
Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
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  1. Mar 12, 2021
    A History of Nomadic Behavior showcases a band that’s able to make its music more challenging while also being mindful of songcraft and being subtle about it in both respects.
  2. The Wire
    Mar 12, 2021
    Recorded during a post-tour chill, the album writes a caustic, often dejected and cynical travelogue. ... Meanwhile, subtle slivers of sarcasm and dry humour punch through this acerbic sound. They find their way in bass-led, sumptuous lounge sludge on “Smoker’s Piece”, assess the “Current Situation” with screeching dissonance and pained shrieks and bemoan the grey daily life on the closing “Every Thing, Every Day”. [Apr 2021, p.54]
  3. Mar 25, 2021
    For those who were drawn primarily to Eyehategod’s apocalyptic self-annihilation, History’s unadorned blues riffs and fully legible lyrics might be a bridge too far. For those of us who want Eyehategod to keep doing this for a long time to come, it’s a welcome evolution.
  4. Mar 12, 2021
    Overall, the album's production is too polished, which somewhat contradicts the band's filth-caked persona. Instead of their lovable, sloppy sludge with festering warts and all, Nomadic Behavior is squeaky clean and coherent, with a surgical gravity to each and every downtuned chord.

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