• Record Label: Domino
  • Release Date: Apr 20, 2018

Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
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  1. May 18, 2018
    Kinetic and heartfelt, Beautiful Thing lives up to its name and delivers some of Taylor's finest solo music yet.
  2. Apr 17, 2018
    Taylor’s brilliantly bonkers pop odyssey certainly lives up to its title and ultimately, is an impressive, if uneven addition to his already stellar discography.
  3. Apr 20, 2018
    It doesn’t always quite hit those high notes, but the pair have set out to create a sometimes elusive feeling of connection. Its sheer scope alone means there’s likely to be something here that will undoubtedly resonate.
  4. Apr 25, 2018
    Beautiful Thing can be marked down as an interesting experiment but not a great record. It may end up being loved by hardcore fans of his song-writing but there won’t be a lot here for casual fans to come back to.
  5. Mojo
    Apr 4, 2018
    It's a mixed bag. ... Until Hot Chip's mothership heaves back into view, Taylor's emotive, immersive solo output will tide things over nicely. [May 2018, p.93]
  6. Apr 16, 2018
    Beautiful Thing works so well because it reminds us of that fact without losing its own emotional resonance.
  7. 60
    At its best, the record builds on some of the weirder elements in Hot Chip, but at its worst spirals into self-indulgence.
  8. Apr 20, 2018
    The layers of sound Taylor presents are sumptuous, full of tossed-off licks of piano and guitar that gather into motifs more deluxe than his recent solo work but far scruffier than Hot Chip. Tucked into them, Taylor’s lyrics make strange but welcome bedfellows.
  9. Apr 19, 2018
    Beautiful Thing is Taylor's most rounded and intriguing solo work to date. The various aspects of Taylor's musical personality are covered but with a new found confidence and desire to take chances.
  10. Q Magazine
    Apr 10, 2018
    In a career already dotted with peaks, this is definitely another. [Jun 2018, p.113]
  11. Apr 4, 2018
    Beautiful Thing’s blend of ambition and emotion shows that Taylor could genuinely make whatever he wants--sometimes that’s the trouble and sometimes that’s the difference. Our loss, our gain.
  12. Apr 13, 2018
    While there's certainly no shortage of sonic experimentation woven into this relatively more adventurous album, the British singer-songwriter struggles to find an effective balance between the added electronic accoutrements and the minimalist core that informs his solo work.
  13. Apr 20, 2018
    Yo-yoing of tempos and moods aside, whether it is on the stripped-down “A Hit Song” or the jerky, David Byrne-esque “Oh Baby,” Taylor sounds pretty emotional, a sadness underscoring his signature vocals throughout.
  14. Apr 20, 2018
    The more you listen to Beautiful Thing, the more you realise what a marvel of sequencing it is: here are songs that truly talk to each other, musically and lyrically.
  15. 60
    Beautiful Thing is a confident statement about musical and human authenticity, with production by UNKLE’s Tim Goldsworthy which builds dub-like echo-chambers, inside which a kitchen sink’s worth of sounds claustrophobically rattle.
  16. 70
    Beautiful Thing shows the other end of Alexis Taylors talents as both a songwriter and a musician, and it’s time that more discovered them.
  17. Apr 18, 2018
    Where 2008’s Rubbed Out and 2014’s Await Barbarians saw him reconfiguring Hot Chip’s understated synth-soul with impressive results, Beautiful Thing bears the outline of transition rather than bold progress.
  18. Apr 16, 2018
    Beautiful Thing, though, is more of a straightforward float through space, with a starry, galactic feel to the album.
  19. Uncut
    Apr 4, 2018
    A satisfying whole that demonstrates Taylor's mastery of his peculiar strain of zonked late-night soul. [May 2018, p.35]
  20. Apr 4, 2018
    Beautiful Things isn't the flashiest, and it sags along the way, but it comes with enough soul to carry the quiet moments. [Mar-May 2018, p.60]

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