
Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
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  1. Jan 30, 2018
    The result is an album of uncommon strength, not necessarily due to the individuals involved, but rather because of the sheer force and fury of the unified thrust. Filthy Friends never waver from this mission, making this one Invitation well worth heeding.
  2. Sep 15, 2017
    It’s a convivial though seldom revelatory collection of straight-up verse-chorus-bridge pop-rock songs.
  3. 80
    Predictably, there are strong shades of Buck’s old band too, not least amid the arpeggios of Any Kind Of Crowd (an R.E.M. track in all but Stipe). Elsewhere the greasy chug of Come Back Shelley carries fuzz-filled echoes of T.Rex in their prime.
  4. Aug 31, 2017
    All these nods to the past make Invitation seem cozy even when its words are defiant, and if that seems dissonant it also seems appropriate for 2017: outrage can be exhausting, so it's good to find solace in old friends.
  5. Q Magazine
    Aug 29, 2017
    Much here amounts to solid AOR, by turns over-polished and underwhelming. [Oct 2017, p.103]
  6. Aug 28, 2017
    Invitation depends on its lack of surprise. In its clean, straightforward grooves, the album betrays no cynicism or enervation. It is a good time, and not much more.
  7. Aug 28, 2017
    Many songs ache with Eighties troubled-youth flashbacks, especially the Pixies-loving "Brother."
  8. Aug 28, 2017
    Occasionally there are hints of Television, Pixies, the Replacements, Pavement or similar acts, but Invitation has a righteous swagger all of its own.
  9. Aug 25, 2017
    Invitation is strong enough as a whole to breeze past those weaker moments. Filthy Friends’ debut provides exactly what their lineage promises, and when it comes to supergroups, that amounts to coming out ahead.
  10. 70
    Filthy Friends invites you to their party that pounds out a rugged, lived-in and honest rocking sound, delivered by a bunch of rock and roll lifers with nothing to prove who are clearly in this for the camaraderie and the music.
  11. Mojo
    Aug 22, 2017
    Invitations rushes of feeling are rich and real. Filthy Friends are a genuine supergroup surprise. [Oct 2017, p.96]
  12. Uncut
    Aug 22, 2017
    "Despierta," released in October 2016 as part of the 30 Days, 30 Songs projects aimed at hindering Donald Trump's campaign. If that did not quite work out, their LP does. [Oct 2017, p.26]
  13. Aug 22, 2017
    Raw and unfiltered, Invitation oozes with the exuberant energy of an 18 year-old, but shines with their collective experience, delivering heavy strikes to both the head and heart in the process.
  14. Aug 22, 2017
    There isn't a moment on Invitation where it sounds like they aren't having fun, and their good time spills over into a dozen songs that are textured, tuneful, and immediate,
  15. 50
    As this band is essentially a bunch of like-minded friends getting together, they clearly don’t have any worries about how this record is going to be received. Perhaps they’re resting on the laurels of legendary past projects, but this record neither breaks new ground nor successfully exploits the flow of an old formula.

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