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Universal acclaim- based on 350 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 28 out of 350
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  1. Dec 29, 2021
    I got to agree with Exclaim review here. On "I Disagree", Poppy seems to want to be unpredictable, changeable, evolving and chaotic. But she only manages to be partially and temporally interesting during this 35-minute record full of noise, digressions and unmastered subjects. Instrumentally and vocally, they (meaning she and the artists that accompany her) are very limited, evenI got to agree with Exclaim review here. On "I Disagree", Poppy seems to want to be unpredictable, changeable, evolving and chaotic. But she only manages to be partially and temporally interesting during this 35-minute record full of noise, digressions and unmastered subjects. Instrumentally and vocally, they (meaning she and the artists that accompany her) are very limited, even redundant. Engaging moments tend to become the most annoying ones. Instruments rage with the greatest indifference. I guess they all believed that her public image would have been sufficient to make 'I Disagree' its popularity. And the worst is that it worked in overall. Unfortunately, I am definitely not a fan of Poppy and everything she claims to have developed. I can recognize the fact that some puns and lines are deep and questioning but it can't erase the feeling of listening to a girl sadly lacking vitality and conviction. Expand
  2. Nov 20, 2020
    I disagree is filled with sudden turns, making the experience enjoyable and fun. However, sometimes these changes don't tend to fit, and are often off-putting. While bringing nothing knew to the table, Poppy embraces this metal/pop sound very well, sometimes focusing on one more than the other. In all these cases, she fits the lead role very well. Overall, its a good album from an artistI disagree is filled with sudden turns, making the experience enjoyable and fun. However, sometimes these changes don't tend to fit, and are often off-putting. While bringing nothing knew to the table, Poppy embraces this metal/pop sound very well, sometimes focusing on one more than the other. In all these cases, she fits the lead role very well. Overall, its a good album from an artist who needs a bit more time to get her writing and structuring up to shape. Expand
  3. Jun 7, 2020
    I think I did not understand the album, or her sound. But I didn't necessarily enjoy it.
  4. Jan 20, 2020
    “Don’t Go Outside” “Nothing I Need” and “Sick of The Sun” are highlights. In fact “Outside” may be the best song of her career. However the rest of the album is extremely formulaic. Nearly every song featured the same formula of super upbeat sugary chorus and hardcore metal breakdown. What was novel on “Scary Mask” and “X” becomes bland when the same style is repeated for an entire album“Don’t Go Outside” “Nothing I Need” and “Sick of The Sun” are highlights. In fact “Outside” may be the best song of her career. However the rest of the album is extremely formulaic. Nearly every song featured the same formula of super upbeat sugary chorus and hardcore metal breakdown. What was novel on “Scary Mask” and “X” becomes bland when the same style is repeated for an entire album with little variation. Additionally, there are 4 songs whose entire chorus consists entirely of triplets, making half the album feel like the same song. Expand
  5. Jan 13, 2020
    As somebody who has followed Poppy around since the very beginning of her career, it's sad to admit that I did not like this album at all. I appreciate and respect Poppy's desire to experiment and feel free with her music and I genuinely support her to continue. However, that doesn't make this a good album. The singles "Bloodmoney" and "I Disagree" gave a promising look for this album, butAs somebody who has followed Poppy around since the very beginning of her career, it's sad to admit that I did not like this album at all. I appreciate and respect Poppy's desire to experiment and feel free with her music and I genuinely support her to continue. However, that doesn't make this a good album. The singles "Bloodmoney" and "I Disagree" gave a promising look for this album, but it doesn't feature anything we haven't heard from her yet. The 'sudden surprise' twists she's been serving since "X" have become repetitive and when halfway through the album, you get a feeling of "ugh, again?" Expand
  6. Jan 11, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Sonidos interesantes y leales a los ritmos pero que igualmente exploran rincones a los que es difícil llegar y más tratandose de mezclas entre los géneros. Hay partes del disco donde se pierde ese interés que ibamos recolectando en canciones icónicas como I Disagree o BLOODMONEY, pudiéndose decir que más cerca al final el disco comienza a salirse de tono, con ritmos asimismo más de su viejo estilo. En resumen el disco es bueno y suena bien la primera vez que se lo escucha. No es algo que sorprenda ni algo que se aleje de lo repetitivo y tosco, pero es interesante los recursos robóticos y bien pertenecientes del Death Metal que se usan en el disco. Sirve para pasar el rato y quitarse un mal tiempo Expand
  7. Jan 10, 2020
    To be honest i didnt like this album. But i dont get why Selela Gomez´s fans come here and talk trash about this album. I dont know a lot about gomez but i think that shes is a nice person and she wouldnt appreciate all these trolls just hating on this album they probably never heard. You can like an artist and dont put down other artists. Cheers!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. Feb 7, 2020
    Whether viewed as empowered statement from a newly-free artist, or simply as a great record from pop’s new princess of darkness, ‘I Disagree’ is in fact, extremely agreeable indeed.
  2. Jan 22, 2020
    The result is very convincing; as much a young artist finding her voice as an AI besting the machine.
  3. Jan 16, 2020
    For every comparison you can make of individual moments, there is little here that you can honestly say you’ve heard before, and little that can be judged on traditional terms. But that’s what makes her such a fascinating force.