
Generally favorable reviews - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 26
  2. Negative: 0 out of 26
  1. Acid Tongue is where Lewis finally pulls it all together and delivers one killer of a record.
  2. There’s quite a supporting cast on Jenny Lewis’s second LP. Elvis Costello makes an appearance, Zooey Deschanel, Jonathan Rice and M Ward all pop by.
  3. It's not the most instantly winning of albums, but its rewards become evident after repeated listens, its subtleties revealing themselves like an unfolding paper fan.
  4. There's plenty of storminess on her excellent second solo album, whose songs mix muscular guitar rock ('The Next Messiah') with soul balladeering ('Sing a Song for Them') and chamber pop ('Black Sand').
  5. Unfortunately for those still hoping for an old-school Rilo Kiley redux, Lewis' new Acid Tongue is the sonic midpoint of those two releases, matching "Blacklight's" freewheeling, schizophrenic vibe with "Fur Coat's" alt-country foundations. For those ready to move with Lewis down those paths, however, the new one is a confident amalgam of tracks that sparkle, stew, and storm.
  6. 80
    Lively and loose, cut with collaborators including her talented Scottish boyfriend Johnathan Rice, spooky folkie M. Ward and actress-singer Zooey Deschanel, the 11 songs (many of which she has performed live for years) encompass Southern-gothic folk, Appalachian blues stomps and 'The Next Messiah,' an eight-minute, Who-style rock mini-opera.
  7. Acid Tongue has more hits than misses. However, Lewis doesn't realize her full potential on this LP.
  8. Various guests--including Elvis Costello, M. Ward, and the singer’s own sister and father--are fun, but Lewis clearly remains the star, rising.
  9. What it has in common with its superb predecessors is Lewis's invaluable understanding of what works for her.
  10. Jenny is a definitely a chosen one in the talent department, but she doesn't really let on.
  11. Q Magazine
    Impressively, she pulls off both sympathy and empathy. [Oct 2008, p.138]
  12. Mojo
    This second album easily stands on its own merits. [Oct 2008, p.102]
  13. Ms. Lewis, also the frontwoman for Rilo Kiley, is unwrapped here, emboldened in her songwriting and more flexible in her voice.
  14. The album is boastful, vulnerable and witty, usually within the course of a single song. It may be a bad man’s world, but a bad girl’s record makes it that much more tolerable.
  15. Under The Radar
    Acid Tongue establishes Jenny Lewis as an idiosyncratic talent in her own right. [Fall 2008, p.76]
  16. Acid Tongue is fuller and has more of a ragged, live-band feel than any of Lewis’ previous work.
  17. Alternative Press
    More lively and consistent than 2006's "Rabbit Fur Coat," Lewis's second solo disc builds like a whisky buzz. [Nov 2008, p.155]
  18. Only a talent as major as Lewis could half bring it off.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 28 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 28
  2. Negative: 2 out of 28
  1. Sep 29, 2011
    In this marvellous album we can see all the different sides of Jenny Lewis: the country one in "San Fernando", the sorrowful one in "Trying MyIn this marvellous album we can see all the different sides of Jenny Lewis: the country one in "San Fernando", the sorrowful one in "Trying My Best To Love You", the fun one in "Carpetbagger" (a song with a contribution from Elvis Costello), and also the nostalgic one in "Acid Tongue". But in all the songs we can hear two things: she has grown, (but that doesn't mean she isn't lovely anymore, on the contrary, you'll fall in love with her again and again while listening to this album), and the other thing is that in all the tracks there's a Californian atmosphere that gives the album an homogeneous sound Full Review »
  2. Mar 15, 2011
    Jenny Lewis has one of the most beautiful voice I've ever heard. That alone makes me praise this album. But even apart from her amazing voice,Jenny Lewis has one of the most beautiful voice I've ever heard. That alone makes me praise this album. But even apart from her amazing voice, the songs are really great. "Acid Tongue" is the standout song on this album. "Godspeed" is another great song. The production is smooth and crystal clear. The lyrics are really pretty and then there's Jenny Lewis. What's not to love about her. All In All, Acid Tongue is a wonderful solo album by the amazing Jenny Lewis. A- Full Review »
  3. KristinY
    Mar 31, 2009
    I find most tracks on this album unlistenable. It's a severely disappointing follow-up to Rabbit Fur Coat. I'm not sure who she;s I find most tracks on this album unlistenable. It's a severely disappointing follow-up to Rabbit Fur Coat. I'm not sure who she;s trying to be, but Jenny's voice isn't built for those high notes. Acid Tongue and Sing a Song are the only tracks on this album I find myself listening to intentionally. Full Review »