
Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 11
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 11
  3. Negative: 0 out of 11
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  1. Apr 4, 2022
    Their punk spirit is still there, but has been buried a little under the weight of heartfelt emotion, bolstered instrumentation and sugary harmonies – all of which work beautifully for these songs. Camp Cope have made an album for themselves, to bring some unity through honesty and self-expression. They can certainly be proud of that.
  2. Mar 29, 2022
    Running With the Hurricane is at its strongest when Camp Cope harness the swirling turmoil and ride it towards self-awareness.
  3. 80
    McDonald, Thompson, and Hellmrich seem more artistically and energetically in sync than ever, reveling in their opportunities and impressive talents.
  4. Mar 25, 2022
    Despite the triumphs on Running With the Hurricane, the band has a tendency to meander and linger on similar ideas over the span of several songs in a manner that feels unnecessarily repetitive. This lack of dynamism is most apparent in the record’s midsection. Yet the album’s high points reveal the full potential behind Camp Cope’s newly honed sound.
  5. Mar 25, 2022
    Camp Cope’s third album, Running with the Hurricane, trades that thundering punk for lighter fare. It’s brimming with just as much emotion, but the band this time focus more on personal triumphs and tribulations for inspiration, making their characteristically electrifying songs feel raw in a different way.
  6. Mar 24, 2022
    The overall downplaying of Camp Cope's more emo tendencies plays like a natural occurrence as they age into this satisfying new phase.
  7. Mar 23, 2022
    When they all come together, the results are truly special, and Running With the Hurricane offers enticing glimpses of a more settled band, one teeming with soft hope and resolute joy.
  8. Mar 23, 2022
    Distinct, crooning and softly beautiful, ‘Running With The Hurricane’ captures a snapshot of intimacy, thriving friendships and a profound understanding of the human condition.
  9. Mar 23, 2022
    There are a lot of simply beautiful songs here, but not unlike previous Camp Cope efforts, Running with the Hurricane is held back by sameness. ... Still, it's rewarding to see Camp Cope find the kind of personal and artistic growth that so many long for.
  10. Mar 23, 2022
    It’s music for the loveliest of golden summer evenings, but has a greater depth to it that reveals itself with more and more listens, as if it’s coming out of its own shell. And when it does, it’s nothing but wonderful.
  11. Mar 23, 2022
    Running With the Hurricane is the sound of a band who have hunkered down at home and found calm at their core. They might no longer be storming the patriarchy with this contemplative collection but Camp Cope has pitched their spot for a bright future, regardless.

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