
Generally favorable reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 22
  2. Negative: 1 out of 22
  1. Blender
    The closest his polite bum comes to tearing loose is when he gives his music-hall skiffle a Dixieland bounce. [Apr 2009, p.80]
  2. He doesn't quite succeed, though in the process of failing, he turns in his most restrained and focused recordings to date.
  3. Consider Grace/Wastelands more of a step in the right direction, a sign that maybe all is not lost and he can turn things around yet.
  4. Problem is, the more traditionally reflective Grace/Wastelands just manages to make his solipsism double over on itself and your memories of listening to "Up the Bracket" are more rewarding than his memories of making it.
  5. Peter doesn't quite have a full batch of tunes here--the weird, World War II–themed '1939 Returning' is one of a few songs that could use an actual chorus--but for much of the album he manages to make his dysfunction sing.
  6. 60
    It will, rightly, go a long way to repairing Pete Doherty's reputation as a singer and songwriter of note. But half of it is a bit boring.
  7. Under The Radar
    Basically, Grace/Wasteland is Doherty as strolling minstrel. [Spring 2009, p.71]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 30 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 30
  2. Negative: 2 out of 30
  1. DB
    Apr 10, 2009
    First and foremost, I must say this: before hearing this album I only knew of Pete via the tabloids, blogs, etc. The only image I had of Pete First and foremost, I must say this: before hearing this album I only knew of Pete via the tabloids, blogs, etc. The only image I had of Pete was as the severely drug-addicted ex-boyfriend of Kate Moss. How my view has changed. This album is work of art, poetry and melody that, to me, clearly establishes Pete as a massive talent to be reckoned with. Forget about the sex and drugs part for a minute because we know he's lived that image up quite well. It's the rock n' roll part that proves Pete Doherty is worth the hype. Pete is a troubled soul, but one that has immense talent simmering inside and waiting to explode. That is the feeling I get when I listen to this album. I don't hear someone who writes radio pop and sings with a perfect voice (although perfect nowadays just means "autotuned"). Instead, I hear a modern day bard who has been to hell and back and has some stories to tell. I no longer view Pete Doherty as the severely drug-addicted ex-boyfriend of Kate Moss. My new view: a severely troubled artist who I hope will get his head on straight. Full Review »
  2. JohnP.
    Apr 1, 2009
    Probably the most disappointing of all the releases I've heard by Doherty. In 'Palace of Bone' Doherty sings in a mostly deep Probably the most disappointing of all the releases I've heard by Doherty. In 'Palace of Bone' Doherty sings in a mostly deep voice which I think suits him brilliantly but this is abandoned at the chorus and the rest of the album. 'I am the Rain' (except for the awful harmonising at the end which I find really grating), 'Sheepskin Tearaway' and the single are the highlights to me with 'Arcady' being pleasant enough but songs like 'Sweet by and by' are plain offensive to my ears. I used to like the acoustic demo of 'New love grows on trees' but it's had all the spark taken out of it in the ratyher boing version on display here. Again none of the other songs make me want to hit repeat. I listened to his demos back in '03 and they had far more charm (admittedly the ones I liked best were covers- 'Jean', Huckelberry Grove' but the others have lost their charm as he re-records them on his releases. Also it's pretty clear that at times his rudimentary guitar playing hinders some of the songs and his choruses are 'tacked on' So sorry for rambling: overall disappointed, only Place of Bone sticking in my head for the moment Full Review »
  3. Mar 14, 2012
    It has the occasional very good tune on it but it also has some real rubbish as well. Doherty could have produced a really good EP out of theIt has the occasional very good tune on it but it also has some real rubbish as well. Doherty could have produced a really good EP out of the material but he's pushing it putting out an album.To be honest Stephen Street has made this album any bit decent by polishing up some of the poorer tracks. I wouldnt bother with the album but Last of The English Roses, I am the rain and Palace of Bone are worth checking out. Full Review »