
Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
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  1. Dec 22, 2010
    Whether you feel Photographing Snowflakes is a true return to form will depend on your reception of its six-minute title track centerpiece, on which Gough drowsily monotones his way through 10 increasingly whimsical verses with no chorus in sight; you'll either find its slow-motion, pedal-steeled sway charmingly wistful or tediously self-satisfied.
  2. Dec 21, 2010
    While this album is far from The Hour of Bewilderbeast part two, it does represent a return to Gough's more stripped-down formula of simple, ramshackle pop songs built on electronic and symphonic detritus.
  3. Nothing diverges too far from that model here, and even though two more albums of the same might tax the bedroom-pop-processing part of the brain, this is clearly Gough's most accomplished work in years.
  4. Gough has crafted a beautiful sonic masterpiece that is equal parts raw, open emotion and simplicity and a picture-perfect example of a truly layered production.
  5. Although, Gough has always said that he finds music instantaneous and the lyrics the hardest part to write, It's What I'm Thinking showcases Gough at his most insightful to the human condition and himself.
  6. 80
    Producer Stephen Hilton's light-handed touches mesh well with the mood of the brooding Briton, but the hints at electronica keep things lively enough throughout.
  7. Guilty of knocking underdeveloped material out one minute and trying to be too clever the next, It's What I'm Thinking... is surely the most focused and mature record of his career.
  8. It's not laden with hits, but in songs like the title track and beautiful, hook-laden What Tomorrow Brings, Chorlton's finest relocates the mojo that made everyone so excited in the first place. This story is far from over.
  9. Though It's What I'm Thinking, Pt. 1 finds Badly Drawn Boy still getting back on his feet, it has enough encouraging moments for fans to stick around until he hits his full stride.
  10. Alternative Press
    There's something for everyone on Photographing Snowflakes, and Gough's on the right path for a terrific trilogy. [Nov 2010, p.109]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 5 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. Apr 28, 2018
    I had followed BDB'd career earnestly from his early EP's through to 2004's "One Plus One is One". For some reason I lost track of DamonI had followed BDB'd career earnestly from his early EP's through to 2004's "One Plus One is One". For some reason I lost track of Damon Gough's releases at this point. Then, in the Winter of 2017 he played a gig in my hometown in an old abandoned church. The gig was superb and had a mix of material that I knew and loved as well as stuff I had never heard. Amongst the newer material was one incredible track "In Safe Hands". In the following weeks I checked out some of the post 2004 releases and found the track that impressed me so much on "It's What I'm Thinking (Part One: Photographing Snowflakes)". The album is worth checking out for "In Safe Hands" alone, a song written from the point of view of his former brother in law whose relationship with Gough's sister was coming to an end. This gem is followed by two more vintage BDB songs, "The Order of Things" and "Too Many Miracles". These opening 3 songs wouldn't be out of place and would hold their own on his lauded debut "The Hour of Bewilderbeast". The rest of the album in more in the league of "Have You Fed The Fish" in that it's nice and melodic without the songwriting sorcery Gough is capable of at his best. Overall, a strong album with a handful of peaks. Fans of his early stuff who like me might have lost track will enjoy it. Full Review »
  2. Oct 18, 2010
    Not my favorite or least favorite Badly Drawn Boy album. My biggest problem with this album is more on the production side of things. MostNot my favorite or least favorite Badly Drawn Boy album. My biggest problem with this album is more on the production side of things. Most of the songs are very echo-y and unclear. The songs all sound like they were taped in an unfinished basement or as if they are all poor quality mp3 versions of actually songs. The song writing is there though. Full Review »