
Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 20
  2. Negative: 1 out of 20
  1. Simian Mobile Disco's debut is a dance record that shows a surprising amount of subtlety and flair.
  2. Alternative Press
    While Release has all the hallmarks of a great DJ mix album, it's a record meant for pop consumption. [Nov 2007, p.176]
  3. This is a damn good party--best not to miss out.
  4. Attack Decay Sustain Release defies such trite categorization and, ultimately, what it is or isn’t doesn't really matter. All you need to know is this is quality.
  5. Entertainment Weekly
    Attack supplies nothing too complicated or heady, just primal party fun. [14 Sep 2007, p.148]
  6. It's difficult to detect any flaws in Attack Decay Sustain Release. Simian Mobile Disco have created a seamless electronica album that can carry the torch for the New Rave movement, and prove there's a great deal of substance beneath the fad to be found.
  7. SMD's excellent debut album as a stand-alone group, Attack Decay Sustain Release, is for dancing, not moshing.
  8. No, this is not the full-fledged underground dance-revolution many were expecting. However, it remains one of the most guaranteed party starters this side of Girl Talk.
  9. Spin
    The duo's effortless ability to plunder electronic genres without losing their identity makes Attack consistently fresh. [Oct 2007, p.111]
  10. When contrasted with the tide of other like-minded electronic albums released recently, Simian Mobile Disco’s effort feels fresh and vibrant and with an execution that consistently delivers on simple but fascinating ideas.
  11. Some of the songs on Attack Decay Sustain Release feature vocals in various call-and-response styles, but more are tracks like 'Tits & Acid,' which employs hard, tight sirens and bangs in service of ideas that register without a need for explication.
  12. You won’t care that it’s gleefully empty, shamelessly primitive, pre-rational, lo-fi. You’ll be too busy dancing.
  13. Under The Radar
    The album does have enough variety to prevent it from becoming redundant dance exercise. [Fall 2007, p.84]
  14. It's love song 'I Believe,' really sets the group apart from 2007's other big-beat revivalists, draping ex-Simian bandmate Simon Lord's FutureSex'd croon in Italo-disco shimmer. By keeping its heart, the result edges out Justice's more brutal † for most exciting, um, "blog house" debut of the year.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 16 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 16
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 16
  3. Negative: 1 out of 16
  1. Nov 7, 2011
    Amazing piece of dance - electronic music. I so love this album, I could listen to this album all day long, especially Sleep Deprivation and IAmazing piece of dance - electronic music. I so love this album, I could listen to this album all day long, especially Sleep Deprivation and I Got This Down. And of course, Hustler. Recommended. Full Review »
  2. StephanM.
    Sep 18, 2007
    Excellent ! This LP is a seminal release for all the guys who like me used to listen to electro-techno stuff for a very long time (the earlie Excellent ! This LP is a seminal release for all the guys who like me used to listen to electro-techno stuff for a very long time (the earlie 90's). Ok it's easy for people to dislike those "silly" rave anthems sound, i just like them cause they remind me a lot of things !!! And there's a huge positive feeling listening to that LP !! Full Review »
  3. mikes.
    Sep 17, 2007
    By far one of the freshes if not the freshest electronic album of 2007. It ranks right up there with digitalism debut. I would go as far as By far one of the freshes if not the freshest electronic album of 2007. It ranks right up there with digitalism debut. I would go as far as to say there are more standout tracks on this album over digitalism. The only flaw of this record is that the last half is a mess. In particular its not worth listening to anything past track 7. Still a great debut that like daft punk and digitalism, they choose to use vintage gear over laptops, which in this day and age is more unique and creative than any ambient or idm out this year. Full Review »