
Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
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  1. Jan 23, 2020
    On “Marigold,” Pinegrove is a more temperate band than it has been, and also a crisper and less complicated one, a musical direction it had already been moving in on its last album.
  2. Jan 23, 2020
    A 37-minute album that feels closer to feature-length.
  3. Jan 22, 2020
    There’s a danger throughout Marigold of looking too deeply into every lyric, and of searching for meaning in each song. Those who come to Pinegrove without knowing the backstory will find an album of pleasant alt-country that may not hit the heights of their back catalogue, but feels like a tentative step back to normality.
  4. Jan 22, 2020
    Pinegrove’s new album Marigold contains some of their signature warmth but lacks the luster that made their initial run of albums exceptional. Self-produced by Hall and Pinegrove multi-instrumentalist Sam Skinner, Marigold is endearingly rumpled, but the mood is more melancholy, more dreary.
  5. Jan 21, 2020
    Here the songs unfold with greater purpose, the verses and choruses more defined. It is both physically rousing and emotionally moving.
  6. 90
    This is undoubtedly Pinegrove’s best record yet, and isn’t without its learnings for those that decide to spend some time with it. The band, and Hall, manage to retain their contemplative and overtly confessional style, and deliver something intensely moving and beautifully constructed.
  7. Jan 17, 2020
    Marigold is an excellent portrayal of someone trying to get better, own up to his mistakes and move on in a healthy way for all parties involved. It’s more restrained and defenseless than ever before musically and lyrically as Hall asks both himself and the listener for forgiveness. If you’re so inclined to hear him out, there’s a lot to like here. And if you aren’t, then that’s OK too.
  8. Jan 16, 2020
    Marigold offers no major surprises or alterations in the band's sound, just quality songwriting and a rather remarkable consistency.
  9. 60
    It doesn’t sound like the work of a band who might inspire legions of fans (among them, apparently, Kristen Stewart) to get tattooed with their logo, but these world-weary yet radio-friendly ballads imply the band might achieve longevity after all. Three chords and the truth never gets old, and ‘Marigold’ vividly paints the knottiness of adulthood.
  10. Jan 16, 2020
    Hardcore fans will be happy the band have survived a crisis, but Marigold falters a bit under the weight of Hall’s relentless self-regard. Hopefully, he’ll be able to get out of his own way better next time.
  11. Jan 15, 2020
    His words are stirring without ever being hyper-specific, and can apply to any trying situation that he or the listener has experienced. There is a connection with him through his delivery, which maintains the modesty and gratitude of a person just genuinely trying to figure his way through life.
  12. Mojo
    Jan 14, 2020
    Rekindle the guileless spirit of mid-'90s alt rock in The Alarmist's twilit wistfulness; or Moment's surge of power-chord melancholy. [Feb 2020, p.96]
  13. Uncut
    Jan 14, 2020
    The mournful pedal steel, keening harmonies and thumping analogue rhythms that ornament the deeply introspective songs of Marigold transform what would be a slog of emo self-absorption in less nimble hands into a vibrantly empathetic experience. [Feb 2020, p.30]
  14. Rolling Stone
    Jan 14, 2020
    Like the Promise Ring gone country, and heartwarmingly so. [Jan 2020, p.84]
  15. Jan 14, 2020
    What is clear is that the album adds to Pinegrove's growing status as one of the most talented recording and touring bands in the land. Marigold brims with the promise that any sustained run of the band's current line-up will yield a multiplicity of their best moments.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 25 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 25
  2. Negative: 6 out of 25
  1. Jan 21, 2020
    There is a sincerity and warmth to Pinegrove that I find lovely and unique. Hall's lyrics have an unusual literariness that would beThere is a sincerity and warmth to Pinegrove that I find lovely and unique. Hall's lyrics have an unusual literariness that would be pretentious under someone less talented. Pinegrove has proved, to me at least, that they are a serious band and worth listening to. Full Review »
  2. Jan 17, 2020
    Evan Stephens Hall has an incredible way of making this album sound personal. Not as much in the sense of personal as in relatable, but likeEvan Stephens Hall has an incredible way of making this album sound personal. Not as much in the sense of personal as in relatable, but like he is singing directly to you, nearby. For you. It’s honest, poetic, layered, raw, a true piece of art. The whole album was produced very well and the entire band sounds great, including several guitar parts being very memorable. Full Review »
  3. May 30, 2020
    Debo decir que para mí es un álbum que lo tiene todo, simplemente saca lo que de verdad siento, me identifico tanto con este álbum esDebo decir que para mí es un álbum que lo tiene todo, simplemente saca lo que de verdad siento, me identifico tanto con este álbum es simplemente Rare. Full Review »