
Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
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  1. Feb 24, 2015
    Equally precise and off-kilter, noodly and urgent, Dutch Uncles sound remarkably confident on these portraits of uncertainty.
  2. Alternative Press
    Feb 2, 2015
    They've made an undeniably great record that hits the sweet spot between distinction and accessibility. [Mar 2015, p.93]
  3. Feb 20, 2015
    Since the LP’s 11 tracks always keep the listener at arm’s length, it’s best to treat them with the same indifference. Don’t be the reacher in this relationship.
  4. Feb 23, 2015
    Dutch Uncles’ most direct and user-friendly album yet.
  5. Feb 20, 2015
    What’s striking though is that a band known for a very particular sound can produce such individually distinct pop songs, with equal aplomb, while remaining within their self-defined parameters of 'the Dutch Uncles sound'.
  6. Feb 18, 2015
    A couple of flaws prevent O Shudder from surpassing Out Of Touch In The Wild.... But this is still an impressive album by a band who possess intelligence, originality and personality.
  7. Depending on your standpoint as regards selling out and cashing in, you'll either be baffled or delighted to discover that they've adjusted their modus operandi not one jot on the follow-up, O Shudder.
  8. Feb 27, 2015
    Though the busy, Reichian loops help decorate the retro palette, it's the sort of intricacy that can encase art-pop in bulletproof glass, demanding admiration without meeting us halfway. At its best, though, O Shudder's timeworn skill is to combat looming adversity with verve and rhythm, emptying the mind through the body.
  9. Apr 6, 2015
    O Shudder is another great Dutch Uncles album, and that should be more than enough.
  10. Q Magazine
    Jan 30, 2015
    The odd lapse into trying to show how clever they are aside, O Shudder is the step up Dutch Uncles needed. [Mar 2015, p.106]
  11. Feb 19, 2015
    O Shudder paints a portrait of a very modern man, and establishes them as masters at sculpting an atmosphere of unease.
  12. Mar 10, 2015
    Whilst the album sounds confident and assured, its lyrical themes are built around questions, without ever proposing answers.
  13. Uncut
    Jan 30, 2015
    "Drips" hovers between Hot Chip and late-period XTC, while the meticulous detail of "Babymaking" and "Don't Sit Back (Frankie Said)" recall lost studio gems like Rosie Vela's Walter Beck-helmed Zazu. [Mar 2015, p.75]
  14. Jan 30, 2015
    A playful, honest and passionate release. [Nov-Dec 2014, p.64]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 10 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. Feb 25, 2015
    This album is right on the border between hypnotic and boring. Although it's overall salvageable and sometimes interesting, it appears also aThis album is right on the border between hypnotic and boring. Although it's overall salvageable and sometimes interesting, it appears also a bit cheapish and remedied in several points. I usually enjoy indie albums, but this one definitely denotes a slight worsening if compared to the past works of the band. Full Review »