• Record Label: Big Hit
  • Release Date: Jul 15, 2022
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  1. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. El álbum es perfecto y bueno,expresa demasiado,muy buen entonación y el musical es demasiado bueno,se ve el gran esfuerzo por parte de j-hope en este álbum, realmente tan bueno.puedo decir que estoy muy orgullosa de el. Expand
  2. Apr 17, 2023
    this album is amazing!!! J-hope you are amazing!!!
  3. Apr 17, 2023
    Jack In The Box fue algo inesperado para mi algo fresco de jhope a comparación de lo que a trabajado con BTS ese mismo año, el álbum se le puede dar diferentes interpretaciones la mia fue que este álbum es una representación al interno de hoseok más allá de su imagen de dar esperanza sus cuestionamientos morales y exisciales compartiendo sus pensamientos y cuestionamientos como se puedeJack In The Box fue algo inesperado para mi algo fresco de jhope a comparación de lo que a trabajado con BTS ese mismo año, el álbum se le puede dar diferentes interpretaciones la mia fue que este álbum es una representación al interno de hoseok más allá de su imagen de dar esperanza sus cuestionamientos morales y exisciales compartiendo sus pensamientos y cuestionamientos como se puede ver en las canciones de STOP, what if y Safety Zone sus ritmos y interpretaciones son excelentes el concepto de explorar su yo interno es excelente totalmente de los mejores álbumes de su año o el mejor Expand
  4. Apr 17, 2023
    Um álbum bem pensado, estruturado e que transmite a alma do artista. Se mostrando em um trabalho diferente do que já tinha feito anteriormente. Maravilhoso.
  5. Apr 17, 2023
    Esta álbum es una locura, es totalmente increíble, J-hope trabajo realmente duro en este álbum y consiguió un gran resultado. Amo con locura Jack in the box.
  6. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. ESSE ÁLBUM É INCRÍVEL, PERFEITO, MARAVILHOSO, GOSTOSO, CHEIROSO. QUEM RECLAMAR É INVEJOSO. Expand
  7. Apr 17, 2023
    Jack In The Box is my favorite album, J-hope with this album showed us a new side of him that we didn't know, new styles and it is something that I admire so much about him, he always shows us new facets, his main songs are Arson and More every day he shows us how talented he is the instrumentals are amazing his rap is another level i love it so much, and it has a song called Equal Sign,Jack In The Box is my favorite album, J-hope with this album showed us a new side of him that we didn't know, new styles and it is something that I admire so much about him, he always shows us new facets, his main songs are Arson and More every day he shows us how talented he is the instrumentals are amazing his rap is another level i love it so much, and it has a song called Equal Sign, in it it leaves us such a positive message that it is to respect ourselves, accept ourselves in society for who we are and not judge others, that song is very wonderful. Expand
  8. Apr 17, 2023
    Una faceta distinta de Hobi y me gusta. Recomiendo escucharlo. Mi favorita es Equal Sing
  9. Apr 17, 2023
    I’m in love with this album, I am so proud of you Jung Hoseok !! Jack in the box is amazing
  10. Apr 17, 2023
    Jack in the box is One of my favourite albums, i love the deep lyricism and cool imagery and concept. It blew my mind to say the least. I'm looking forward to hear more from j-hope!
  11. Apr 17, 2023
    the album is soooo goood!!!! has stronge letter and so magical beats! j hope is fireee
  12. Apr 17, 2023
    as letras do álbum são geniais. o jhope canta, faz rap, dança e performa MUITO BEM, é realmente impressionante e fascinante ver as performances dele e é notório o tanto que ele ama a música e o que faz.
  13. Apr 17, 2023
    hoseok trabalhou duro nesse álbum,ficou foda,sempre entregando trabalhos com grande significados e músicas incríveis
  14. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. AHHHHHH, Hobi really showed off with this album, you get super hooked on the songs. It's a super album you won't regret listening to. It's that it's a masterpiece Expand
  15. Apr 17, 2023
    Un álbum definitivamente espectacular desearía que tuviera más apoyo porque merece mucho.
  16. Apr 17, 2023
    Jack In The Box faz referência ao mito da Caixa de Pandora: uma caixa misteriosa que, ao ser aberta, libera todos os males do mundo; e a esperança é a única coisa que resta. A ideia é de J-Hope no disco estaria "dentro dessa caixa", algo que está ligado ao seu nome artístico que carrega a palavra "esperança". Esta relação costura o conceito do álbum e reforça o retrato de uma nova face doJack In The Box faz referência ao mito da Caixa de Pandora: uma caixa misteriosa que, ao ser aberta, libera todos os males do mundo; e a esperança é a única coisa que resta. A ideia é de J-Hope no disco estaria "dentro dessa caixa", algo que está ligado ao seu nome artístico que carrega a palavra "esperança". Esta relação costura o conceito do álbum e reforça o retrato de uma nova face do artista. Expand
  17. Apr 17, 2023
    AN AMAZING ALBUM!! I love the dark vibe of the bit of rock that j-hope brought, I'm in love with "more"
  18. Apr 17, 2023
    the most incredible album ive ever heard. j-hope really did an excellent job on this. love it!
  19. Apr 17, 2023
    jhope é um artista completo! jack in the box é simplesmente fantástico do começo ao fim, cada letra tem um significado especial e é possível sentir todo o amor e carinho que ele colocou no álbum.
  20. Apr 17, 2023
    Es increíble
    La calidad vocal de Jhope sin duda es única
    Lo mejor de esto es que cada integrante trabaja por cuenta propia en sus canciones lo que lo hace mucho más genial
  21. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This is my first time listening to Jhope from bts I first listen to his songs from loolapaloza live and he's really good in stage. When you listen to this album from first track to the last you will understand what Jhope wanted to convey and what message he wants to bring. I really love the raw hardcore vibe of more and Arson, what if and equal sign more but all in all ai love this album. He did great 10 out of 10 for me. Expand
  22. Apr 17, 2023
    Maravilhoso! J hope sempre foi um artista incrível e agora com esse lançamento fantástico não minto em dizer que ele é um dos melhores da atualidade!
  23. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. MELHOR ÁLBUM QUE EU JÁ OUVI NA MINHA VIDA!! O jhope deu muito de si nesse álbum e ficou perfeito, eu admiro muito trabalho dele e seu esforço. Obrigada por esse álbum, hobi Expand
  24. Apr 17, 2023
    amazing, that's all to say. j-hope did a great job, all the tracks are amazing, it's definitely a masterpiece
  25. Apr 17, 2023
    Exceptionally crafted and conceptualized album from an all-rounder artist. Definitely worth giving it a listen (or many), especially if you enjoy old school hip hop and creativity.
  26. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. É simplesmente impecável. A produção, a voz dele, o empenho dele ao produzir esse álbum é simplesmente perfeito. Orgulho. Expand
  27. Apr 17, 2023
    I really love it!!! Listening to this album from top to bottom you can feel the cohesion that j-hope was going for. His tells an amazing story through the 10 songs on his journey and inner most feelings and emotions of being at the very peak of his career. Every track has a place and value in the album and the way it's all pieced together lyrically and stylistically is really phenomenal.I really love it!!! Listening to this album from top to bottom you can feel the cohesion that j-hope was going for. His tells an amazing story through the 10 songs on his journey and inner most feelings and emotions of being at the very peak of his career. Every track has a place and value in the album and the way it's all pieced together lyrically and stylistically is really phenomenal. J-hope really outdid himself and showed amazing new sides of his musicality leaving us aching to see where he takes us in the future Expand
  28. Apr 17, 2023
    This album is truly amazing from start to finish. JHope has an amazing range and is an incredibly talented artist.
  29. Apr 17, 2023
    TE AMO!!!
  30. Apr 17, 2023
    Esse album mostra a evolução da persona de Jung Hoseok o J Hope fala sobre seus medos ambições e esperança no futuro,o album quando ouvido na ordem conta uma história como é característico do artista, minhas faixas preferidas são Equal sign e Arson
  31. Apr 17, 2023
    Amazing, I'm so proud of you. It's masterpiece. I love this album very much. BTS forever
  32. Apr 17, 2023
    digo e repito, jack in the box é o melhor álbum já criado!! conta com músicas recheadas de história e significados profundos, além de mostrar um outro lado de jhope
  33. Apr 17, 2023
    Melhor álbum de todos, Jhope é um artista brilhante merece todo reconhecimento do mundo
  34. Apr 17, 2023
    O álbum tem incrível referência ao mito de Pandora, além de brincar com a referência JACK IN THE BOX.
    De uma criatividade e sonoridade ótima, prega respeito, e trata durante o álbum inteiro sobre o eu interior do artista.
  35. Apr 17, 2023
    Esse álbum é incrível! Eu sou uma grande fã do trabalho do J-Hope, as músicas sempre ficam na minha cabeça. Recomendo ouvirem essa perfeição
  36. Apr 17, 2023
    Going through the reviews and I see some people trying to bring this critically acclaimed down with nonsense comments that it is boring, loud, nothing special etc. and I wonder if they really took the time to listen or if they are just full of hate and threatened how amazing this album is. I think it's the latter, some people are just threatened and this is exactly why this album IS AGoing through the reviews and I see some people trying to bring this critically acclaimed down with nonsense comments that it is boring, loud, nothing special etc. and I wonder if they really took the time to listen or if they are just full of hate and threatened how amazing this album is. I think it's the latter, some people are just threatened and this is exactly why this album IS A FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH. Feathers ruffle because Jeong Hoseok talks about kindness in Equal Sign, that there are no bad human beings, that we should follow our passion and don't be afraid to ask for MORE because we deserve it. Only those with kind hearts, deserve it.
    ALBUM STORY - is a 10! from the first song to the last - it tells a beautiful story of introspection, it' not every day an artist can curate an album that each each song fits perfectly with each other. j-hope did that.

    MUSICALITY - is a 10! This man can rap and sing, amazingly. He shows emotion in his voice and touches the hearts every time he opens his lips to sing his verses. Anyone who says he can't sing probably don't know how to sing :)

    LIVE PERFORMANCE - is a 10! Very few artists can sing and rap live, in a stable voice, no backtrack, no lipsync and gives a wholesome performance that you won't forget. j-hope is GIFTED with this talent , he is born to be on stage. He performed all his songs in JITB with justice.

    He sat down, think about how to create this album perfectly and he did it. It may not be the cup of tea of some because they don't like the genre but IT IS UNDENIABLE that it is TOP CLASS and curated very well. REAL recognize REAL, don't listen to us, listen to the reputable critics who SAID IT IS VERY GOOD.
  37. Apr 17, 2023
    fantastic music, J-hope is an excellent artist!!
    The Jack in the box album is amazing and inspiring
  38. Apr 17, 2023
    When an artist has timely emerged from his cocoon and fully spread his wings at its full breadth, this is the product right here!

    JHope wore his heart on his sleeve and bares his soul making this album. It may be a far departure feomwhat was expected in the likes of Hopeworld, but he vravely ventures into tje unknown and revealed a part of himself we haven't seen before. JITB is cohesive
    When an artist has timely emerged from his cocoon and fully spread his wings at its full breadth, this is the product right here!

    JHope wore his heart on his sleeve and bares his soul making this album. It may be a far departure feomwhat was expected in the likes of Hopeworld, but he vravely ventures into tje unknown and revealed a part of himself we haven't seen before.

    JITB is cohesive and the storytelling was unique and caltivating.
  39. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. the album is amazing, the concept of the mv of more and arson are just Expand
  40. Apr 17, 2023
    amo Jack in the box, um dos maiores álbuns de um solista na história do kpop, se pá o melhor, beijos beijos
  41. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The album is good, the song, the cover of the album, and everything is good Expand
  42. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. HOBI É O MAIOR Expand
  43. Apr 17, 2023
    o álbum é muito bem produzido e é incrível o tratamento que o jhope deu para cada detalhe das músicas além de é claro mostrar toda a identidade dele como artista durante todos esses anos.
  44. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. O álbum está incrivelmente perfeito, sincronia, harmonia, bom som, tudo isso o jhope consegue entregar!!! Expand
  45. Apr 17, 2023
    the lyrics 10/10
    prod 10/10
    the vibes, everything in this wholesome album isso amazing, well done jhope
  46. Apr 17, 2023
    Pieza de arte el álbum de Jack in the box, estoy fascinada por el trabajo que ha realizado j-hope, en cada detalle encuentro la energía, suavidad, y la simpleza de cada nota musical. Me encanta, lo recomiendo mucho.
  47. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. JACK IN THE BOX hecho por JHOPE ,es un álbum en el q se siente como si salieras de algo cotidiano y probaras cosas nuevas ,ya sea cambiando tu imagen por otra o no,más o menos algo así lo pienso yo^^.osea (SALIENDO DE LA CAJA)
    El artista JHOPE lo expreso asi ,ya que nos compartió una imagen nueva de la cotidiana ,la cuál es RUDA jiji y q me encanta ,así llamándose JACK ,lo podemos ver así en las canciones por ejemplo en MORE & ARSON! ,Joyitas de canciones por cierto .
    Pero también tenemos a una de mis fav q es Equal Sign q está trasmite la tranquilidad y nos da el mensaje de q somos todos iguales y debemos querernos mucho,amar las diferencias de todos y las nuestras ya q eso son hace únicos ,awwww... SI! ,bueno en conclusión esa canción es la q Acabaría con los prejuicios ,comentarios malos y racistas y nos llevaría a la PAZ MUNDIAL .
    Cada canción es hermosa ,cómo trasmitir tus pensamientos en cada canción ,lo cual es lo que nuestro querido JHOPE quiso hacer y lo hizo muy bien ,uso las palabras ,expresiones y emociones de maravilla.
    Por eso es uno de álbumes favs ESCUCHEN JACK IN THE BOX Y DEMOSLE APOYO!
  48. Apr 17, 2023
    Um álbum incrível e de qualidade! Jhope trabalhou duro e nos entregando excelentes músicas
  49. Apr 17, 2023
    just as expected from j-hope, an amazing and talented person, this was a spectacular album, with so many different music styles and vibes, all different but equally pleasing and beautiful!
  50. Apr 17, 2023
    Que álbum maravilhoso, excelente, eu amei, todas as músicas são incríveis, Hobii é ótimo!
  51. Apr 17, 2023
    o álbum é muito bom, mostra um lado que o jhope nunca mostrou aos fãs, a sonoridade e o conceito do album estão empecaveis.
  52. Apr 17, 2023
    Melhor álbum impossível. Impecável e perfeito apenas. parabéns J-Hope!!!
  53. Apr 17, 2023
    Jack un the box, es el mejor álbum echo por j Hope, lo amo, y este álbum está lleno de mucha dedicación, amor y esperanza. Le doy gracias a hobi por este álbum, es realmente hermoso
  54. Apr 17, 2023
    Sin duda fue un álbum debut increíble. Tras tener un estilo de trabajo el cual se creía definido, con Jack in the box prueba salir de el, prueba con distintos sonidos y estilos de hip-hop tradicional hasta rock. Con eso a demostrado ser alguien multifacético, que no tiene miedo a probar nuevos estilos. Inclusive su canción colaboración con J Cole es diferente, muy tranquila y con el toqueSin duda fue un álbum debut increíble. Tras tener un estilo de trabajo el cual se creía definido, con Jack in the box prueba salir de el, prueba con distintos sonidos y estilos de hip-hop tradicional hasta rock. Con eso a demostrado ser alguien multifacético, que no tiene miedo a probar nuevos estilos. Inclusive su canción colaboración con J Cole es diferente, muy tranquila y con el toque que le da el rap de J Cole. Jhope es un artista completo y quiero ver qué más tiene en el futuro para ofrecer, ya sea como solista o en grupo dentro de BTS. Expand
  55. Apr 17, 2023
    isso album é incrivel e perfeito, o jhope fez um trabalho perfeito neste album
  56. Apr 17, 2023
    JITB do J-Hope é um trabalho incrível que mostra o grande talento que tem. Ritmo envolvente, letras fortes arranjos incríveis.
    É dos meus álbum preferidos. Até mesmo quem não costuma ouvir rap, vai gostar desse álbum. Ele está muito além de rótulos. Ouçam e se divirtam!
  57. Apr 17, 2023
    Um álbum realmente surpreende, J-Hope literalmente saiu da caixa, e vai agradar quem gosta de um som invovador e alternativo. As letras são incríveis, a interpretação impecável. Recomendo ouvir as faixas e ler as letras na ordem do álbum.
  58. May 27, 2023
    Me encanta el álbum tiene unos sonidos muy buenos que no te casas de escucharlo
  59. Apr 17, 2023
    brilliant songs and good storyline. i really like it!
    apobangpo ♡ looking foward to hobi coming back ♡
  60. Apr 17, 2023
    El ritmo de las canciones es genial⁠♡, me encanta mucho la canción de Arson, la voz de Jhope es genial♡
  61. Apr 17, 2023
    Best album i’ve ever heard. He is a genius and is so creative and talented. Love you j-hope
  62. Apr 17, 2023
    This album is really a master piece that should be listen in order from the first track up to the last! Every single song is insanely goo, the beats are great and the lyrics show the personal struggles of the rapper/singer j-hope. My favorite song is More, but I love listening to each song!
  63. Apr 17, 2023
    Jack in the box es un álbum increíble, exelente música y mensajes positivos en muchas de sus canciónes. Gran interpretación del cantante, buenas mezclas y sonidos. Un álbum que sin duda alguna no dejare de escuchar.
  64. Apr 17, 2023
    J-hope is amazing! This album is amazing, the way he expressed his art and passion in it is so good. i love it.
  65. Apr 17, 2023
    Eu amo esse álbum que é uma mistura de músicas calma e músicas que aumentam nossa energia e a nossa autoestima, J-hope arrasando como sempre
  66. Apr 18, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Jack in the box sendo um álbum inovador com o conceito diferente, é extremamente maravilhoso como as letras, mv o conceito do MV tudo tudo vale muito a pena apreciar esse incrível album Expand
  67. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It's a great album to listen to, with quality songs and well done by an exemplary artist Expand
  68. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Great, and very artistic album. I'm proud of him.
    If you love rock and hip-hop will love Jack in the box too.
  69. Apr 17, 2023
    This is my favorite solo album, love it. The songs have a good message and gives me a lot of strength when i'm down. The art is perfect, love the colors and creativity.
  70. Apr 17, 2023
    I was surprised how j-hope expressed his heart and mind through Jack In The Box. j-hope is fully involved on his first solo debut album. All songs are my favorite, it's hard to choose. However, MORE and = (Equal Sign) feel different, I give "more" words for those 2 songs. Try listening to Jack In The Box when you are relaxing or want to find something new to excite you. Nice job, j-hope. II was surprised how j-hope expressed his heart and mind through Jack In The Box. j-hope is fully involved on his first solo debut album. All songs are my favorite, it's hard to choose. However, MORE and = (Equal Sign) feel different, I give "more" words for those 2 songs. Try listening to Jack In The Box when you are relaxing or want to find something new to excite you. Nice job, j-hope. I will always support you! Go! Go! Go! Expand
  71. Apr 17, 2023
    Music arrangement was so LIT. The sound was new and fresh. Highly recommend.
  72. Apr 17, 2023
    O álbum mais perfeito!! Uma obra prima!! Jung hoseok você sempre será artista
  73. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. No skip album!!! J-hope is such a great lyricist. His artistry is top notch! My personal favorites are Arson, Equal Sign, and Stop. Expand
  74. Apr 17, 2023
    Jhope created an incredible album. His songs have a deep meaning. I really appreciate his work. Love you are amazing
  75. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The album is perfect!! J-hope killed it Expand
  76. Apr 17, 2023
    Experimental but still being true to his roots. An impressive album from an impressive man. Can’t wait to see what more he has in store for everyone!
  77. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. An amazing album full of new discoveries that take you on a journey through a different world and are compatible with your senses. Expand
  78. Apr 17, 2023
    Es un álbum magnífico, el como relata una historia a través de cada canción con un significado profundo y ritmos fuertes y pegajosos, me encanta
  79. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Jack in the box el mejor álbum de toda la industria en mi opinión, todo su concepto tan único y maravilloso, no es de extrañar que los chicos hagan puro arte. Expand
  80. Apr 17, 2023
    This album reminds me the 90's R&B and hip hop I used to listen in my local radio back then. Great flow, great lyrics, it showcase where he is standing now, not only as artist but as human being.
  81. Apr 17, 2023
    ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ i absolutely loved this album- it’s not even been out a year but it feels like a bit of nostalgia listening to it. i was going through some stuff during the time this came out and it feels so nice to go back and listen
  82. Apr 17, 2023
    I love it Jack in the Box it's a gem it's a masterpiece, just wow I'm listen right now and every day. Jung Hoseok is the King
  83. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Very good ดียอดเยี่ยมประเสริฐศักดิ์สิทธิ์สุดยอด กราบไหว้บูชาดีดีดีดี สิบสิบสิบไม่หัก Expand
  84. Apr 17, 2023
    a title e as bsides são tão boas e more traz tanto de novo sobre o artista. eu amei
  85. Apr 17, 2023
    Ente álbum literalmente lo tiene todo, primero que nada, las letras son increíbles y transmiten mucho, el ritmo también es genial junto con las melodías, es decir, te pone a bailar con tan solo escuchar el inicio de cada canción. Además, está tan bien hecho que con tan sólo ver la portada ya sabes a qué suena, cómo se escucha y cómo siente. Simplemente es maravilloso.
  86. Apr 17, 2023
    album incrivel, muito lindo e passa uma mensagem maravilhosa. Future é minha preferida
  87. Apr 17, 2023
    O álbum 'Jack in The Box' do j-hope é excelente e incrível, todas as músicas trazem vibes diferentes mas com letras excepcionais. Ele sempre mostra o seu deslumbrante talento, todas as músicas são extraordinárias. Eu super indico para todos vocês. Eu escuto todos os dias e não irei cansar de escutar. Te amo Hobi
  88. Apr 17, 2023
  89. Apr 17, 2023
    it's a perfect album from start to finish, it contains different rhythms that make you enjoy it so much! jung hoseok the king
  90. Apr 17, 2023
    Cómo empezar?. Basicamente Jhope se arriesgó con este álbum al mostrarnos otro tipo de musica al que usualmente estamos acostumbrados a escuchar. Pero el impulso y motivacion de mostrarnos esa otra parte de él que no conocemos, esa parte de Jung Hoseok como persona y no como artista, eso es lo que presenciamos en este álbum. Es notorio a primera vista si se compara con sus otros trabajosCómo empezar?. Basicamente Jhope se arriesgó con este álbum al mostrarnos otro tipo de musica al que usualmente estamos acostumbrados a escuchar. Pero el impulso y motivacion de mostrarnos esa otra parte de él que no conocemos, esa parte de Jung Hoseok como persona y no como artista, eso es lo que presenciamos en este álbum. Es notorio a primera vista si se compara con sus otros trabajos individuales que tiene otras influencias en cuanto a su música, pero sigue siendo parte de Jhope.
    Ni hablar de las canciones que contiene este álbum, llenas de letras con significados que de tejan pensando. Encuentras tanto los sentimientos de Jhope, como criticas que el hace a la sociedad en la que vivimos.
  91. Apr 17, 2023
    Aqui vemos um lado diferente de j hope, vejo como ele é versátil e consegue se expressar de maneira que ainda nos surpreende
  92. Apr 17, 2023
    es súper bueno y pegajoso, las letras son espectaculares y el desarrollo igual, los conceptos, los videos musicales y demás, realmente recomiendo escucharlo ya que brinda muchas emociones y hay una canción para cada situación
  93. Apr 17, 2023
    This album is actually a MASTERPIECE
    I did some digging the artist sang the song on Lollapalloza July 2022 and it was such an unforgettable performance than locals started calling “Hobipalloza” due to the artist nickname “Hobi”
  94. Apr 17, 2023
    the album is masterpiece i can talk about it for days.. but I'm just gonna say Jhope is a great artist a real one, so versatile, brave, bold, and never afraid to experiment with his music and he does it SO WELL

    My favorite song on the album is definitely Equal Sign, lately I was listening to MOT7 and I love Jamais Vu and I was reading the lyrics on Doolset and in Hobi's part he says, "
    the album is masterpiece i can talk about it for days.. but I'm just gonna say Jhope is a great artist a real one, so versatile, brave, bold, and never afraid to experiment with his music and he does it SO WELL

    My favorite song on the album is definitely Equal Sign, lately I was listening to MOT7 and I love Jamais Vu and I was reading the lyrics on Doolset and in Hobi's part he says, " Even if my shadow grows larger, my life and you are equal sign". And I re-read the lyrics for =(Equal Sign) I can see that Hobi has been thinking about these concepts he outlines in JITB for a long time. What a true artist he is!
  95. Apr 18, 2023
    Simplesmente perfeito! Hoseok, você é um artista completo e maravilhoso.
    Cada segundo de seu álbum é possível sentir sua alma e coração, o tempo dedicado...
    Gostaria que as pessoas fossem mais gentis ao avaliar essa obra, comentários construtivos são diferentes de comentários de ódio.
    Obrigada por nos deixar esse álbum incrível antes de ir para o exército.
    Nos vemos em 2026
  96. Apr 18, 2023
    I will never feel bad about streaming 7 members’ releases plus bts whole discography now and then. I still have jitb and indigo in my daily rotation bc, guess what? I love those albums. Same with other releases and collaborations we got recently. I enjoy that music so I listen to it. Their music is my SAFE ZONE.
  97. Apr 18, 2023
    the criticism along with its position on the charts matches very well how this album was produced in the most professional and unique way possible! the vocals and creativity of j-hope and his team related to songs that are so different from each other and with such an important message do deserve more recognition and love, cause that's exactly what this album is about. love.the criticism along with its position on the charts matches very well how this album was produced in the most professional and unique way possible! the vocals and creativity of j-hope and his team related to songs that are so different from each other and with such an important message do deserve more recognition and love, cause that's exactly what this album is about. love. congratulations j-hope and his team for doing an amazing job and for having an unparalleled stage presence and performance! Expand
  98. Apr 18, 2023
    Jack in the box is not your ordinary album. You know that the songs were carefully chosen, even the order of arrangement is amazing. I love all of the songs. It is my playlist when I'm travelling or waiting for a friend in a date. Bought 5 digi albums and gifted to friends and they were all happy. Good job, j-hope!
  99. Apr 18, 2023
    The best album of all time.
    Thank you jhope for creating such a masterpiece

Universal acclaim - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 6
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 6
  3. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. 80
    Whether the music on Jack in the Box suits your taste or not, it’s hard to dismiss this album as an artistic statement rather than just chapter 1/7 of BTS proving they can also make money in ways beyond official group releases.
  2. Jul 22, 2022
    The artist born Jung Ho-seok delivers emotional depth and irresistible energy. Backed by rowdy production, his aggression, raspy delivery, and tongue-twisting bars take center stage, showcasing the rap-focused perspective that he brings to the BTS formula.
  3. Jul 15, 2022
    There’s an excellent three track run from “What if…,” an energetic song that samples Ol’ Dirty Bastard’s “Shimmy Shimmy Ya,” into mid-tempo standout “Safety Zone” before a touch of Hope World familiarity returns in the optimistic “Future.”