
Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. The In Crowd is a largely enjoyable record with very few missteps, but it's actually a little bit frustrating that they hint at Little Brother or Lupe Fiasco-esque levels of dopeness yet are content to hold the hand they've been dealt instead of drawing for a straight flush
  2. 70
    Full of playful swagger, the Kidz rarely let their emotional guard down.
  3. 80
    Don’t get it twisted, the Kidz have dumbed down--but they’ve smartened up just as much.
  4. 80
    While MC Naledge and producer Double-O’s impressive follow-up effort The In Crowd continues in a similarly versatile vein, the vibe this time feels less like a greenhorn B-boy coming-out party than it does a self-assured statement of purpose.
  5. With their frantic, rushed rhymes, and beats which are a bit too eager to please, the Kidz may be popular. But if they want to any cred they're going to have to learn to be themselves.
  6. The In Crowd is a definite improvement upon the last Kidz in the Hall album.
  7. The In Crowd is propelled mostly by a proliferation of 90s samples and retro arrangements - but he is inventive enough to breathe life into the nostalgia trip.
  8. On the mic end, MC Naledge has a comfortable flow reminiscent of a more polished Kanye, but his lyrics on The In Crowd are less than remarkable.

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