by RM
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  1. Apr 17, 2023
    I love indigo so much. I've never loved an album this much. RM is really smart, his songs are always healing.
  2. Apr 17, 2023
    This was the treat to album ever..His music is so much better..he deserves everything
  3. Apr 17, 2023
    INDIGO ,my comfort album ...when the album got released i fell in love with all the songs ,the music ,the lyrics ,the voice and the songs were sooo relatable and relaxing as well ...Namjoon really worked hard and the songs show that so thank you Namjoon for such a beautiful album .
    With love BTS ARMY
  4. Apr 17, 2023
    Very soothing, calming and motivating album. Helps me a lot to calm down and it brings me happiness. Mono and Indigo are masterpieces. I thought no music could ever put my feelings and thoughts better into words but I was wrong. Indigo gives me hope and motivation to keep going and I love it so much that it can't be put into words. Thank you Namjoon
  5. Apr 17, 2023
    Rm es muy versatil en este álbum, al igual que en su mixtape mono. Mi favorita es n.2
  6. Apr 17, 2023
    Excelente álbum. Las canciones son muy buenas. Se nota que Namu puso mucho esfuerzo en ello. No son solo listas de compras con el mismo ritmo de siempre. Él es un excelente compositor.
  7. Apr 17, 2023
    agradezco al artista, pues es muy difícil expresar lo que uno lleva, pero INDIGO es muy expresivo y al adaptarse es confortable.

    el sentir la canción junto al artista o en su similitud crea una conexión inmensa entre el receptor y emisor ya que empiezan a sentir de igual forma cada canción con idea mas abierta.

    excelente !!!!
  8. Apr 17, 2023
    Namjoon se ha caracterizado por escribir sus propias canciones pero en este álbum se ha esmerado demasiado y definitivamente cada canción es genuino hasta el significado de su nombre indigo, mi canción favorita es still life....
  9. Apr 17, 2023
    This album of RM is a masterpiece. Every sing with collaboration with other artists are so perfect,it is a balance of various beat and flow. Each one gives a certain vibe. My favorite is the title track, Wild Flower. It is a story of his different experiences and emotions of his 20s.
    Beware: jobless fans of Blackpink, who are famous for their mediaplay, are here to troll on reviews of this album
  10. Apr 17, 2023
    Such an amazing job, personally I love this album so much, I'm not joking when a say that I listen it everyday, it's so comforting, its like a hug for the heart. The combination of musical genres and great artists make it perfect. Thank you so much RM for this amazing masterpiece, we recognize your love and effort, you're a wonderful artist and your are doing so well.
  11. Apr 17, 2023
    No hay mucho que agregar porque realmente RM ha realizado un excelente trabajo con este álbum. Sin duda alguna una maravilla!
  12. Apr 17, 2023
    an excellent album with songs that complement each other and create an incredible harmony
  13. Apr 17, 2023
    This album is very artistic and full of work from RM himself. when will he be enlisting in the military? or will he make another new song before his enlistment??? oh really I can't wait for the new song from him
  14. Apr 17, 2023
    Indigo is a very calm, knowledgefull album It's every song will give you a new thought and made you a more strong person.
    It's vibe is very soothing
  15. Apr 17, 2023
    this whole album is so beautiful. always amazes me whenever RM or any of the BTS members release music. they always make masterpiece. Fighting RM!
  16. Apr 17, 2023
    This song have a good meaning and the sound is also good. I very like this song.
  17. Apr 17, 2023
    i cannot explain this masterpiece, the vocal is pretty good, the melody and the lyrics. namjoon worked in this album for many years and he put so much his soul in that album. so proud of him
  18. Apr 17, 2023
    I find this album so relaxing for my soul, I play a lot for first song to the last and seems that I will play a lot too in the future. Thank you Namjoon for this present!
  19. Apr 17, 2023
    Não sei explicar o que sinto ouvindo esse álbum. RM conseguiu acalmar meu coração de um jeito inexplicável. Cada música é uma emoção diferente. Parabéns, Lider, você arrebentou nesse álbum
  20. Apr 17, 2023
    The emotions coming off each piece is wonderful. One of his best work and I'm looking forward to more
  21. Apr 17, 2023
    Indigo contains songs that a human relates to at each point of their life, it's amazing and is suitable for those who have gone through a lot
  22. Apr 17, 2023
    This album expresses the story of RM's story and the emotions he felt since 2019 and it is expressed really well and artistically. This album has various artists featured just perfectly. It is very important to choose an artist for a certain track to fit the song perfectly and RM did it very neatly in this album which is one of the speciality of this album. With 10 tracks in the album thisThis album expresses the story of RM's story and the emotions he felt since 2019 and it is expressed really well and artistically. This album has various artists featured just perfectly. It is very important to choose an artist for a certain track to fit the song perfectly and RM did it very neatly in this album which is one of the speciality of this album. With 10 tracks in the album this album is forever masterpiece. Expand
  23. Apr 17, 2023
    A very soothing album you can identify in many aspects of your life, it's a trip to the feelings, I couldn't love more this album.
  24. Apr 17, 2023
    i love this album and all the song from this album. This album really masterpiece.
  25. Apr 17, 2023
    Ótimo trabalho,as pessoas que tem preconceito por ser um coreano não entende nada de música,tem muitos que só esperam a empresa contratar compositores e não trabalham no seu próprio álbum,RM é um artista completo
  26. Apr 17, 2023
    Un viaje de emociones desde la canción 1, soledad, angustia, esperanza de que vendrá algo mejor, RM es un artista muy versátil el cual nos lleva de la mano por sus sentimientos.
  27. Apr 17, 2023
    through indigo Namjoon explains how extraordinary and smart a Kim Namjoon is,
    Indigo still My favorite album.
  28. Apr 17, 2023
    Gifted lyricist and song writer. Responsible for more than half of bts discography. No wonder his album is fire
  29. Apr 17, 2023
    My absolute favorite album. The stories it tells are relatable, beautiful and warm, and the sound is exactly my taste. As always, RM never fails to touch people's hearts with his music. I hope 'Indigo' reaches many more people, especially those who are seeking for solace in their lonely, hectic lives.
  30. Apr 17, 2023
    This album was quite surprising as I was expecting a heavy rap feel to it. Instead, I was amazed at Namjoon's smooth singing voice! The collaborations are an added plus! I've been listening to the album almost daily since it's release. I hadn't done that in a long time. I hope a lot more people give it a try!
  31. Apr 17, 2023
    RM reinvented his artistry with this neo-soul urban masterpiece. Listening to Indigo feels like he personally takes us for a drive, where he shares his deepest inner thoughts, wrapped around stunning instrumentals and great vocals.
  32. Apr 17, 2023
    Este álbum realmente es hermoso amo cada una de las canciones que contiene, cada vez que las escucho me trasmiten paz y me relajo un buen.
  33. Apr 17, 2023
    the best album! album of the year! i love all of the tracks no exaggeration, rlly love how RM still manage to produce top tier songs despite trying out new genres.
  34. Apr 17, 2023
    Indigo es de los mejores álbumes del año y del siglo, mi canción favorita por el ritmo y la historia es 'closer' una colaboración de RM con Paul Blanco y Mahalia simplemente el ritmo te lleva a otro lado y te fusionas con la canción Namjoon es un ser humano increíble y como artista es un genio total aprecio este álbum con todo mi ser y espero que llegue a más gente que pueda recibir estosIndigo es de los mejores álbumes del año y del siglo, mi canción favorita por el ritmo y la historia es 'closer' una colaboración de RM con Paul Blanco y Mahalia simplemente el ritmo te lleva a otro lado y te fusionas con la canción Namjoon es un ser humano increíble y como artista es un genio total aprecio este álbum con todo mi ser y espero que llegue a más gente que pueda recibir estos mensajes que plasma en cada canción y melodía Te amo Namjoon Expand
  35. Apr 17, 2023
    The music and the lyrics are as artistically sensitive and beautiful as we have come to expect of the artist that is Kim Namjoon. What is suprising is how healing the music is. Its rare that an album can be on repeat in my playlist and I'm never tired of it in fact it calms my nerves and soothes my soul. It sounds like an vinyl record even on streaming. Its not just excellent its medicineThe music and the lyrics are as artistically sensitive and beautiful as we have come to expect of the artist that is Kim Namjoon. What is suprising is how healing the music is. Its rare that an album can be on repeat in my playlist and I'm never tired of it in fact it calms my nerves and soothes my soul. It sounds like an vinyl record even on streaming. Its not just excellent its medicine its art its beautiful, much like its creator. Expand
  36. Apr 17, 2023
    A musical masterpiece No skip album
    10 different genres
    Music and Artist for healing indeed
    Kim Namjoon the musical genius you are
  37. Apr 17, 2023
    This album is so comforting whenever I feel low I'll listen to it it's so good
  38. Apr 17, 2023
    One of the best album I've ever heard !! RM worked so hard and we are so proud of him
  39. Apr 17, 2023
    Indigo is the album by the leader of BTS. This album is art, Wild flower especially, it has a feeling that RM lived, felt and wanted to express through music. i love every song Collaborations are special, each artist just as talented as the leader. listen to it, it's so worth it.

    This album shows us that the leader is not just a rapper, as a soloist, he sings very well, besides adding his
    Indigo is the album by the leader of BTS. This album is art, Wild flower especially, it has a feeling that RM lived, felt and wanted to express through music. i love every song Collaborations are special, each artist just as talented as the leader. listen to it, it's so worth it.

    This album shows us that the leader is not just a rapper, as a soloist, he sings very well, besides adding his style and love to art, the videos have artistic details.
  40. Apr 17, 2023
    Beautiful album. It was such a healing assortment of songs with beautiful heartfelt lyrics that I would never be able to think of. Best album of the year. More people should listen to it.
  41. Apr 17, 2023
    This album healed parts of me that i didn't even know needed healing. Kim Namjoon is a truly great musician!
  42. Apr 17, 2023
    NamJoon realiza este álbum contando su historia en forma profunda y cronológica respecto a sus pensamientos, sentimientos y emociones en su veintena, relacionándolo reflexivamente con su color, índigo, y así mismo con el arte de su artista favorito y referente Yun Hyong Keun. Definitivamente Nam nos entrega una obra de arte auditiva y visual total en este álbum
  43. Apr 17, 2023
    Sin duda el mejor álbum, cada canción es maravillosa.. Desde inicio a fin muestra la esencia de Namjoon, cada pista, la letra, sin duda es un gran compositor, así como cantante y ni que hablar se sus Raps son maravillosos. Las colaboraciones en este álbum son increíbles.
  44. Apr 17, 2023
    Listening to Indigo is like a journey every time, is so well composed and so well thought. The whole experience feels like traveling through the four years that Namjoon worked on it.
    Amazing album!
  45. Apr 17, 2023
    indigo foi uma experiência incrível pra mim. um álbum completo de um artista completo. sem defeitos, somente arte. simplismente perfeito
  46. Apr 17, 2023
    Loved this album! its bring so much fresh air into the room, I can listen to it all day
  47. Apr 17, 2023
    amazing album i wish i had enough words to explain the feelings i went through while listening to this masterpiece, one can call it a journey where RM goes through the different emotions he experienced during a certain period of time, it's an honest musical piece that one can relate to, it's a brave move from him and i must say he excelled doing it
  48. Apr 17, 2023
    Need say more? Our poetic genius RM does it again. Indigo is an album you can relate and listen for a long time.
  49. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. INDIGO is a work of art that deserves to be heard by more people.we can feel better knowing that we are not the only ones who have these types of feelings, we can realize that there are more people with situations similar to ours. Expand
  50. Apr 17, 2023
    This is one of the most healing album from a member of BTS, RM (Namjoon) is an incredible Artist and writer. No. 2 is the best song of the album for me.
  51. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. El album es magnífico, puedes simplemente escucharlo todos los días y no te cansas el contenido esta muy bien elaborado, las letras y el ritmo son únicos Expand
  52. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Sinceramente es el mejor álbum que he escuchado, mi canción favorita es closer, me encanta la letra y la historia que cuenta tanto como el album. Expand
  53. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Indigo es un album exquisito, RM combina diferentes generos y estilos haciendo de INDIGO un deleite amo Expand
  54. Apr 17, 2023
    Magnífico, álbum maravilhoso RM artista de verdade!!!!
  55. Apr 17, 2023
    Is amazing album and a sounds Increible, I love RM so much, your music is careful and good combination of sounds
  56. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Indigo is an excellent album with beautiful lyrics with lots of feelings. Namjoon you did a good job Expand
  57. Apr 17, 2023
    Namjoon is a very badass songwriter, producer, dancer, singer and rapper! One of the most talented people I know! Thank you every day for your heartwarming lyrics.
  58. Apr 17, 2023
    Un álbum exelente , súper variado en ritmos, la voz más perfecta que escuche en todo este tiempo
  59. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Es el mejor álbum, ame esta lleno de arte y sus melodías súper increíbles aparte las letras sanan y son precisamente increíble Expand
  60. Apr 17, 2023
    Es un álbum increíble, cada canción es significativa. Mi canción favorita es Hectic, me encanta el ritmo y la letra, me identifico mucho con ella. Sin duda es un álbum ideal para escuchar mientras disfrutas al aire libre.
  61. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Álbum incrível! Me fez chorar e rir de emoção e sentir uma sensação mista de sentimentos. Expand
  62. Apr 17, 2023
    Indigo is masterpiece. Indigo really save my life. Thank you namjoon for indigo. Indigo is my therapist
  63. Apr 17, 2023
    I listen to it everyday. The songs really can be played whenever and wherever. It is so diverse. Namjoon is such an exceptional artist to be able to collab with all these singers.
  64. Apr 17, 2023
    I feel at peace when I am listening to indigo, it is calm and captivating with such a good melodies. I really love all the songs from this album and I have been listening to it quite often since it released. Everyday I am grateful for the masterpiece that RM created.
  65. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Este álbum es espectacular, es reflexivo sobre la vida, te hace repensar mucho y el arte de la poesía es magnífico Expand
  66. Apr 17, 2023
    Eu simplesmente não consigo parar de escutar. Esse é o álbum que tocou na minha alma. Amo cada música, cada verso.
  67. Apr 17, 2023
    The best album ever! Inspiring, encouraging, life changing a masterpiece!! Indigo is the best album!!
  68. Apr 17, 2023
    Indigi is the best album for me. It make me know high quality artist and make me feel good. I can listen all the time
  69. Apr 17, 2023
    Ist fresh and full of energy. This album gives me peace. Show how the Artist can related with the fan.
  70. Apr 17, 2023
    isso é um álbum poético, sensível e belo, mais uma vez Kim Namjoon se superando como artista, indigo é um álbum divino.
  71. Apr 17, 2023
  72. Apr 17, 2023
    This album is amazing. Sin duda una joya. RM hizo arte con este álbum. Closer cuenta una historia de mi vida All day me hace bailar y sentirme viva Wild flower es el abrazo Que necesito todos los días Me identifico con Lonely -Alguien, ámeme-
  73. Apr 17, 2023
    One of my favorite albums of all of times.
    A master piece
  74. Apr 17, 2023
    La tranquilidad y paz que transmite cada una de las canciones de este álbum es inexplicable.
  75. Apr 17, 2023
    Un álbum increíble. Sus canciones adictivas y letras profundas. Siempre te apoyaré Namjoon. Por favor, sigue haciendo esta música tan increíble que toca nuestros corazones y nos inspira a ser mejores personas y amarnos más a nosotros mismos.
  76. Apr 17, 2023
    This is one of RM's best album, so diverse and personal. Plus Joon's lyricism is always
  77. Apr 17, 2023
    Indigo is such a wonderfully comforting experience. It's like art itself and you feel and believe every word that RM says. His songwriting skills are unmatched and the music industry should feel proud to have Kim Namjoon among their ranks. What a stellar album! Thank you, Rm!
  78. Apr 17, 2023
    A true work of art in the world of music, the way he expresses himself and the ease with which he plays each of his melodies is wonderful, I love Closer! It is my favorite song among the beautiful pieces, I could always listen to it. RM did great, we hope he can give us more music soon!
  79. Apr 17, 2023
    Un álbum espectacular todas las canciones de principio a fin tienen ritmos y la letra, la letra si ustedes no han visto la letra necesitan leerla namjoon es tan creativo y tienen frases tan buenas de verdad, este álbum es lo mejor
  80. Apr 17, 2023
    This is the best album of all timeIt's a cure for the soul, and as only Namjoonie, and as only Namjoonie You can do it through the lyrics of each song and its melody teleports us teleports us endless emotions. thanks for this album art. thanks for this album art what do you give us
  81. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. INDIGO es más que un álbum, es un sentimiento de parte del artista hacia sus pensamientos. Expand
  82. Apr 17, 2023
    Once again RM shows more facets of himself. Indigo is as perfect as an album can get. Each song is a jewel in a necklace revealing RM’s journey thru his twenties & how painful being a global superstar can be when you’re an ordinary man The songs are frank, disconcerting, vulgar with immense flashes of whimsy. The collaborations are immaculate. Yeah,Indigo is going to be on repeat for aOnce again RM shows more facets of himself. Indigo is as perfect as an album can get. Each song is a jewel in a necklace revealing RM’s journey thru his twenties & how painful being a global superstar can be when you’re an ordinary man The songs are frank, disconcerting, vulgar with immense flashes of whimsy. The collaborations are immaculate. Yeah,Indigo is going to be on repeat for a long time on my streaming platform. Expand
  83. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Es un grandioso álbum, parece un abrazo cálido cuando más mal la estás pasando, sin duda alguna está pequeña experimentación de RM alejada totalmente del hip hop, centrándose en otros sonidos es algo grato de escuchar. No hay pierde ni duda de que les va a encantar. Expand
  84. Apr 17, 2023
    It is an incredible album that shows the work done for 4 years, expresses his feelings in his 20s before reaching 30.
  85. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. best album. lyrics brew . Пожалуйста послушайте без всяких предубеждений. Намджун лучший Expand
  86. Apr 17, 2023
    Indigo is such a masterpiece. All the tracks are so different and unique and full of meaning. As always, RM knows how to get straight to the heart with his words. The poet in him emerges in full.
    Wild Flower and Closer occupy a special place.
  87. Apr 17, 2023
    best album of this generation, rm is one of the best artists out there today, he can sing a lot of rhythms and fit perfectly, besides being one of the best composers I know!
  88. Apr 17, 2023
    Genre-spanning masterpiece. A song for every mood and such fun collaborations!
  89. Apr 17, 2023
    Amazing album and beautiful songs. Namjoon is an amazing person and the best leader. I love it!
  90. Apr 17, 2023
    Índigo es simplemente una obre de arte, sus canciones son tan lindas que incluso ni el volumen es suficiente al escucharlas!
  91. Apr 17, 2023
    This is literally a work of art. We can see how Namjoon has matured over the years and interpreting the songs with his own feelings makes it even more special. Thank you RM!
  92. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. este álbum rompe la barrera del idioma, indigo es un abrazo para todos aquellos que alguna vez en su vida se han sentido sola, incluso a quienes se han sentido abandonados, namjoon más que un músico es un poeta, simplemente lo mejor de lo mejor Expand
  93. Apr 17, 2023
    This album is so so so so good!!! I really love this masterpiece so much!! Please Rm continue on making masterpiece in music industry!! You're such a talented person!
  94. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Un gran álbum sin duda alguna, Indigo es arte puro y merece ser reconocido. We love you Namjoon. Expand
  95. Apr 17, 2023
    wow this album is perfect, I couldn't expect less from Namjoon!! Currently my favorite songs are lonely, wild flower, all day, yun and still life
  96. Apr 17, 2023
    indigo is an amazing album with a very inspiring meaning and more with the main song “wild flower” ft. youjeen, RM left us amazing lyrics with that song He shared his feelings with us and it is something that as a fan I value very much thanks to him he motivates me to continue fighting for what I want, indigo the best album really with 10 songs and collaboration with various artists RMindigo is an amazing album with a very inspiring meaning and more with the main song “wild flower” ft. youjeen, RM left us amazing lyrics with that song He shared his feelings with us and it is something that as a fan I value very much thanks to him he motivates me to continue fighting for what I want, indigo the best album really with 10 songs and collaboration with various artists RM once shared with us that if you listen to his album when they are cycling, going to work, to study, hanging out with oneself indigo will make you smile RM is a very amazing artist. Expand
  97. Apr 17, 2023
    Es un album hermoso. En lo personal no puedo dejar de escucharlo especialmente Wild Flower, es de esas canciones para escuchar a todo volumen. Closer,Lonely tambien son de mis favoritas del album. Lo recomiendo
  98. Apr 17, 2023
    Indigo is such an iconic and timeless album, it will always be part of my daily listening playlist. It's such a piece of art that hold so much depth when it comes to the genius lyricism and the incorporation of various music genres. It's a gem!
  99. Apr 17, 2023
    o álbum inteiros é muito bom. se eu não escutar uma música sequer todos os dias parece que nao vivi o dia. namjoon é definitivamente um deus do talento
  100. Apr 17, 2023
    o que falar desse? simplesmente perfeito em tudo, as parcerias perfeitas e condizem com o álbum, fazem sentido com a estética. as letras são pessoais e mostram o interior do artista, as músicas são muito boas e a ligação delas simplesmente faz sentido, é simplesmente perfeito

Universal acclaim - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Jan 9, 2023
    Indigo is an eye-opening taste of what RM is truly capable of outside the bounds of the K-pop powerhouse.
  2. 100
    It’s too early to tell if the record will help the BTS leader achieve his goal of creating something truly timeless but, in this moment, ‘Indigo’ feels like a masterpiece with the potential to be remembered as a classic.
  3. 60
    Some moments fall flat – Lonely is cloying, paint-by-numbers EDM-pop that doesn’t fully land. Still, Indigo is a polished collection that spans both pop and rap with confidence.