• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Jan 27, 2017

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
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  1. Apr 19, 2017
    The personality that emerges here is surprisingly gentle, with lots of slow jams about self-awareness, positive personal philosophies and respect for others. Musically, it would seem that Alicia Keys is a stronger personal role model than Rihanna. For all the swagger, then, Kehlani proves rather more sweet than savage.
  2. Feb 6, 2017
    The hour-long album is a bit excessive with some nondescript or merely passable second-half pop ballads, but it nonetheless makes good on all the promise of the mixtapes. It's destined to become a 2010s classic.
  3. Feb 6, 2017
    Kehlani’s decision to provide spoonfuls of candor throughout the album is why she’ll reach the apex of R&B sooner than a lot of her contemporaries.
  4. Feb 2, 2017
    A distinctly contemporary album that is in conversation with trendy, critically acclaimed R&B.
  5. Less interesting songs like ‘In My Feelings’ and ‘Hold Me By The Heart’ should probably have been chopped, but they don’t prevent her from making a great first impression.
  6. Jan 31, 2017
    Kehlani is most comfortable when she’s her most abrasive and cutting, challenging her counterparts as she glides over Pop & Oak manufactured beats.
  7. 67
    SweetSexySavage, because of its consistency, can be run through easily, especially in a car with the windows down and the bass up. Feminism, rebellion, and plain old badassery pour from Parrish’s lips, and her melodic sensibilities are sharp enough keep you engrossed.
  8. Jan 30, 2017
    SweetSexySavage, despite its gung-ho title, turns out to be a fine album, albeit a couple of songs too long.
  9. Jan 30, 2017
    Refreshingly, SweetSexySavage is at its best when it’s most exuberant, giddy in the face of haters and common sense alike.
  10. Jan 30, 2017
    SweetSexySavage puts her pop talent on display through occasional moments of brilliance. Despite its flaws and unevenness, it establishes her as a remarkable artist worth following.
  11. Jan 30, 2017
    In an engaging and accessible way, Kehlani uses her sharp pen game to detail her experiences navigating relationships and her career as best she can, despite her past impacting many facets of her future.
  12. Jan 30, 2017
    The singer’s debut album proper proves she has the tunes and personality to back up the notoriety.
  13. Jan 27, 2017
    The most striking moments on this refreshingly warm LP are the others, the ones where she conveys weakness, vulnerability and self-awareness.
  14. 80
    SweetSexySavage is a powerfully optimistic record, and while it glances back to a pop/R&B heyday, Parrish has crafted something entirely of her own, refined by a canny approach to lyricism and unbridled intimacy.
  15. 75
    She sometimes coasts on a singsong, nearly spoken flow that squanders the expressivity of her understated but resonant pipes. Yet haunting highlights like “Piece of Mind” and “Everything Is Yours” prove that beneath SSS’s padding, there’s a succinct, sassy, and sincere album waiting to be slimmed down to Kehlani’s own soul-searching essence.
  16. Jan 26, 2017
    There's a lot to unpack here, and as a result, SweetSexySavage feels a bit overstuffed at times; numbers like "Thank You" and "Hold Me By the Heart" are expressive in nature but aren't lasting. But by getting intensely personal, Kehlani adds a human side to the recordings that's multilayered and unapologetically self-determined.
  17. Jan 26, 2017
    Kehlani, without an ounce of wordplay, merely reels off the bland injustices and generic joys of her life over humdrum production.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 138 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 4 out of 138
  1. Jan 27, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click full review link to view. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Khelani. This is all I wanted my whole life... The start of the album is straight genius, a deep poem.. The second track comes in, which is quite forgetful, but then we move right into distraction which is an amazing track, and also 2nd single off this dope ass album. PIECE OF MIND is one of my favorite tracks on the album. I love the beginning of the song, I believe all of us humans can relate to this song. We all been thru it!!! Undercover awesome track as well, gives that Venice Beach girl feel- They don't wanna see it happen, but we say F it!! YAASSSSS!!! Come thru Khelani!!! Crzy, we already know what this track about it. I knew when I heard that track, I would have to purchase this album! Personal, another one of my faves, with the sample of Come over by aaliyah, to her flow- to this song putting me in the mind of Teyana Taylor. I just love everything about this song! Not used to it, great album track, definitely a Jhene aiko type feel. Everything is yours is a great RNB feel type song! The type of song all us RNB lovers been missing in this day in age of music! Advice- puts you in the mind of predecessor- The back grounds are simply amazing- I can hear brandy in there. Khelani been studying I see! Do U Dirty- Rauchy, Rachet, yeah all that!! Escape, great ballad- Khelani showcases her vocal ability on this song, and I would say Im impressed. She sounds great!! Too much- is definitely a song the late, great Aaliyah would have released. If you liked Aaliyah your going to love this track. Get Like, has that poppish feel- This song was probably written for Rihanna, and Khelani came, took that ish and ran with it. In my feelings- I LOOVEEE this track, great drop, great beat, great sample! She did her thing on this track. Sounds like something we would have heard in the late 90's early 2000's. Hold my heart- she slows it down. Her graspy voice over that guitar sounds absolutely amazing. Khelani continues to slow the album down with Thank you- Meaningful Track! I Wanna Be- Sounds like a Tanishe track- This song has a little more growing to do on me. She ends the album with Gansta- A cali girl anthem. When you think of a tatted up Gansta chick from Cali, you would think she would sing this song! Overall, I would this album is a MUST HAVE. This album is what us music head has been missing. She brought it back and gave us 90's and 2000's music lovers something to listen to and enjoy, all while mixing it with some modern music that the younger kids can enjoy. You can definitely tell she has studied our current music makers, and older music makers and mixed it all together, which is was the best idea. Not only did she mix the music, she executed it well. I always wondered why no one has done this. Khelani - Hand clap of praise for you girl!! To sum it up- A Mostly RNB album, with the sound of Rihanna with actual vocals, harmonies, and the sounds of brandy's backgrounds. With that folks, you have a musical masterpiece, a great album!! Full Review »
  2. Jan 27, 2017
    This album gives me life!! Each song has its own thing and its working! May be one of the best albuns in 2017. Give this girl the credit she deserves!
  3. Jan 29, 2017
    Solid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is talented!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is way better than a lot of these Popstars who are groomed for fameSolid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is talented!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is way better than a lot of these Popstars who are groomed for fame but possess very little talent. Full Review »