'Witness' is marked by incredible compositions with lines of easy identification in our personal and social lives. However the album also marks a slight deficiency in chords and compositions with high similarity. Tracks with little instrumental power, besides chorus and weakKaty Perry really is the kind of artist who does not disappoint in the lyrical production of her albums. The album 'Witness' is marked by incredible compositions with lines of easy identification in our personal and social lives. However the album also marks a slight deficiency in chords and compositions with high similarity. Tracks with little instrumental power, besides chorus and weak titles. The highlight lies in the vocal development of the singer and the visual identity that the album tried to drastically pass. Expand
  32. Jun 9, 2017
    ´Madura e convicta no que fez. Mais uma vez a Katy mostrando o porquê de sere uma das maiores artistas do pop atual. Album hinário e digno de grammy!!
  33. Jun 9, 2017
    This album lacks severe sonic cohesiveness, with awful lyrics even though they were produced and written by powerhouses such as Sia, Max Martin or Shellback. The album lacks a theme developed throughout the album, making this another simple and generic pop album. We all expected something better after four years now knowing anything about her, yet we could wait four more years and hope forThis album lacks severe sonic cohesiveness, with awful lyrics even though they were produced and written by powerhouses such as Sia, Max Martin or Shellback. The album lacks a theme developed throughout the album, making this another simple and generic pop album. We all expected something better after four years now knowing anything about her, yet we could wait four more years and hope for something better Expand
  34. Jun 9, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This is the best Katy Perry's album so far! New sounds, powerful songs, amazing voice! It's totally great. If you can, go and buy it immediately. It's well worth, no doubts. Expand
  35. Jun 9, 2017
    It's amazing, it has a very good production. She worked very hard on this record. Every song is unique, with different vibes and styles. Love it! Congrats Katy.
  36. Jun 9, 2017
    That's a masterpiece!! it obviously deserves more than the points that the critic gave! The production, the voice, the lyrics, the sounds... is everything perfect. Great job Katy! It is a Grammy worthy.
  37. Jun 9, 2017
    Witness es un viaje a travez de sonidos diferentes que Katy no habia tocado pero, apesar de tener buenas canciones su voz no llega a acoplarse correctamente, y no llega a ser agradable a mi gusto, un disco muy bueno y arriegado, pero ese riesgo no fue del todo bueno.
    Recomendable si les gustan los sonidos diferentes, aun mas que sus 3 singles.
  38. Jun 9, 2017
    Katy deserves more recognition !!! C'mon? If I don't like some artist I don't waste my time listening to his album. Some people are so stupid that they can't enjoy such a masterpiece like Witness and they don't respect the work of an artist
  39. Jun 9, 2017
    1. Witness - 8/10
    2. Hey Hey Hey - 8/10 3. Roulette - 9/10 4. Swish Swish - 6/10 5. Déjà Vu - 5/10 6. Power - 9/10 7. Mind Maze - 7/10 8. Miss You More - 7/10 9. Chained To The Rhythm - 8/10 10. Tsunami - 6/10 11. Bon Appétit - 3/10 12. Bigger Than Me - 5/10 13. Save As Draft - 7/10 14. Pendulum - 8/10 15. Into Me You See - 6/10
    1. Witness - 8/10
    2. Hey Hey Hey - 8/10
    3. Roulette - 9/10
    4. Swish Swish - 6/10
    5. Déjà Vu - 5/10
    6. Power - 9/10
    7. Mind Maze - 7/10
    8. Miss You More - 7/10
    9. Chained To The Rhythm - 8/10
    10. Tsunami - 6/10
    11. Bon Appétit - 3/10
    12. Bigger Than Me - 5/10
    13. Save As Draft - 7/10
    14. Pendulum - 8/10
    15. Into Me You See - 6/10
    Relationship Between the Musics: 7/10
    Final Media: 6,81
    Score: 7/10
  40. Jun 9, 2017
    Katy perry has, in fact, proven once again that she is the pop queen this generation desperately needs.
    All her music is so different yet amazing in every way, and Witness is not an exception.
    From the opening track Witness to the never done before ballad Into Me You See, Perry delivers a number of excellent bops that nobody had come close to before. None of her contemporaries, for
    Katy perry has, in fact, proven once again that she is the pop queen this generation desperately needs.
    All her music is so different yet amazing in every way, and Witness is not an exception.
    From the opening track Witness to the never done before ballad Into Me You See, Perry delivers a number of excellent bops that nobody had come close to before.
    None of her contemporaries, for example, Miss Swift and Lady GaGa has been able to create a masterpiece like Witness, they stick to mainly one genre (Country for Swift and desperately attempt to make a new "genre" for GaGa) unlike Perry who is evolving and changing every era.
    Witness is a life changing album that is for sure.
  41. Jun 9, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is a risk taker on this days, a beautiful compilation of brand new sounds and lyrics, one of the best we will have on this year, she was telling the truth, I feel liberated. Expand
  42. Jun 9, 2017
    Words that summarize the album: Wonderful, great songs, great melody. No doubt worthy of being the album of the year. Never underestimate Katy Perry, she's really got around to it.
  43. Jun 9, 2017
    It's her best album. It has an amazing sonority, strong lyrics, and that Katy Perry's dance aspect, it reminds me a little of Teenage Dream and Prism, but it's better. Katy Perry really grew up in the music, now she is mature both in personal and in the music. Power, Déjà Vu, Witness and Pendulum are the best, in my opinion, of course. A masterpiece!
  44. Jun 9, 2017
    Hmmm. This album is lack for better term, interesting. It's not legendary and amazing. However it is not utter trip. Moreover, like every other Katy Perry album the ratio of album fillers to singles is exceeded. Perhaps she should try not to use as much auto-tune.
  45. Jun 9, 2017
    O melhor álbum de sempre as pessoas é que pensam que Katy tem de parar no tempo "Teenage dream" tem de evoluir e ai está "Witness" este álbum mostra uma Katy mais madura pena que não venha a Portugal.
  46. Jun 9, 2017
    Que EVOLUÇÃO, melhor album pop!
    Esse é um Teenage Dream 2.0, só que com muita mais qualidade, não é a toa que quebrou recordes, inclusive o #1 no EUA mais rápido.
  47. Jun 9, 2017
    the best pop album realeased in a long time... whoever said its not good is lying. i mean, every song is unique and still so cohesive, its her best. i dont see why someone would HATE it, if you hate it you hate pop music AT ALL and if you hate pop music at all what are you and your partial opinion are doing here??
  48. Jun 9, 2017
    Some of Witness' songs stand out as incredible songs but all are really good and the album can be dance and express emotion and power at the same time. Witness is the album of the year!
  49. Jun 9, 2017
    The album is so weak compared to Katy's other. Swish Swish was a cringiest dis-track i've ever head. I love Katy but this album is really something. It's different i agree, but in a terrible way.
  50. Jun 9, 2017
    If you listen to this album you won't hear the candy-sexy girl from her previous works, you'll witness the statements from a grown up woman who is secure and confident about what she is doing. This album is an evolution for Katy Perry and it's bringing pop back. It's worth a listen.
  51. Jun 9, 2017
    Kathryn's most cohesive album yet. The production is stunning, the vocals are strong and the lyrics are powerful. An album for pop fans everywhere. Highlights include Witness, Tsunami, Roulette and Miss You More.
  52. Jun 9, 2017
    Katy Perry inicia esta nueva era con un disco con ritmos que no se han llevado en los últimos años, donde la industria musical ha estado dominada desde hace mas de 12 meses por raperos y canciones EDM, este álbum supone el inicio de un viaje, preguntado si quieres ser "TESTIGO" de esto desde los primeros segundos se escucha que la producción de este disco es un punto más allá, las letrasKaty Perry inicia esta nueva era con un disco con ritmos que no se han llevado en los últimos años, donde la industria musical ha estado dominada desde hace mas de 12 meses por raperos y canciones EDM, este álbum supone el inicio de un viaje, preguntado si quieres ser "TESTIGO" de esto desde los primeros segundos se escucha que la producción de este disco es un punto más allá, las letras de las canciones son duras y contundentes, no letras llenas de miel porque lo que necesitamos es alguien que nos hable directo, sin hipocresías. Consciente de la capacidad vocal que KAty Perry poseé, ella en este disco no abusa de nada, los rangos son probablemente los más realistas que ha usado en su carrera. El álbum cierra con una balada que te hace reflexionar "into me you see" ya viste lo que tengo, ya viviste esto conmigo ahora salgamos y liberémonos. Excelente Katy Perry. Expand
  53. Jun 9, 2017
    I thought we would see an evolution of what was PRISM, but it looks like she threw everything she learned into the trash, Katy Perry got realy lost in this work, the concept of the album is so confuse, I realy dont enjoy the album, not bad but, not good.
  54. Jun 9, 2017
    i expected a lot more from witness, it has only like 2 good songs, other sounds like filler and generic. Not happy with the album at all. this album is a disaster and deserves to flop.
  55. Jun 9, 2017
    This album is not consistent. Every song is almost similar to each other. What is worse, autotune is everywhere here. And there is a lack of hits simply!
    After "Chained to the Rhythm", only "Witness" and "Roulette" are worth listening to.

    Despite all, I cannot recommend you this album, sorry! It is a waste of time.
  56. Jun 9, 2017
    Witness certainly is a big step for Katy Perry as she shows the maturing as an artist and the courage to sing about what she believes and how to change lives.
  57. Jun 9, 2017
    Wonderful album, unlike anything Katy ever did, she has evolved a lot, I really like the songs witness, tsunami, hey hey hey. Katy is now making a comment and what she likes, all the clips are a social message and this is a major evolution of the development
  58. Jun 9, 2017
    This album is such a disappointment... Songs aren't as catchy as they could be, some are in all honesty barely listenable. As for the lyrics, it's a mixed feeling from me. Katy Perry has certainly done better and this album will not go down as her masterpiece.
  59. Jun 9, 2017
    This Album was really terrible and disappointing. Compared to her previous work it really was a downgrade, The only songs I did enjoy were the singles that were already out the rest of the album feels unfinished. I don't recommend this album to anyone hopefully Ms Perry's next album gives us something more and doesn't keep us waiting 4 years again for unsatisfactory & substandard music.
  60. Jun 9, 2017
    O início da era Witness não foi perfeita, apesar de "Chained to the Rhythm" ser uma boa música parece não ter agradado a todos, seu buzz single "Bon Appétit" parece ter amargado o paladar do público mas depois de lançar seu novo single com Nicki Minaj, "Swish Swish" fez uma estreia mais positiva nas paradas, entrando para os melhores lançamentos daquela semana de Maio. Agora com a chegadaO início da era Witness não foi perfeita, apesar de "Chained to the Rhythm" ser uma boa música parece não ter agradado a todos, seu buzz single "Bon Appétit" parece ter amargado o paladar do público mas depois de lançar seu novo single com Nicki Minaj, "Swish Swish" fez uma estreia mais positiva nas paradas, entrando para os melhores lançamentos daquela semana de Maio. Agora com a chegada do seu quarto álbum de estúdio "Witness, podemos olhar a nova fase da cantora de modo diferente, nas letras de suas musicas podemos ver o amadurecimento da interplete de "Dark Horse" como artista, Perry entrega ao público aquilo que foi pedido na era Prism em 2013, amadurecimento e mudanças. Expand
  61. Jun 9, 2017
    A deliciously dancing album, with creative messages and well-constructed criticisms. Katy Perry gave us a gift that only good artists can offer. I loved the album
  62. Jun 9, 2017
    Um grande álbum, uma grande evolução e uma grande cantora. Katy mostrou nas composições álbum toda sua evolução como pessoa e todo a sua mudança de posicionamento como mulher. Muito bom.
  63. Jun 9, 2017
    album of the year. i loved this. the songs her vocals i loved everything on this album i don't know why it's why underrated album and the singles.. katy perry showed us new music and she's about to make the greatest comeback after 4 years of hiatus
  64. Jun 9, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Better than the ones that have left previously, completely art to my opinion and I am not very fan of Katya but as I charm and that you can do **** Obviously there are better jobs than this but not released in 2017. blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. I love this **** album Expand
  65. Jun 9, 2017
    Notei que o album esta bem leve
    Uma pegada bem Pop Alternativa
    Katy Perry soube misturar esses dois estilos muito nem
    Ficou Perfeito
    Com Certeza melhor album da cantora
  66. Jun 9, 2017
    Katy Perry expresses her full emotion and creativity with this album, which is a huge pro. She also knew exactly what she wanted to do with the album which adds another layer of depth and love to it. It is much more different-sounding than her other records and I applaud her for striving for something new and releasing another record breaking hit album.
  67. Jun 9, 2017
    Diferente de tudo o que ela já fez. Arriscado porém bem sucedido. Uma obra prima de criatividade, emoção e empoderamento. Soube expressar e ousar da melhor forma. Com certeza um de seus melhores trabalhos sem ter nada convencional em relação a repetitiva indústria musical.
  68. Jun 9, 2017
    Katy slayed!!! She didn't dissapoint with this album at all. For sure, I can say that this album is even better than Prism. My personal faves: Witness, Deja Vu, Power, Miss You More, Chained To The Rhythm.
  69. Jun 9, 2017
    Bad, The worst of the music of 2017.... The most salvageable Bon Appetit and Power Too much musical effect that hides katy's voice ... Katy picks up the pop of the 2000s and forgets the new trends in 2010 this makes the album as a boring and indifferent cliché ... Undoubtedly the worst of its trajectory even under One Of The Boys... Listen to the album right away ... And I thought it wasBad, The worst of the music of 2017.... The most salvageable Bon Appetit and Power Too much musical effect that hides katy's voice ... Katy picks up the pop of the 2000s and forgets the new trends in 2010 this makes the album as a boring and indifferent cliché ... Undoubtedly the worst of its trajectory even under One Of The Boys... Listen to the album right away ... And I thought it was bad .. Really. Expand
  70. Jun 9, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Excelente regreso, aplaudo totalmente su nuevo álbum, se arriesgó a innovar y a incursionar en sonidos totalmente distintos, a los que nos tenía acostumbrados, dando como resultado, lo que podría llegar a ser visto como una obra maestra. Por otro lado, se puede apreciar un gran empoderamiento en la mayoría de las letras de Witness, que nos motiva a abrir los ojos y ver el mundo, de una manera más consiente, más crítica, más abierta.
    En general, es un han trabajo.
  71. Jun 9, 2017
    Para entender esse álbum vc precisa enxerga-lo como um diário, um diário de uma mulher, que ontem enfrentou os dilemas de seu "Sonho Adolescente" e teve que deixar a luz entrar em seu "Prisma". Esse diário, hoje mostra uma mulher madura e na procura de sua libertação. Sem é claro decepcionar seus fãs, trazendo com essa "libertação", muitos Hinos.
  72. Jun 9, 2017
    I'm brazilian, sorry if I wrote something wrong.
    Witness is great. Most artists write 4-5 good songs that are supposed to be a single, and the rest of the songs are only to fill the album. But in this album, it's different. EVERY song looks like it was written to be a single. This album is so different from her other works, thats why I loved it!
  73. Jun 9, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Her album the worst, each song generalized and boring. She says she has matured, but now she is more basic, I can not find the reason why she does not leave the music. Expand
  74. Jun 9, 2017
    talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before. It's her best album.
  75. Jun 9, 2017
    Witness, the album.
    This is certainly Katy's most courageous album, she left the flowers and lollipops to show the world she grew musically and mentally. Witness is all we need to hear, the instrumental is something that takes us to another world and that shows us the growth of Katy in several aspects. "Hey Hey Hey" really does not give me security, but rather one of the best songs on the
    Witness, the album.
    This is certainly Katy's most courageous album, she left the flowers and lollipops to show the world she grew musically and mentally. Witness is all we need to hear, the instrumental is something that takes us to another world and that shows us the growth of Katy in several aspects. "Hey Hey Hey" really does not give me security, but rather one of the best songs on the album, this is something that should not be discussed. "Roulette" with all its dance music tracks from the 80's, certainly deserves attention and deserved to be there. "Swish Swish" could have been a better thing ... And yet it's still great in my opinion, Nicki and Katy together has always been a dream. "Deja Vu and Power" were songs that did not disappoint in aspect NONE, Katy did and did well done. "Tsunami", and sure enough, a song that we need to talk about, she could be lead, first, second and third single, but somewhere important she has to be ... Like "Roulette" she deserves to be where she is. "Mind Maze" I have no words to describe the love I felt in the first 10 seconds of music. "Miss You More, Pendulum, Save As Draft and Chained To The Rhythm" you deserve our respect and affection. "Into Me You See" this song made me come back in Teenage Dream and hear "Pearl" again ... That's when I saw ... "Katy Perry and the best person in the world" changed and changed without losing its essence like person. Unfortunately "Bon Appetit" did not please everyone, but, and a song that should play in the ballad for sure. Katy, I love you.
  76. Jun 9, 2017
    It's not the masterpiece I expected after three years with nothing new, but it's a good album
    Worst: TSUNAMI and POWER.
  77. Jun 9, 2017
    Para entender esse álbum vc precisa enxerga-lo como um diário, um diário de uma mulher, que ontem enfrentou os dilemas de seu "Sonho Adolescente" e teve que deixar a luz entrar em seu "Prisma". Esse diário, hoje mostra uma mulher madura e na procura de sua libertação. Sem é claro decepcionar seus fãs, trazendo com essa "libertação", muitos Hinos.
  78. Jun 9, 2017
    I loved this album, why? because I felt so powerful after listened, exactly how she said in an interview.
    Witness is a different type of album, I think that she finally could grow up as an artist.
  79. Jun 9, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. BEST ALBUM OF THE YEAR! This album is much experimental, Katy Perry is the big artist of the year and decade. Congratulations! Just envy or spite. You have to be objective and listen to every song and know that it is a work of art. Expand
  80. Jun 9, 2017
    Katy impressed me again with this new album! She's become mature now as you can tell from her new songs. I feel like everyone can relate to at least one of the songs from this album, and mine is save as draft! Well done Katy!!
  81. Jun 9, 2017
    Com apenas 3 musicas razoáveis, com feats incoerentes, mixagens pouco originais, Katy Perry faz mais do mesmo do gênero e cai num retrocesso. Depois de 4 anos a palavra que define é frustração.
  82. Jun 9, 2017
    el álbum muestra un estilo diferente la gente criticaba a prism porque decían que katy nose atrevía a explorar nuevos estilos, ahora que lo ha hecho igual se quejan. el álbum es genial tiene canciones muy personales y fuertes donde katy transmite lo que siente. felicidades por ese witness tan esperado
  83. Jun 9, 2017
    It's definitely her weakest album. Its a compilation of forgettable and overproduced songs. It's not even cohesive. I didn't even hear or feel the "purposeful pop". Mind Maze was the most disappointing, like really?! Auto-tune??!
  84. Jun 9, 2017
    People that think this album is mediocre need to listen to it a few more times. Trust me, I had to do that too before I could appreciate the album as it actually is.
    It's definitely not what I expected from Katy but it's a really good album with most songs being absolute bangers and others being... well, pretty bad. That's why I'm giving the album an 8/10.
    For a track by track review:
    People that think this album is mediocre need to listen to it a few more times. Trust me, I had to do that too before I could appreciate the album as it actually is.
    It's definitely not what I expected from Katy but it's a really good album with most songs being absolute bangers and others being... well, pretty bad. That's why I'm giving the album an 8/10.
    For a track by track review:
    Witness: 8/10
    Hey Hey Hey: 8/10
    Roulette: 6/10
    Swish Swish: 8.5/10
    Déjà Vù: 8/10
    Power: 8.5/10
    Mind Maze: 2/10
    Chained to The Rhythm: 8/10
    Tsunami: 5/10
    Bon Appétit: 7.5/10
    Bigger Than Me: 6/10
    Save As Draft: 7.5/10
    Pendulum: 8/10
    Into Me You See: 5/10
  85. Jun 9, 2017
    In her new album Witness, Katy Perry experience not just a lot of new sonority but also put her vocals in totaly diferent way. On general, the album captures many feelings (like in "Bigger Than Me") in an funny and smart form. It's a Katy Perry album, however it's strong, powerful and most coesus than her last on, "Prism". The most greatest singles on it are the productions made withIn her new album Witness, Katy Perry experience not just a lot of new sonority but also put her vocals in totaly diferent way. On general, the album captures many feelings (like in "Bigger Than Me") in an funny and smart form. It's a Katy Perry album, however it's strong, powerful and most coesus than her last on, "Prism". The most greatest singles on it are the productions made with Purity Ring, wich gives to Katy a genuine touch of Midas. Yet it's seems like some songs, like Chained to The Rhythm and Bon Appetit, sounds out of concepet. The album could be a lot more tied without this tracks specifically. Expand
  86. Jun 9, 2017
    not a perfect album! but i want her to win a Grammy for this song WITNESS!
    PENDULUM is also very good. there are some bummers but on a whole better than prism!
    all she needs now one no.1 song!
  87. Jun 9, 2017
    Katy should hire more co-writers for her songs or in fact, let someone else write and compose the songs.
    This is really horrible, totally forgettable and the only salvageable of this pop junk, are the collaborations. Only the lines of other rtists save Katy Perry's album.
  88. Jun 9, 2017
    Mature, confident and unique, Witness is a masterpiece. It has a dark vibe and has a message in every song, something that is really difficult to find in other albums. The first track, Witness, makes you want to see through the eyes of the others. Déjà Vu has a catchy beat, and Mind Maze should not be forgotten: it could play all night at the club, and you would still be singing. ChainedMature, confident and unique, Witness is a masterpiece. It has a dark vibe and has a message in every song, something that is really difficult to find in other albums. The first track, Witness, makes you want to see through the eyes of the others. Déjà Vu has a catchy beat, and Mind Maze should not be forgotten: it could play all night at the club, and you would still be singing. Chained To The Rhythm, the lead single, opens your eyes and shows the dark side of the society and the technology. Actually, the whole album has a dark vibe, and you don't have to "be scared to dive in deep", because the sonority is amazing. Roulette is a sweet milkshake made with the 80s discos and silk shirts, while Power has not only the craziest drum solo ever found in a pop album, but also the best lyrics of the record. Save as Draft and Miss You More, the perfect melodies for an acoustic session, are simply stunning. Into Me You See is a ballad that exhales comprehension with lyrics like "Into me you'll see/ You got me wide open/ Now I'm ready/ This is intimacy", ending the confection with the perfect dot. Expand
  89. Jun 9, 2017
    Com certeza é o melhor album da Katy , adulto , co m faixas fortes, e um ótimo potencial para hitar muito , Katy eu te venero , quero video para toas as faixas e Power, q isso hein ,,,
  90. Jun 9, 2017
    Witness is the best pop album of 2017. The album is so artistic and masterpiece. My favorite song is Witness, Deja Vu, Tsunami, Save as Draft and Miss You More. Thank you Katy Perry for release such an amazing album.
  91. Jun 9, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. amazing album!! Witness are
    my favorite album of the year.
    Lyrics and vocals are on point!! 10
    she is perfect
    an amazing comeback
    This is one of the best release of 2017
  92. Jun 9, 2017
    This is a great album. Good job for Katy Perry. I waited four years for this, and it was worth it. Congrats for Katy Perry, she is AWESOME!!! #WITNESS
  93. Jun 9, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. A totally innovative album, he risked his sonority rigorously, proving once again that he is one of the biggest names that Pop has, firming his name in the industry. Expand
  94. Jun 9, 2017
    This album is POWERFULL and maybe the best of Katy.
    But deffinitly BIGGER ALBUM OF 2017!
    You need listen Witness, Power, Deja Vu and Pendulum.
    Amazing comeback and amazing album!
  95. Jun 9, 2017
    Her songs are like stories, and each one tells a unique experience from one another. Each song sounds totally unique, yet it all blends well together. Her songs with seemingly less lyrical effort are redeemed by the amazing production each song has. It's overall different than any of her previous albums, but will definitely be another highlight of her career.
  96. Jun 9, 2017
    Very good, in my opinion it's the best album of 2017, I really loved the songs, like Tsunami, Power, Deja vu among others, actually loved them all, Queen Katy came back to take her throne again.
  97. Jun 9, 2017
    Un gran crecimiento musical, sonidos diferentes y letras expectaculares. Katy desde sus inicios demostró que vieno con fuerza y con este álbum demostró que se quedará para siempre como una de las máximas exponentes de la música pop.
  98. Jun 9, 2017
    Katy proved more mature and spontaneous, it's not like her predecessor albums that comes with smash hits but we show her deeper side
    The featured tracks are Power, Miss You More and Pendulum
  99. Jun 9, 2017
    so faltou umas mais animadas no meio das baladas de resto ótimo e tsunami,as 10/10 são witness,HHH,RouletteSwish Swish,Power,pendelum e save as draft.
  100. Jun 9, 2017
    Probably the best release of 2017 so far. A great album from beginning to end. All the songs are amazing songs, no need to skip none of them. Worth listening to.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 20
  2. Negative: 2 out of 20
  1. 75
    While it's certainly missing any form of coherency, Witness does feel like you're growing with Perry - going on this journey that's helped her find new ground and a reinvigorated appreciation for all walks of the pop music spectrum.
  2. Jul 6, 2017
    While she may have slipped down the pecking order, Witness proves she’s still a more interesting pop star than she’s often given credit for.
  3. Jun 28, 2017
    It’s a real shame Witness has come out as a bit of a disjointed mess, as there’s a decent record somewhere in there, but it gets lost in the fog of endless guest productions and co-writes that miss the point entirely.