
Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 9
  2. Negative: 2 out of 9
  1. Alternative Press
    'Slow Race' is an example of how, while moody, their soundscapes still rock and--unlike many of their pensive prog-oriented peers--feel more like songs than dissertations. [Mar 2008, p.140]
  2. The Big Sleep have also gotten better by huge leaps with each outing, delivering on the promise of their earlier songs without maturing too ambitiously.
  3. It's an invigorating ride (though we suspect Raymond Chandler would be thoroughly bemused).
  4. The only problem (and I don't even know if its a problem) is that every track registers as an epic of some sort, so much so that the album itself registers as a pleasurable, cathartic blur rather than a cohesive statement itself.
  5. Sleep Forever distinguishes The Big Sleep as a force in its own right, and it’s a testament to the band’s growth. That--as well as the tracks themselves--make Sleep Forever a pleasure to hear.

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