
Universal acclaim - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 12
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 12
  3. Negative: 0 out of 12
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  1. Nov 7, 2017
    There is a fair amount of glitchy electronica, but there are also more straightforward loops. They compliment Open Mike's melodic delivery and the wistful yet angry mood of the album. Sammus and Has-lo also offer verses.
  2. 91
    Open Mike Eagle is one of the few artists that seems to improve with every release, and just when you thought he couldn’t get better than a full collaboration with Paul White on yesteryear’s Hella Personal Film Festival, he does just that. It helps that the various producers manage to make unique beats that still fit in with the album’s general aesthetic.
  3. Oct 20, 2017
    Mike Eagle manages to balance the sense that he is speaking for many with the certainty that no one else could do it quite the same way.
  4. The Wire
    Oct 11, 2017
    Brick Body Kids Still Daydream is a sublimely reflective slice of nostalgia with none of the comfort or security that term implies--it’s a both hysterically funny and sharply political skewering of the games nostalgic reverie can play on people, and a people’s consciousness. [Oct 2017, p.67]
  5. Oct 6, 2017
    His new one, easily his headiest, is a concept LP built around Chicago's Robert Taylor Homes, a famously mismanaged housing project destroyed 10 years ago.
  6. Sep 22, 2017
    Brick Body Kids Still Daydream is the very definition of a slow burner. It lacks a track as instantly iconic as ‘Doug Stamper’ off Dark Comedy, but it reveals its layers and details gradually.
  7. Sep 22, 2017
    Brick Body Kids Still Daydream is Eagle’s seventh solo album, and builds on his hot 2014 work, “Dark Comedy.” The difference? Scope. Like the composer Stew did in his 2006 rock musical “Passing Strange,” Eagle makes grand narrative connections across “Brick Body Kids ...” and does so through his skills as a storyteller and rapper with a sublimely confident flow.
  8. Sep 20, 2017
    These are passive recollections that come off as quietly rebellious, because he plainly acknowledges the value of the black voice, as well as the weight of its silence.
  9. Sep 19, 2017
    Impressively, Eagle maintains a coherent aesthetic across 12 tracks by ten different producers, a muted brood that resists the default loudness of mainstream hip-pop. There’s a lushness to the production absent some of his earlier work.
  10. Sep 19, 2017
    Brick Body Kids Still Daydream offers everything you’d expect from an Open Mike Eagle album and rivals Dark Comedy for the best in his catalogue. But it’s also his most thematically coherent work yet.
  11. Sep 19, 2017
    Brick Body gives the feeling of sitting curbside on a warm summer's eve, surrounded by friends. The beats are welcoming, jazzy, and minimal while Mike sing-raps his poignant lines in a typically poetic and smooth cadence.
  12. Sep 19, 2017
    One of Eagle’s more consistently engaging outings, this elegy for the since-demolished Robert Taylor Homes projects the 36-year-old rapper grew up in isn’t necessarily one of his most ear-catching records. More than his other albums, it’s consumed with his thoughts, possibly even a bit smothered; it cries out for some showing to break up all the telling.

Awards & Rankings

User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 32 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 29 out of 32
  2. Negative: 2 out of 32
  1. Sep 19, 2017
    Arguably the best hip hop album of the year, definitely the most thoughtful.

    In a musical landscape where loudness sells, Brick Body Kids
    Arguably the best hip hop album of the year, definitely the most thoughtful.

    In a musical landscape where loudness sells, Brick Body Kids Still Daydream finds beauty in quietude.
    Full Review »
  2. Sep 20, 2017
    Open Mike Eagle never ceases to amaze me, Brick Body Kids Still Daydream is the most impeccable, fantastic masterpiece from start to finish.Open Mike Eagle never ceases to amaze me, Brick Body Kids Still Daydream is the most impeccable, fantastic masterpiece from start to finish. there's not a single track on this album that i really did not like at all because the whole project is fire. Mello Music Group has got to be the best label in the whole universe, they always put out the extremely dope albums. Full Review »