
Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
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  1. Apr 9, 2019
    Dusty Notes is an easy listen, but a Meat Puppets album shouldn’t be easy--it should be a hot mess. Somewhere along the way the Kirkwood brothers lost the ramshackle charm that made them everyone’s favourite musician’s favourite musician.
  2. Apr 4, 2019
    Buried beneath droning, mid-tempo guitars and spare key arrangements, Dusty Notes finds Meat Puppets more grounded than ever.
  3. Mar 14, 2019
    Dusty Notes isn’t without one or two overly screwy misfires, like the Traffic-gone-prog-metal mess “Vampyr’s Winged Fantasy.” But the balance of strangeness and comfort remains the hallmark of their vision.
  4. Mar 11, 2019
    Curt's voice sounds beautiful, crisp and clear, resigned to fate, yielding beauty in the midst of cracked flaws. And the band, fleshed out with keyboardist Ron Stabinsky and Curt's son Elmo, work the magic of making all of this sound fresh and new.
  5. Mar 11, 2019
    In aggregate, none of this feels like a departure--it’s somehow a step backward and forward at the same time, mining roots as a way to age gracefully.
  6. Mar 8, 2019
    The sound isn't a throwback to their first (or second) great era so much as it reflects the best qualities of their more mature work, and if it's not quite what some folks may have hoped for, it's a pleasing and well-crafted set that reminds listeners this band is still vital and productive.
  7. The Wire
    Mar 7, 2019
    Their world is one where the scrambling of senses serves a true psychedelic purpose--to open doors, to facilitate fresh ways of perceiving and, most gloriously, to wonder. It’s great to have (all of) them back. [Mar 2019, p.49]
  8. Mojo
    Mar 6, 2019
    An endearingly dog-eared weirdness to their idiosyncratic country rock, a charm to their off-kilter harmonies and a mystery within Curt's songwriting that ensures Dusty Notes is craftmanlike, rather than workmanlike. [Apr 2019, p.91]
  9. Uncut
    Mar 6, 2019
    It's impressive the way the trio can seamlessly slip back into the Dead-like country-psych sound that defined the best of their '80s/'90s output. [Apr 2019, p.32]
  10. Mar 6, 2019
    Feel free to ignore the skepticism and pessimism. Derrick Bostrom proclaimed the Meat Puppets to be a "national treasure" for a reason, and that's because quality and fun have been equally balanced ingredients in their best work. Dusty Notes bears that mark.
  11. Mar 6, 2019
    Fortunately, though an old-school country aesthetic defines the album—the banjo picking on “Nine Pins,” the sweet hillbilly harmonies on “Outflow”--Curt’s irrepressible songwriting quirks make the rest of Dusty Notes anything but formulaic. The post-Bostrom Meat Puppets have often veered much closer to modern alt-country than the hardcore of their early days, and Dusty Notes is no exception; in fact, it might be the mellowest of their albums to date.

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