
Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 16
  2. Negative: 1 out of 16
  1. Alternative Press
    The tightly wound dance numbers are dancier ("Knights"); the slow sex jams are sexier ("White Mystery"); and new keyboardist Alex Rose gives the synths a much stronger role than ever before, both with brilliant countermelodies and sublime textures. [Sept 2007]
  2. Most songs keep well away from a standard verse-chorus structure, with lyric and instrumental passages stitched together like some indie rock Frankenstein, but Minus the Bear keeps the melodies potent and the emotion high enough to prevent Planet of Ice from drifting into impenetrable shoe-gazer territory.
  3. This album is both immediately gratifying and deceptively interesting.
  4. Planet Of Ice is an oddly sour letdown, a high-quality album that suffers only from the reception and perception of its forefathers.
  5. 72
    Ultimately, the only thing stopping Planet of Ice from being the band’s best work is that they seem to so desperately want it to be, lending a strange (and too serious) heavy-handedness that nearly buries these slow-to-mid-tempo burners.
  6. Planet Of Ice marks Minus The Bear at the top of their game.
  7. Planet of Ice is better than its predecessor, "Menos el Oso," but only slightly so.
  8. This is headphone indie rock, but with plenty of wondrous aural attractions to keep your wandering mind from straying too far.
  9. 70
    The band's latest is sublimely elegant and more maturely conceived.
  10. It is easily one the band’s best album and possibly the best album of the year.
  11. While not a huge sonic leap forward for Minus The Bear, Planet shows the band eager--and more than able--to take a deep breath and explore its emerging maturity and depth.
  12. Minus the Bear seemed more serious about their music than about its presentation.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 17 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 17
  2. Negative: 1 out of 17
  1. Nov 23, 2022
    In college I listened to this album frequently, often assisted by Cid or boomers. I keep coming back to it almost a decade later. It takes meIn college I listened to this album frequently, often assisted by Cid or boomers. I keep coming back to it almost a decade later. It takes me back to nights in dim dive bars, chasing women. Some of the songs panned by critics are some of my favorites, and the last three songs of the album (When We Escape, Double Vision Quest, and Lotus) are excellent. I love the three separate parts of Lotus. Full Review »
  2. May 3, 2017
    Great album from beginning to end - programming of the album is great for full listening. Many rhythmic and melodic phrases reoccurringGreat album from beginning to end - programming of the album is great for full listening. Many rhythmic and melodic phrases reoccurring throughout the album, which isn't redundant but actually very cool. Mixing of the album is very good, but I still suggest attempting a listening with the treble cranked up and another with the bass cranked - you'll find how the music is polyrhythmically conceived, and it's sweet! If you're a fan of the instrumental aspect of MTB, then you're likely to love this album. Full Review »
  3. ER.
    Nov 17, 2007
    Very good actually, flaw is the songs aren't arranged in proper order.