• Record Label: Priority
  • Release Date: Dec 8, 2009

Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. Snoop Dogg returns on the resurrected Priority label, and the savvy businessman and MC has his ears attuned to the charts with few surprises and only momentary bursts of inspiration.
  2. It's all listenable enough--just nothing you haven't heard him do better before.
  3. The Doggfather part 10. Ho Hum. What else is on?
  4. Snoop blends the old rap feel with the new style and adds some things to the mix along the way.
  5. Malice N Wonderland (anxiously awaiting the sequel, Through the Hook N Grass) is overcrowded and undercrunk compared to its uneven but exponentially more ambitious predecessor, "Ego Trippin."
  6. The album serves as a reminder of the flexibility and resilience that have allowed Snoop Dogg to remain an enduring figure in hip-hop.
  7. He’s stepped outside of his comfort zone of Long Beach City-inspired beats, and the result is his best offering in years.
  8. Snoop gets the credit he is due and deserves for coming back strong on Malice N Wonderland and managing not to lose his edge despite all his success. It won't go down as the most important album of his career, but it's not one that you should pass on either.
  9. But too often on this album Snoop is a fuddy-duddy, domesticated and palatable.
  10. These pop-centric cuts are, however, where Snoop seems most comfortable, if not most talented.
  11. Malice N Wonderland is not, by and large, very ambitious.
  12. I’m increasingly unsure what its audience is looking for, but being that this album seems to rely so heavily on great hooks and attractive beats to sell Snoop’s tired, been-there-done-that raps, I can’t imagine this being a truly satisfying release for most listeners.
  13. Mojo
    With six producers and 10 guest stars, Malice N Wonderland sees the ageing gangsta casting an eye over modern hip hop in all its forms, including Pronto's nod to the AutoTune phenomenon featuring the manipulated vocals of singing robot Soulja Boy. [Jan 2010, p. 90]
  14. Q Magazine
    The woozy G-funk of 2 Minute Warning and 1800's crunk rat-a-tat show his trademark drawl has lost none of its subtle menace, though too often it's left to guest cameos to supply the spark - rising R&B star Jazmine Sullivan brushing her host aside on soul-powered highlight Different Languages. [Jan 2010, p. 118]
  15. Uncut
    There's nothing here to rival "Drop It Like It's Hot", much less "gin N Juice", but the results are mostly harmless, even if that was never quite the point. [Jan 2010, p. 126]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 25 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 25
  2. Negative: 6 out of 25
  1. Apr 12, 2016
    snoop dogg' lyrics on here are horrendous. he seems to have no passion for music anymore. the production on here sounds atrocious. seems allsnoop dogg' lyrics on here are horrendous. he seems to have no passion for music anymore. the production on here sounds atrocious. seems all that weed smoking snoops been doing has gone to his head. snoops albums after the success of doggystyle haven't been received the same recognition as his first aside from paid da cost to be the boss. but then again you can only rap bout the same thing for so long before it becomes tiresome and boring. this album was a huge disappointment. Full Review »
  2. Feb 13, 2012
    Y Is snoop still rapping he's so bad not lyrical anymore. he needs to get a ghost writer like dr dre has for the past 6 years. snoop pleaseY Is snoop still rapping he's so bad not lyrical anymore. he needs to get a ghost writer like dr dre has for the past 6 years. snoop please stop rapping Full Review »
  3. AjayS.
    Dec 11, 2009
    I got money, I love sex, I can kick your butt! The same old crap you heard countless times before. He never had anything relevant to say in I got money, I love sex, I can kick your butt! The same old crap you heard countless times before. He never had anything relevant to say in his music career....which makes the overall music experience shallow! Some good tracks! Not as good as "The Blue Carpet Treatment". which aroused hope for his growth! pass! Full Review »