
Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
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  1. Mar 30, 2018
    Skits like "Close Talker" draw out a conflict between Czarface and Doom, but the former seems to be a bit more aggressive--Doom doesn't really seem to fight back, he's just doing his thing, talking sharp and candid like always. In any case, the album is still a whole lot of fun, and shouldn't disappoint fans of either act.
  2. Mar 30, 2018
    This isn’t a simple listen. The lyrical punches fly faster than a speeding bullet, making it impossible to digest the staggering amount of content in a single sitting. It requires an acute attention to detail and several run-throughs to truly capture the brilliance of the project.
  3. Apr 2, 2018
    You can’t knock Czarface Meets Metal Face too much for sounding like a period piece, since that’s so clearly the intention. Czarface has always spoken directly to a specific audience, one that values familiarity over progression. And if what you’re looking for is a hip-hop album that sounds like it could have been recorded 15 years ago, Czarface Meets Metal Face certainly delivers.
  4. Jul 3, 2018
    Yes true believers these villains are definitely up to no good, but they're just the anti-heroes you've been looking for. With beats and rhymes more punishing than Frank Castle, Czarface Meets Metal Face is the hip-hop for everyone who's had it up to here with mumble mouthed singing emcees.
  5. Apr 4, 2018
    While the group’s mutual wit and sense of lyrical structure could elevate the flattest of records, the kineticism and gleeful weirdness of their individual work is bafflingly absent. Czarface Meets Metal Face is polished but never makes good on the thrills promised by their teasing enterprise ‘Ka-Bang’ off Czarface’s 2015 record Every Hero Needs A Villain.
  6. Mar 30, 2018
    The late-album highlight “Captain Brunch” is a little weirder and more characterful, a hint at what a bolder, tighter collaboration between all these immensely talented artists could sound like. The rest is fine, but for fans only.
  7. Mar 30, 2018
    When the MCs are actually on the mic, backed by 7L’s super-rugged boom bap production, there is much to love.
  8. The Wire
    Jul 12, 2018
    This is music strapped for battle, the beats tooled up and live-sounding, the loops and details kept to a brute minimum by Doom so that the lines, and guest spots from Vinnie Paz and Open Mike Eagle, can really punch through. [May 2018, p.63]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 39 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 34 out of 39
  2. Negative: 3 out of 39
  1. Feb 22, 2019
    Czarface Meets Ghostface finds everyone besides 7L punching below their weight.

    Czarface Meets Ghostface finds everyone besides 7L punching below their weight.


    Full Review »
  2. Apr 12, 2018
    To call this Doom's best album in over a decade may be a bit generous - not because it doesn't smoke every full release he's been in on sinceTo call this Doom's best album in over a decade may be a bit generous - not because it doesn't smoke every full release he's been in on since before the '09 self-titled album (oh, how it does!), but because Czarface does the heaviest lifting here as far as MC-ing goes. But it nails what a Doom album should sound like, he still is in more or less late-period form, and both Czarface and 7L are on absolute fire throughout. The album is non-stop funny and clever, not to mention just fun. Should it end after "MF Czar"? Sure, but what a run it is before those last two filler tracks. Full Review »
  3. Apr 7, 2018
    This another great MF Doom project. I havent listened to Czarface before but will have to go check them out now. Overall Esoteric, InspectahThis another great MF Doom project. I havent listened to Czarface before but will have to go check them out now. Overall Esoteric, Inspectah Deck, and MF rip these tracks with tightly constructed flows and bars. The production is also pretty great but not as good as it could have been. Still a great listen for anyone who loves top line lyricism and character play. Full Review »