
Generally favorable reviews - based on 32 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 32
  2. Negative: 0 out of 32
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  1. Alternative Press
    Nov 2, 2011
    Like a late-night screening of Blue Velvet, it may be hard to get through, but impossible to ignore. [Dec 2011, p.121]
  2. Nov 4, 2011
    This is an intriguing diversion for the veteran filmmaker--not quite good enough to make us want him to give up cinema for keeps, but certainly a new strand to his unique, ineffable vision.
  3. Nov 11, 2011
    These songs lurch, sometimes crawl, through a swamp of woozy synths, twanging electric guitars, and portentous melodies.
  4. Mojo
    Jan 12, 2012
    Everywhere, tremolo guitars twang, and slow, compressed drums beat out the rhythm of disquietude. [Dec. 2011 p. 99]
  5. Nov 10, 2011
    To be fair, if it weren't for Lynch's lacklustre vocals and lyrics there might be a fairly solid collection of atmospheric retro rock 'n' roll here, but as it seems to be coming at the expense of his film career that's still not quite good enough.
  6. Nov 9, 2011
    Crazy Clown Time, recorded in Lynch's personal studio with engineer Big Dean Hurley, isn't exactly fart-blank, but this visual master shouldn't quit his day job.
  7. Nov 10, 2011
    Crazy Clown Time is clouded with studio experiments that attempt to hold up weak songs.
  8. Q Magazine
    Dec 15, 2011
    Dense swirls of electronic noise, baleful, twanging gothic country guitars, lyrics that never quite reveal some horrifying secret - fans of Lynch's films with find themselves on familiar ground. [Dec. 2011 p. 129]
  9. Dec 8, 2011
    Lynch, a man of minor obsessions, here explores just one -- quavery, Fifties-style guitar. The result's long on atmosphere and short on anything approaching mystery.
  10. Nov 2, 2011
    Lynch handles most everything else here--vocals, guitar, writing, production--creating soundscapes that are dark, unsettling, and often confusing.
  11. 60
    It's not a bad album as much, but to anyone familiar with Lynch's other work, it's entirely predictable in sound and style.
  12. 60
    The skies overhead on his debut album are dark and menacing for the most part: this is music to depopulate dancefloors, not fill them.
  13. 60
    The results sound as if Lynch's old protégé Chris Isaak had taken a left turn into lyrical eccentricity, pulsing synths and sinister atmospherics.
  14. The Wire
    Dec 6, 2011
    Crazy Clown Time is like a sound painting of oddball modern USA done in the style of Old Weird America. {Nov 2011, p.62]
  15. Uncut
    Nov 23, 2011
    The whole oddball exercise is almost rescued by "Pinky's Dream." [Dec 2011, p.89]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 13 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. Mar 19, 2013
    David Lynch I love your films. I love the fact that after many years of dedication to other musicians (Julee Cruise, Crysta Bell {This Train..David Lynch I love your films. I love the fact that after many years of dedication to other musicians (Julee Cruise, Crysta Bell {This Train.. wow.. just plain wow}) and incredible input to your film scores you've dared to make your own album and make it completely "your own", totally unique and with it's own sound. Does it work Sorta kinda.. Full Review »
  2. Nov 29, 2011
    This a a trippy but sort of poppy album that's just kind of weird to listen to. Sometimes I really liked and other times I was thinking,This a a trippy but sort of poppy album that's just kind of weird to listen to. Sometimes I really liked and other times I was thinking, "What's up with this song?" This is something you have to listen to as a whole because just one song by itself feels very disconnected. Full Review »