
Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
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  1. Oct 25, 2017
    Throughout it all, A Flame My Love, A Frequency resonates with a healing warmth that is a testament to the remarkable purity of Colleen's music, as well as to the importance of beauty and hope when life is hard.
  2. Oct 25, 2017
    Colleen continues to craft uniquely personal experimental music with a clear artistic voice, and her latest release might be her greatest achievement yet.
  3. Nov 27, 2017
    The open spaces she works with are stunningly evocative, but her compositions are no less busy, a testament to how she’s based much of her compositional framework on a song’s underlying rhythms. It provides a strong feeling of familiarity for those who’ve followed Colleen’s work throughout the years.
  4. Oct 27, 2017
    By feeding her perceptions of a vast, uncaring universe through these tiny, delicate sounds, Schott comes closer than most to capturing our vulnerability as living creatures--animal or human--and the senselessness of suffering.
  5. Oct 27, 2017
    Colleen's most immediate and affecting LP to date.
  6. Oct 27, 2017
    Ultimately, A flame my love, a frequency is an intimate voyage of a single human soul through nature, and the minimalistic synth compositions she has used to render this prove to be an ideal vessel.
  7. Oct 25, 2017
    A flame my love, a frequency is a modest, introspective album. It focuses on the small, the minute, turning inwards in the face of questions too large to grasp.
  8. Oct 27, 2017
    In other words, without being a mere sonic record of actual Is-ness (a field recording), A flame my love, a frequency relays an Is-ness. This is both mono no aware, the sadness of things, but also their joy, and beyond either, the experience of Being.
  9. Oct 25, 2017
    There are definite parallels with Ekstasis period Julia Holter, but Schott is less fussed for easy-eared melodies. Instead she makes her mark through kaleidoscopic waltzes like "Another World" and the title track's droning, ethereal haze. And while that doesn't always make it an easy listen, it's hard not to admire her ambition.

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