
Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
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  1. Alternative Press
    Aug 12, 2015
    Everybody's Coming Down is a spacey rock record with noisy guitars and plenty of dynamics, with all of the endearing alcoholic romanticism that we have grown to love. [Sep 2015, p.97]
  2. Aug 12, 2015
    Everybody's Coming Down feels both focused and purposeful, something not all albums can lay claim to after a band's nearly decade-long absence.
  3. For the band's loyal fanbase, Everybody's Coming Down proves an experimental but mostly successful step further down a path of fuzzy, theatrical rock and roll.
  4. Aug 12, 2015
    It’s a safe-sounding, classy album.
  5. Dec 2, 2015
    This album suggests that there’s gas in the tank yet, especially when such pondering is matched to the spiky, inventive instrumentation on display.
  6. Aug 31, 2015
    He's right that the troubadour and his feeble attempt at greatness really are small potatoes in an indifferent universe, but at least his band can still manage to make albums worth a few spins.
  7. Aug 13, 2015
    Everybody's Coming Down is ultimately engaging if meandering, and at its heart--whatever the style--is memorable, energized songwriting.

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