
Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
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  1. Dusted Magazine
    Feb 23, 2011
    Luckily, the songwriting on Minks' debut hits far more frequently than it misses. It's a solid establishment of a noteworthy sound--the proverbial "encouraging first album."
  2. Feb 11, 2011
    The sound is focused, thick, lovely.
  3. Uncut
    Feb 8, 2011
    They stand out because they combine some very familiar elements with more style and grace than their peers. [Feb 2011, p.94]
  4. Feb 4, 2011
    Minks leave listeners wanting more on By the Hedge, a debut that sounds timeless and surprising.
  5. Feb 4, 2011
    A passive 12 song set that toes the line between nostalgic sadness and bright optimism with remarkable ease.
  6. Feb 4, 2011
    It is explorative, enchanting, wide-reaching, and so hopeful it ignites a tender pain all its own.
  7. Feb 4, 2011
    There are some real pop gems on here, especially if you're fond of The Cure and their ilk. Maybe it's just me not getting that soupy gloom that seems to be out there for everyone else.
  8. 80
    His vision of the album is similarly relational, and this debut brims with variety and skill, coming off with a complex personality at turns exuberantly earnest, darkly melancholy, and dreamily coy.
  9. Feb 4, 2011
    Yeah, Minks has churned out an enjoyable full-length debut, but there's an ever-present possibility that it'll get lost in the mess--much like the standout moments on By the Hedge, there's always a haziness enveloping everything like a dense fog.
  10. Feb 4, 2011
    Minks' devotion to mood and texture may seem redolent of My Bloody Valentine's foggy experiments, but By The Hedge isn't nearly as sonically challenging or heady as Kevin Shields's work. No, Minks have more modest goals as it turns out, their greatest inspiration comes not from the music of others but rather from within.
  11. Feb 4, 2011
    Minks adapt the style that the Clientele matured into over their recent full-lengths, which adds a foreboding touch to these love-and-regret-focused songs.
  12. 63
    Minks floats along like a Sofia Coppola movie - delicate and listless, topped with a glossy and charming overcoat, but lacking in substance.

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