
Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
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  1. Mar 3, 2016
    Creative songcraft and catching melodies are also in full force here, as expected by this point from Nguyen, though the strongest impact of the A Man Alive may be the temerity of its sound--thankfully, there's no need to separate the two. Even at 12 tracks, the album will leave many wanting more (and more Nguyen-Garbus collabs).
  2. Mar 2, 2016
    Even with quiet moments that forget to entertain, Nguyen sounds like she’s having more fun than ever before on A Man Alive.
  3. Mar 2, 2016
    While this album is masterful in a number of ways, it's Thao's confessional element that ties everything together.
  4. Mar 4, 2016
    A Man Alive is an endearing listen and has all of the elements of a complete work—even pop-centric singles in “Astonished Man” and “Nobody Dies.
  5. Mar 7, 2016
    A Man Alive's great virtue is that Nguyen can still sound like she's having the time of her life even as she's recounting the darkest moments from it.
  6. Mar 1, 2016
    Having an album that listeners need to dig into to fully appreciate can cut both ways. But this is Thao and the Get Down Stay Down’s fourth record, so their established audience should be accustomed to their quirks. Hopefully potential new fans will give A Man Alive a thorough chance to win them over, because it’s worth the time.
  7. Q Magazine
    Mar 1, 2016
    It's honest, uncomfortable and bonkers, but therein lies its charms. [Apr 2016, p.115]
  8. Jul 15, 2016
    [A] crop of relatively cheerful-sounding — not to mention industrious, and never dull--tracks.
  9. Mar 3, 2016
    While A Man Alive often feels busy, it’s rarely overbearingly so, due to Nguyen’s ear for an off-kilter pop melody.
  10. 70
    It all makes for a pretty giant leap forward, with the weighty, emotional subject punctured by a Willy Wonka factory of discombobulated guitar pop that has the tUnE-yArDs’ finger print all over it.
  11. Mar 14, 2016
    As percussive as her previous offerings, A Man Alive is jaunty but perhaps less folky than normal, endowed significantly with the spirit of Tune-Yards' Merill Garbus, the queen of both loop and uke.... That's not to deny that this album is a step forward, however.
  12. Uncut
    Mar 1, 2016
    A visceral, candid and thrillingly propulsive depiction of her efforts to work through her father's abandonment when she was a child. [Apr 2016, p.81]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 16 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 16
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 16
  3. Negative: 2 out of 16
  1. Apr 16, 2016
    A Man Alive is the Nikki Nack of 2016, and not just because the tUnE-yArDs contributed background vocals and production to this record. ThaoA Man Alive is the Nikki Nack of 2016, and not just because the tUnE-yArDs contributed background vocals and production to this record. Thao and her bandmates deliver extremely catchy, vibrant art pop tunes.

    Full Review »
  2. Mar 22, 2016
    Really interesting, catchy music. I have listened 2 or 3 times through and each time I catch something new. I like her voice. I think itsReally interesting, catchy music. I have listened 2 or 3 times through and each time I catch something new. I like her voice. I think its a keeper. Full Review »