• Record Label: 4AD
  • Release Date: Feb 1, 2019

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
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  1. Feb 1, 2019
    There’s a gorgeous familiarity to the record, but it’s also one peppered with adventure.
  2. Feb 1, 2019
    At times his croon resembles Jens Lekman’s, and it makes you wish he paired, as Lekman does, his romance with wit and self-effacement. ... All that said, there are plenty of plainly beautiful moments on Gallipoli.
  3. Jan 30, 2019
    Throwaways make the ten-song album feel low on substantial ideas: there's enough material here for a solid EP, but it's rather thin for a full-length. Still, as a modestly enjoyable throwback to 2006, it gets the job done.
  4. Mojo
    Jan 29, 2019
    Gallipoli, recorded in Berlin and Puglia, is oddly unmoving, lacking range for all its seductive picturesque roaming. [Mar 2019, p.96]
  5. Feb 11, 2019
    The end result is an incredibly inoffensive album, one that’s perfectly lovely without offering any striking new ideas or features that make it memorable.
  6. Feb 7, 2019
    For its faults, Gallipoli is nice. It’s pleasant. But it’s the type of nice that makes you wonder if there was any substance there at all.

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