
Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Mojo
    It's mostly a success, though its dominant tone of understated, rainy melancholia is unlikely to earn Parish a dressing room with a star on the door. [Oct 2002, p.108]
  2. The Wire
    A highly engaging and very endearing album. [#223, p.59]
  3. All in all, "How Animals Move" is a slow-burning, understated gem that intrigues and engages in equal measure.
  4. How Animals Move is a strange and uneven but ultimately captivating effort by a talented musician/composer.
  5. Entertainment Weekly
    Lush, high-plains soundtrack music. [1 Nov 2002, p.70]
  6. A tender, imaginative collection of disparate songs, How Animals Move is less an album than a steady stream of wonderful, unpretentious surprises.
  7. Blender
    Parish is at his best on songs that, for all their avant-garde trappings, are eloquent enough not to need lyrics. [#10, p.125]
  8. Although How Animals Move has solid arrangements and melodies, Parish is at his best when he mixes hard work and detail with spontaneous, rough-edged playing. It's not that the slow stuff doesn't work; it's just not as exciting or even as inventive as his rock music.
  9. Uncut
    An adventurous solo outing. [Oct 2002, p.112]
  10. It's obvious that most of the songs have been meticulously worked over, and as a listener you're thankful for it, but as an album it feels like the paint has hit the canvas at random.
  11. How Animals Move, much like its creator, has "side project" written all over it. The songs meander freely, setting up moods, throwing together unusual sounds.

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