
Generally favorable reviews - based on 32 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 32
  2. Negative: 1 out of 32
  1. This is the band's most autopiloted effort yet, a hacked-up last-gen rehash of said space jams, only now with greater emphasis on glitz and glam. Somehow Muse, always loveably lame, have managed to take a turn for the lamer.
  2. This is the first Muse album to sound - brace yourself, outrageous melodrama fans - ordinary.
  3. Though the album grows stronger as it lurches on, the trio's pursuit of bombast leaves the killer melodies lost in outer space.
  4. Unfortunately, it seems the group is more interested in refining, rather than re-defining, their craft, whose torpid mechanics bear no mystery, no guts behind all that glamour.
  5. The album is a black hole of pomp and nothingness, a perfect document of the times. So, to fully enjoy it, it's best to turn your brain off and let yourself get sucked in.
  6. Mojo
    What this record lacks is a couple of the screamalong anthems at which Muse have become renowned. [Aug 2006, p.88]
  7. Impressive song construction ruined by heart-wrenching dramatics.
  8. Spin
    Muse used to sound like a Radiohead tribute band; now they sound like a Muse knockoff. [Aug 2006, p.81]
  9. Takes rock to Seussian levels of ridiculousness.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 511 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 19 out of 511
  1. chrisc
    Aug 15, 2009
    One of my favorite albums of all time. 33? I'm simply speechless that someone could listen to this and rate it that low? WTF do you One of my favorite albums of all time. 33? I'm simply speechless that someone could listen to this and rate it that low? WTF do you want? More country music? More eyeliner punk/pop? More bow-wow-wow or whatever the Fk? Full Review »
  2. Dec 20, 2012
    Electronic. Dazzling. Haunting. Beautiful. Bombastic. Impressive. Pop. Words spring to mind when describing the wonder that is Muse's fourthElectronic. Dazzling. Haunting. Beautiful. Bombastic. Impressive. Pop. Words spring to mind when describing the wonder that is Muse's fourth studio album, Black Holes & Revelations. A fearless direction, incorporating electronics, progressive rock, R'n'B, and more ridiculous elements to craft a masterpiece of modern music. An album so impressive, so magical, and so addictive. Muse are the masters of modern rock, clearly shaped by this album.

    Though not my favourite Muse album, this is one hell of a piece, with brilliant solos, gritty solos, mesmerizing vocals, and catchy melodies. Though that doesn't necessarily make a good album, Muse have succeeded. From the flow of Take A Bow (an incredible electronic piece) into Starlight and Supermassive Black Hole (two songs so massive they have become the most recognized Muse hits of all time), and into the heights of masterpieces of Map of the Problematique and Invincible, this is strong, and hard hitting, and the definition of Muse. Though Soldier's Poem ruins the flow after the brilliant and monstrous Map of the Problematique (an epic piece, by far considered one of Muse's greatest works), Invincible surely makes up for it, bombarding us with powerful solos and haunting lyrics. The pace picks up again with the heavy and intentionally heavy Assasin and Exo-Politics (both prominent in their conspiracy-lead Bellamy lyrics) into the relaxing City of Delusion (though using strong progressions and lyrics so powerful, you'll never want it to end).

    Hoodoo and Knights of Cydonia follow, two flawless pieces of music, lyrics so powerful and current, progressions so intriguing, guitar solos and piano experiments prominent throughout, they close a perfect album. Though the overall track listing isn't brilliantly placed, Black Holes & Revelations is a triumph, and one of Muse's greatest albums. Ever.

    Overall Score: 10/10
    Full Review »
  3. Oct 5, 2010
    Muse strikes me as a combination of Radiohead, ELO, and Rush. Just saw them at Staples Center for the first time and was blown away. ButMuse strikes me as a combination of Radiohead, ELO, and Rush. Just saw them at Staples Center for the first time and was blown away. But going home and hearing this album solidified my admiration of this band. Great stuff. Full Review »