
Universal acclaim - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 17
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 17
  3. Negative: 0 out of 17
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  1. Feb 16, 2023
    Heavy Heavy pulls in the listener with an empathetic lust for life that, whether brimming with optimism, steeling for a threat to survival, or reckoning with a perceived futility of existence, somehow never wavers.
  2. Feb 3, 2023
    Heavy, Heavy never buckles. As a testament to the constant, psychological stresses of being an artist in the 2020s, it is bright, inventive, vulnerable, and rewarding. Pressure making diamonds and all that… maybe there’s something to it.
  3. Feb 3, 2023
    ‘Heavy Heavy’ sees them fully marry their two sides; is this a very fun album from a very serious band, or a very serious album from a very fun band? Why not both? Young Fathers can have it both ways.
  4. Feb 1, 2023
    Unique, raw and totally joyous.
  5. Jan 31, 2023
    Heavy Heavy may be a little too sweet for long-time listeners, but its massive choruses, strong hooks and ecstatic sound too timely and too powerful to deny.
  6. Jan 30, 2023
    Young Fathers remain a frequently forbidding proposition, and all the better for it. Thrillingly, it's still impossible to predict what we might hear next in any of their tracks. [Mar 2023, p.88]
  7. Feb 2, 2023
    Heavy Heavy is a short, sharp blast of energy that never outstays its welcome. ... The year may be only one month old, but the first truly great album of 2023 has arrived.
  8. 100
    ‘Heavy Heavy’ is a passionate, soulful and often mesmerising work that will stick around long past the first listen. Succinct and underpinned by a catchy melodic structure, it continues Young Fathers’ peerless run of singular albums and further cements them as one of the more unique acts to exist today.
  9. Feb 7, 2023
    Heavy Heavy sweeps its listener along, churchlike, and conveys the feeling that resisting the urge will always feel worse than rising up and pushing the air from your lungs. And then, after a brief 10 tracks, it’s all over—as if the procession has marched on, out of earshot. But the invite is still there extended: It’s up to you whether to accept it or not.
  10. Feb 1, 2023
    The rhythm-laden new record sounds more relaxed than their old ones. The band’s sound has matured.
  11. Jan 30, 2023
    Their unpredictability and magnetic power remain undimmed by the years.
  12. Feb 7, 2023
    Young Fathers don't owe us anything except themselves, which Heavy Heavy feels like a true and warmly sincere extension of, a hand extended from the light across the dark, if we're willing to let go and take it.
  13. 80
    Sure, these songs are dense, but they are dense, triumphant pop songs. They will make you want to get on up and turn it loose.
  14. 80
    Over 10 tracks, Heavy Heavy retains the band’s urgent energy – the yelps and driving drums of I Saw and sub-bass breakbeats of Shoot Me Down – but that vitality works in service to an overall, infectious optimism.
  15. Jan 30, 2023
    Heavy Heavy is rarely an easy listen, but it's never less than engrossing.
  16. Uncut
    Jan 30, 2023
    Mostly they don't sound like anyone except themselves, multiplied by a thousand. [Mar 2023, p.36]
  17. Feb 2, 2023
    We’ve had plenty of music in recent years that reckons with global and personal heaviness and offers comfort or therapeutic release or reassurance. On Heavy Heavy, Young Fathers render it all powerless, the darkness just a blank canvas on which every burst of light and hope becomes all the more brilliant.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 29 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 29
  2. Negative: 1 out of 29
  1. Feb 6, 2023
    Well worth the wait for album #4 which knocks it out of the proverbial park with a fresh, new, uplifting, toe tapping 32 minutes of musicalWell worth the wait for album #4 which knocks it out of the proverbial park with a fresh, new, uplifting, toe tapping 32 minutes of musical magic. Just what 2023 needed to celebrate. Imagine how this music will feel in a live concert. Every track is great. No lemons. Please tour in the westen US soon. Airplay on KZMU an absolute certainty. Proud to be from a country that delivers such great medicine... Full Review »
  2. Feb 3, 2023
    Great instrumentation! Catchy songs. The lyrics could be more insightful, but overall very varied track list.
  3. May 8, 2023
    A good variety of sounds and tones, the album felt wild and unpredictable. The ambient mix parts of the album felt stale at points. Also likedA good variety of sounds and tones, the album felt wild and unpredictable. The ambient mix parts of the album felt stale at points. Also liked the first half a lot more than the second. Full Review »