• Record Label: Top Dawg
  • Release Date: Jan 28, 2014

Universal acclaim - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 13
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 13
  3. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. The Source
    Apr 18, 2014
    Overall a thoroughly introspective record featuring classic Southern yet modern hip-hop sound tagged with a relatable yet unique coming-of-age story. [Apr/May 2014, p.81]
  2. Mar 5, 2014
    The chilled production compliments Rashad’s smooth, thought-provoking vocals to create a cohesive album that’s one of the best of the young year.
  3. Mar 4, 2014
    At times the production teeters back and forth between cohesive and monotonous, but after repeated listens, the tracks stand out apart from each other more as you unravel the heavily layered production.
  4. 83
    With Cilvia Demo, Rashad proves his place in the Californian crew’s lauded lineup, and TDE show their own versatility on the cusp of hip hop takeover.
  5. Feb 24, 2014
    He’s touched down on his own terms, and he’ll be sticking around for a while.
  6. Feb 20, 2014
    Every story and every hook connects on a human level, which in a Rap game moreso than ever defined by absurdity and ephemeral aspirations makes this a worthwhile listen.
  7. Feb 20, 2014
    Even if they’re generally delivered with an easier flow and more laid-back vibe, sharp production and catchy hooks increase each track’s impact.
  8. Feb 20, 2014
    The slate of beats on Cilvia Demo unites into a consistently immersive, complete album package that's just as ruminative as the lyrics.
  9. Feb 20, 2014
    A confident and assured debut proving that home address aside, he fits squarely into the Black Hippy aesthetic.
  10. Feb 20, 2014
    No song strays too far from the narrative or the occupied soundspace, and with each passing breath, Isaiah Rashad becomes a viable threat to leave an indelible mark similar to the one’s left by the southern rap Gods he follows so devoutly.
  11. Feb 20, 2014
    Easy access it's not, but track by track, this is excellence and an appetite-whetting experience worth any progressive hip-hop fan's attention.
  12. Feb 20, 2014
    A well-produced, collective backdrop is the foundation of Cilvia’s creative world, but it is Rashad’s poetically penned, energetically delivered raps that gently tip the scale towards a point of well-rounded balance.
  13. Feb 20, 2014
    The theme of being a descendent in a musical sense is extended to Rashad's familial reality on Cilvia Demo, delivering some of the EP's strongest moments.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 134 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 5 out of 134
  1. Feb 26, 2014
    Weeks with this stuck on replay, "Cilvia Demo" will easily end up being one of the strongest hip hop albums when we at top of the year, I'llWeeks with this stuck on replay, "Cilvia Demo" will easily end up being one of the strongest hip hop albums when we at top of the year, I'll say that.

    A disappointment some call this, boring to others. It's not cause he's wack or so, definitely not, it's just that he's comfortable to his craft, his sound, he knows his music. He knows what to go for. He has found his pocket.
    He does not stop by a banger with a double time, he goes for the more mellow and laidback ones where his flow, delivery and wordplays are the ones that shines the most.

    Isaiah Rashad, is the star of the project, but let's not take anything away from the productions value cause it's beautifully layered. Really chill, jazzy and smooth, with Rashad's rough and melodic voice over that'll be ripping it apart.
    A few, few people nowadays has mastered to make an album full of mellow production as interesting, as this guy, Isaiah Rashad.

    The new guy in the smallest but most consistent label in the rap game, Top Dawg Entertainment. Well, no pressure when you stick to your formula as Isaiah shows us, a rookie? Not one bit from what my ears can hear. A lyrical MC that embraces the best from his influences and pays homage to the greats like Scarface and Master P.

    Southern he is.
    Support this, don't wanna see folks complain about that nothing lyrically from the south's out, with K.R.I.T. and now Rashad breaking out the most at the time in the mainstream scene.

    Rashad's first official release, only a demo he calls it (EP), yet, still more cohesive and creative than much we have out.

    This to vibe with.. vibe with it.
    "Cilvia Demo" is one brilliant EP.
    Full Review »
  2. Feb 28, 2014
    Many people have said that this album is good but is not very unique or in depth when it comes to subject matter. I think this is actually aMany people have said that this album is good but is not very unique or in depth when it comes to subject matter. I think this is actually a very innovative and unique album if you really listen to what he is saying. I really enjoyed every track on the album and is certainly one of my favourites from TDE. My favourite track is soliloquy. That song is constantly playing in my house. Well done Isaiah! Now show TDE that you are as good as Black Hippy! Full Review »
  3. Apr 23, 2014
    Another album that has been blown out of proportion and over-hyped to hell. Isaiah proves to be a capable rapper lyricist here, but it's theAnother album that has been blown out of proportion and over-hyped to hell. Isaiah proves to be a capable rapper lyricist here, but it's the storytelling, instrumentals and choruses that prove to be pretty underwhelming and lackluster. Full Review »