
Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 12
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 12
  3. Negative: 0 out of 12
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  1. Aug 20, 2019
    Full Upon Her Burning Lips isn’t Earth’s best record. ... However, it might be the definitive Earth record, the one that, in its mystery and directness, comes nearest to whatever it is Carlson has been seeking in the drone and riff for almost 30 years.
  2. Aug 1, 2019
    Earth governs the purpose for every note and drum hit to carry weight. You might not understand Full Upon Her Burning Lips the first time, but you might like it by the fifth time.
  3. Classic Rock Magazine
    Jun 26, 2019
    Taken in a single sitting, the rewards from this record are manifold. [Summer 2019, p.83]
  4. May 30, 2019
    Full Upon Her Burning Lips requires patience from the listener as its contemplative pace offers multiple rewards on repeat plays. There is a depth to the album which is more evident with an enhanced investment from the audience as layers are revealed in the aural panoramic panacea that are hidden within the subtext of the songs.
  5. May 30, 2019
    Forward motion makes So Full Upon Her Burning Lips more than just a return to a classic sound. There are enough surprises here that what could’ve been just a comfortable glance backward.
  6. The Wire
    May 24, 2019
    The narrower focus, combined with the decision to return to Seattle’s Studio Soli, raises the thought that Earth might have, at last, orbited back to the roaring wastelands of their early 1990s work. Jump into the longer cuts here, though, and you find something that sounds less like a trip on Tibetan quaaludes, more a slow chug of whisky. [Jun 2019, p.56]
  7. May 24, 2019
    For a band whose titling and artwork is so important for the images they conjure, reverting to a tighter focus works for them. Carlson's guitars, clearly the focus, get to step back from the angular and the lugubrious. Instead, red-lipped riffs flutter over careful and precise percussion, evoking crimson dresses striding down gold corridors. And underneath it all--the star player--Adrienne Davis’s steady, world-eating thud has never sounded better.
  8. May 24, 2019
    Full Upon Her Burning Lips is sumptuous, a return to basics informed by Earth's decade-and-a-half period of discovery. The album's impeccable balance of those poles places it among the band's finest recorded offerings.
  9. Mojo
    May 23, 2019
    10 songs that are the apotheosis of their spartan sound. [Jun 2019, p.95]
  10. Uncut
    May 23, 2019
    Drummer and percussionist Adrienne Davies again lays down a solid foundation for Carlson's slow motion riffage on instrumentals that eschew the more ornate sensibility of recent efforts in favour of a leaner, meaner kind of swagger. [Jun 2019, p.27]
  11. May 23, 2019
    Full Upon Her Burning Lips is perhaps their most minimal effort yet--which is a big statement for a band defined by their monolithic minimalism--but the hypnotic spell these two put the listener under is remarkable.
  12. Kerrang!
    May 23, 2019
    This is Earth in their purest form. ... This album is also a perfect introduction to Earth for curious neophytes. [25 May 2019, p.55]

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